
时间:2024-04-30 23:18:11 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿
1.The history of Christmas _______ back over 4000 years.
2.Your luggage will be ______ to your rooms soon.
3.It’s 9:30 am Beijing standard time. Please_____ the time.
4.What’s ________ the schedule for tomorrow?
5.—How long will you be staying? —I’ll be _______ on Saturday.
6.I’d like to give you a ______ introduction to our city.
7.On New Year’s Eve after the dinner, the whole family will sit together, __________.
8.How I wish I __________ the chance to taste all these delicious dishes.
9.Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day __________ the Han people, __________ they may have different customs.
10.Tang Paradise Lotus Park is located in __________.
11.Traditional Chinese festivals are always associated with some particular food. In fact, the food plays an important role in celebrating the festival, without which the celebration may not be as perfect as it is. ? Spring Festival Food Spring Festival is r 电大资源吧www.ddzy8.com

Qingming Festival is a time ___________. 电大资源吧www.ddzy8.com


People all over China __________about the food they eat at Spring Festival. 内容来自www.ddzy8.com


Zongzi is _______with various fillings wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to commemorate Quyuan, a famous poet over 2000 years ago copyright www.ddzy8.com


_________________are two festivities for the Duanwu Festival. copyright www.ddzy8.com

copyright www.ddzy8.com

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people dating back__________. ddzy8.com

12.请在休息室等大约5分钟好吗? 译文:Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?
13.I’m afraid the stewed chicken you have ordered really needs quite a while to prepare. Here’s our complimentary tea. 译文:您点的炖鸡恐怕真的需要一点时间准备。这是我们赠送的茶。
14.宋城打出了一个非常独特的宣传口号:“给我一天,还你千年”。译文:Song Dynasty Town offers a very unique slogan as“Give us one day, we’ll give you one thousand years.”
15.You’ve booked one superior double room with pool view and one standard twin room for two nights and will check out this Thursday, May 23, is that right? 译文:您已预订了一间带游泳池景观的高级双人房和一间标准双床房,两个晚上。你们本周四5月23日离店,对吗?
16.自助早餐时间是从7:00 到9:30,餐厅在三楼。译文:Breakfast buffet is serving from 7:00 am to 9:30 am on the third floor.
17.这间房很大,可以俯瞰整个城市。译文:It’s a large room with a bird’s view about the city.
18.大家普遍认为,不到楼外楼就不可能真正品尝到美味可口的杭帮菜。译文:It’s believed that you would never really taste the delicious Hangzhou cuisine unless you visit Louwailou.
19.It’s 14:20 Beijing standard time. Please reset your watch. 译文:现在是北京时间14:20,请调整时间。
20.We also offer luxurious Western meals in Hemingway Steakhouse and some traditional Cantonese and Sichuan food in Huating (华亭) Chinese restaurant. 译文:我们还在海明威牛排馆提供丰盛的西餐,在华亭中餐馆提供传统广东和川菜。
21.We have various salad dressings, such as French, Italian,and Thousand Island. Which one do you prefer? 译文:我们有各种沙拉调料汁,比如法式、意大利式和千岛汁。您想要哪一种?
22.You've booked a double room for two nights. And you are going to check out on Sunday, April 10, aren’t you? 您预订了一间双人房,两晚。您要在周六4月10日离店,对吗?
23.In old times in many places in China, it was customary for the only daughter of a rich family to choose Mr Right by casting downstairs from her own house an embroidered ball to the right person among all the wooers. 译文:旧社会,在中国南方,大户人家挑对先生时,是让女儿从自家楼上把绣球抛给众多
24.对不起,让你们就等了,先生和夫人。现在,你们的桌子已准备好了。 译文:I’m sorry to keep you wait, sir and madam. Now, your table is ready.
25.自从2011年,杭州西湖文化景观已经正式被列入世界文化遗产名录。译文:The West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou, has been included on the list of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage Sites in 2011.
26.顺便提一下,您的果仁燕麦片中的牛奶要热的还是冷的?译文:By the way, what kind of milk would you like to eat with the muesli, hot or cold?
27.What is worth mentioning here is that Chinese medicinal cuisine is unique in China and has a long history. 译文:值得一提的是,中国药物是独一无二的,在中国有着悠久的历史。
28.楼外楼是一家具有160年历史的老店,建于1848年。译文:Louwailou, a century-old restaurant with more than a history of 160 years, was founded in 1848.
29.We have very nice assorted vegetables,such as asparagus with minced onion, green beans with ham, braised bamboo shoots, etc. 译文:我们有很多不错的蔬菜,像蒜泥春蒿,火腿刀豆和油闷笋等。
30.让人惊叹不已的不仅仅是中国菜的口味,更是它的审美价值。译文:It is not only the taste of Chinese cuisine that makes you amazed but also its beautiful value.
31.杭州是著名的丝绸之府,茶叶之乡。译文:Hangzhou has been well-known as “the home of rice and fish.”

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