
时间:2024-04-30 23:24:03 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿
1.The sense of other and the __________ for other are paramount
2.Talk is the __________ function of language we are discussion in Unit 7.
3.In Chinese culture, we make another important distinction of relationship,namely between __________ and out-group.
4.The sense of self is often associated with individualism, and the sense of other with __________.
5.The given-off information can be quite ambiguous,because the non-verbal signals are subject to __________ interpretations.
6.Bilingualism means the habitual use of _____ .
two languages
two slangs
two dialects
two speeches
7.When we are in a situation in which _______ to us, we are at a loss, not knowing how to respond.
everything is new
everything is familiar
everything is old
everything is convinent
8.Language helps establish ______ identity.
9._____ is a person who intentionally hears other people's talk without their awareness.
An eavesdropper
A listener
An eye dropper
A dropper
10.Our social interaction is not regulated by social norms.

11.It is through classroom talk that most of our education is carried out.

12.We are social animals, and we depend on one anotheer for collective survival.

13.A teacher should develope unequal partnership with his or her students in classroom talk.

14.Name five of the six maxims of politeness.
15.How do you think about the Principle of Mutuality?
16.According to the professor, is the role of the hearer simple or complex? Give an example to demonstrate it.

来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。

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