
时间:2024-06-10 14:29:09 桔子 浏览: 作文大全 我要投稿


Advantages / Disadvantages of Watching Television

Hope someone kind will read my essay and fix my grammatical errors.

Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human kind. It’s  also the indispensable device in our daily life. By watching TV , we can see many things happened in the surrounding us world , therefore it help us to catch and avoid being dropped back from the world of information. Everyone must agree that the advantages of watching TV are very considerable .But beside those benefits , there are some disadvantages that we must notice to be sure that we watch TV most effectively.

Beginning from the first one, I must say that television is one of the most important invention in transforming information history . From very long ago, people had already known how to transform information in many different ways but only when the first television programme  was broadcasted , a new age had begun , the age of image transformation. Television nowadays has been very popular, and almost every family have the access to it. By sitting ideally at home , watching TV , you can get a whole look all over the world. The appearance of television and television broadcasting enriches our entertainments . Many events and competition can be watched “live” and many exclusive movies are presented as well (although it’s a bit late in comparison with seeing those movies in the cinema) , but all are legal and you’re free to enjoy them. In addition, if you want to travel but do not have enough money, I suggest you can enjoy traveling in the TV (for example watching the discovery channel or national geography channel) , they’re screened 24/24.

Furthermore  , the television deserve considered as the unlimited source of information . There are a lot of scientific channel which is suitable for all ages. Those are the fastest and cheapest way to improve your knowledge. Today,  Television specializes into many channels , each channel satisfies the different audience’s view such as news , sport, and film . So that, we do not have to be a passive  viewer. By pressing several simple buttons , you can see your appropriate programme that fit your taste.

Everything contains good side and bad side and television has no exception . Wasting time  is one of  the inherent disadvantage of watching TV. Let’s imagine : if one day , one person spends  a hour watching TV without gaining any useful information , then in one year he will waste 365 hours and in 10 year is 3605 hours. With that time , you can learn several language as well as finish some studying course. On the other hand , television programme are not always suitable for all ages.Sometimes , there are some movies contain sexual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of  growing of children and teenagers and should not be watched ,even by some adults. It will be extremely dangerous if parents neglect their children to discover the TV programme themselves as they will immediately take influence of what they see .  To rectify this situation , parents must supervise their children ‘s TV watching throughout their childhood and adolescence period. In the aspect of health , spending hours watching TV is harmful to your eyesight . Why don’t play some sport and breathe the fresh air .When your eyes are tired , you ‘d better let them rest than continue to paste them in the screen.

In my summary, I have reached a conclusion that nowadays, television is indispensable Although it will be replaced by computer someday, but TV’s benefit to our life sill guarantee it as the most important device which people need , in order to be up-to-date.



看电视是件好事吗 Is Watching TV a Good Thing?

Is Watching TV a Good Thing?

Television has changed people's life much since it was invented. Now it has become one important part of modern life.

People enjoy themselves after hard work by watching TV. They can see some plays, some stories, some sports matches without going out of home, and without spending much money in buying tickets. TV programmes make people's life more interesting.

People learn much from TV, students can study by watching some educational programmes. People can see news, weather reports, programmes about science and computers. People all over the world can learn from each other and get knowledge when they are watching TV.

But not all the programmes are good enough. Today, there are too much programmes about love and crime. Some people become bad because they learn from the bad people in those programmes. And watching TV usually takes too much time. It's not good for people's work and study. It's not good for their eyes, either.

People all over the world are watching TV. Is watching TV a good thing or a bad one? I think it depends on people themselves. If one can choose good programmes and he doesn't spend too much time on TV, it can be a good thing for him.









I like watching TV. When I sit in front fo the TV set, life becomes wonderful and colorful. TV brings the outside closer to my home. The world becomes smaller than before because of TV.

Turn on the TV, and you will know what is going on in the other countries, how people live in places far away, and whether there is a good game somewhere. We can see a lot and learn a lot.

Of course, we can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV, we can learn better and easily. Why? Because we can hear and watch at the same time.





