
时间:2024-04-30 23:18:11 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿
1.The dish is named __________ revered Song Dynasty poet, artist and calligrapher Su Dongpo.
2.How many people do you have? A table _____ ten?
3.Longjing Green Tea was not only chosen as a _______ to the imperial rulers but also exported overseas.
4.So _________ pleasant and harmonious colours is one of the main principles when __________ Chinese food.
5.We have various _______, such as beans, peas, cabbage, eggplant and cauliflower. Which one do you prefer?
6.Do you know how the name of our city ________ into being?
7.For most people, it’s __________ of the experience in their life.
8.Which of the following ancient towns is or are on the list of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage?
9.Excuse me, can I _______ the Internet in my room?
10.—I really appreciate your help. —______________.
11.In addition to tracking (追踪) complaints, it is of course also important to train your staff on the tools they need to properly handle complaints. Here are some tips on handling complaints for your next meeting: ? Listen without interrupting. When guests a ddzy8.com

When a guest has a complaint, as a staff member, how will you try to listen? 内容来自www.ddzy8.com


According to the author, how will you show your attentiveness when listening to the guest’s complaint? ddzy8.com


When answering the phone, what are the “verbal nods” like? ddzy8.com


The service staff should be very careful about the unvoiced guest complaints_____. 内容来自www.ddzy8.com


According to the author, the guests _________ if their problems are not solved. 内容来自www.ddzy8.com

12.我代表浙江中国旅行社,向你们表示热烈的欢迎。译文:For Zhejiang China Travel Service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.
13.If the odor cannot be removed, you can surely have another room after we check with the receptionist, madam. 译文:夫人,如果气味除不掉,我们跟前台核实后可以让您换另外一个房间。
14.A monk named Lezun (or Yuezun,乐尊) happened to vision thousands of Buddhas bathed in golden rays at the site in 366 AD. Then inspired, he began to build the first cave in this area. 译文:公元366年,僧人乐尊路经此山,忽见金光闪耀,如现万佛,于是便在岩壁上开凿了第一个洞窟。
15.今晚你们将观看由中国著名的导演张艺谋编导的大型表演《印象西湖》。希望你们到时会喜欢。 译文:You are to watch the grand show “Impression of West Lake”directing by Zhang Yimou, a famous director in China this evening. Hope you will have great fun then.
16.斯密斯先生,您想用现金还是信用卡支付?译文:Are you going to pay in cash or by credit card,Mr Smith?
17.Hangzhou has been regarded as one of China’s six ancient capitals, for it served as the capital of both Wuyue Kingdom in the 10th century and the Southern Song Dynasty in the 12th and 13th centuries. 译文:杭州一直被认为是中国六大古都之一,因为它曾经分别是公元10世纪吴越国和12至13世纪南宋的都城。
18.The most famous view of the garden, the“borrowed view” of Beisi Ta (北寺塔), the Northern Pagoda reflected in the water, is visible from here. 译文:这就是园内最著名的景观,北寺塔在水中的倒影。
19.这座城市的总面积为3.5万平方公里。译文:The city has a floor area of 35,000 square kilometers.
20.您的房间在10楼,这是您的房卡。电梯就在左边。译文:Your room is on the 10th floor, and here is your key card. The elevator is just over there on the left.
21.The two bridges almost join at a right angle with about 10 meters apart together at one end. Either of the two bridges can be seen through the arch of the other, so the place here is called“Bridge within a Bridge.”译文:两座桥几乎相连得很好,两者在一端相距约10米。人们可以通过一座桥的拱门看见另
22.Here are the Chinese dates, compliments of the chef. 译文:这是中国的枣子,是厨师特别推荐的。
23.请问,您是来自纽约环球旅行社的斯密斯先生吗?译文:Excuse me, are you Mr Smith from the New York Global Travel Agency?
24.Huaiyang dishes have light flavours, retaining the original tastes of ingredients, and are very healthy and organic. 译文:淮洋菜口味清淡,健康自然。
25.对不起,目前没有空位。译文:I’m sorry to say that we haven’t got any vacant seat at the moment.
26.I’m sorry, since it has been served according to your order, I’m afraid we cannot replace it with Mapo Tofu for you, unless you agree to bear the extra expense. 译文:对不起,既然这是按照您点的菜上的,恐怕我们不能为您把那个菜换成麻婆豆腐,除非您愿意另外付费。
27.In a word, the Mogao Grottoes constitute an anthology of Buddhist art with paintings and sculptures spanning a period of a thousand years. 译文:总之,莫高窟是集绘画和雕塑于一体的佛教艺术宝库。
28.Xi’an is the center of Shaanxi Province in politics, economy, culture and information. 译文:西安是陕西省的政治、经济、文化和信息中心。
29.有条河纵横交错的河道贯穿把整个小镇,使其主要分成四个不同方向的区域。译文:The whole town is crisscrossed by the network of rivers and is mainly divided into four sectors in four directions.
30.Its recorded history can be traced back 3000 years. 译文:其有记载的历史可以追溯到3000年。
31.您希望牛排怎么烧,嫩一点, 不老不嫩, 还是老一点? 译文:How do you like your steak cooked, rare, medium or old?

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