
时间:2024-04-30 23:18:11 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿
1.Excuse me, are you the ______ leader of the group from Canada?
2.—I’m sorry, sir. Would you like your egg sunny side up or _______? —Sunny side up please.
3.—May I take your _____? —I'd like the rocky mountain oyster.
4.Which park has the theme of Song Culture in China?
5.—May I have your ______ number? —Here it is. We have booked a double room with pool view.
6.Suzhou _____ in a sub-tropical zone with four distinctive seasons.
7.—Room service, may I help you? —Yes, this is Sam Mathew in room 1221. May I have a tuna sandwich ____ up to my room?
8.Sichuan cuisine is well-known in China and overseas for its __________ taste.
9.Tulou is a type of Chinese rural dwellings built by________, a branch of Han nationality in China.
10.—Do you have a ___________? —Yes, the name is Bill Stephen.
11.If you dine out with any regularity (规律), it’s likely you have an opinion on how restaurant service should be. Whether you feel service is of prime importance or not, we all have our gripes (牢骚). Recently, I had a particularly poor experience at a 2-Miche 内容来自www.ddzy8.com

What shall a server do if the reserved table is not ready when the customers arrive and they have to wait a long time? 内容来自www.ddzy8.com


What is the best time to refill the customer’s water or wine? 本文来www.ddzy8.com电大资源吧


Why shall the server not ask if someone is finished while others are still eating that course?

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When will the waiter / waitress bring the bill? copyright www.ddzy8.com


When serving in a restaurant, you should __________. 电大资源吧www.ddzy8.com

12.众所周知,中国菜因其诱人的色、形、香、味而誉满全球。译文:As is known to all, Chinese Cuisine enjoys an international reputation for a perfect combination of colour, flavor and taste.
13.Suzhou’s largest garden, Zhuozheng Yuan, the Humble Administrator’s Garden is also considered the city’s finest. It was established in the 16th century by a retired magistrate (地方官), Wang Xianchen (王献臣), and developed over the years as subsequent owners m
14.By the way, the dish here Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style (川味小炒) is too oily for me. 译文:顺便提一下,这里的川味蔬菜肉对我来说太油了。
15.上海西北靠近江苏省,西南和浙江省毗邻。译文:Shanghai is bordered by Jiangsu Province to the northwest and Zhejiang Province to the southwest.
16.The town has a history dating back more than 800 years and was once used to be confluence for trade along the old tea horse road. 译文:该镇的历史可以追溯到800年,那时是古时的茶马古道的贸易中心。
17.Would you care for some starter? We have many cold dishes as the starters. 译文:您想来点开胃菜吗?我们有很多的冷盘开胃菜。
18.很高兴认识你,约翰逊先生,我是你们的地陪,叫方冰。译文:Glad to meet you, Mr Johnson. I’m your tour leader Fang Bing.
19.您有预订号吗?译文:Do you have a booking number?
20.During the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao was a financial center of China. It is now renowned for its well-preserved ancient city wall, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 译文:清朝,平遥是中国的中心。该镇以其保存完好的古城墙而闻名,是联合国科教文组织认定的世界文化遗产地。
21.今晚在东坡剧院上演一出很精彩的绍兴越剧,名叫《白蛇传》,不知道你有没有兴趣去看。译文:There will be a wonderful Shaoxing Opera named“Legend of White Snake”in Dongpo Theatre this evening. I’m wondering whether you would be interested in it or not.
22.Hangzhou did not take its present name until 589 AD in Sui Dynasty, which means a land accessible only by boat. 译文:杭州直到隋朝公元589年的时候才取为现名,意思是“只有坐船才能到的陆地”。
23.You can leave your clothes in the laundry bag in your room, madam. Our maid will take care of them and will send it back to your room after it’s ready, madam. 译文: 夫人,您可以把要洗的衣服放在洗衣袋里。我们的客房人员会处理的,洗好后会直接给您送到房间里。
24.酒店所有房间都可以无线上网,并且免费。译文:Wireless Internet is used in all the hotel rooms, and it’s free.
25.这条江以壮观的潮水著称。译文:The river is noted for its spectacular tidal bore.
26.The Grand Canal, which eventually linked Hangzhou to Beijing, was noted as one of the world’s longest artificial waterways, forming one of the country’s most important economic arteries. 译文:最终连接杭州和北京的大运河,中国一条最重要的经济大动脉,是世界上最长的人工河道之一,名闻遐迩。
27.The amazing northern latitude at about 30° runs through some world wonders such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, ancient Maya, Himalaya Mountains, the rivers like the Nile, the Mississippi River, the Changjiang River or Yangtse River in China, etc. 译文:神奇的3
28.龙门有2100多座洞窟,拥有10万多尊塑像。译文:There are more than 2,100 grottoes at Longmen with more than 100,000 statues。
29.您想先来点什么?译文:What would you like to begin with?
30.“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”译文:Above is paradise, and below are Suzhou and Hangzhou.
31.我重复一下好吗?您想要鸡肉面条,西兰花和酸辣汤, 对吗?译文:May I repeat your order now? You would like to take chicken noodles, cauliflower, hot and sour soup, is that right?

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