
时间:2024-04-30 23:18:10 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿
1.—What would you like to ______, orange or apple juice?
2.—May I have a _____ call for 6:30 am tomorrow? —Certainly, sir. What's your room number?
3.Which of the following ancient towns once served as a trade confluence on the old tea horse road?
4.Would you please allow me to ________ myself?
5.It was supposed to serve as a __________ for the Empress Dowager Cixi in Qing Dynasty
6.How many bridges were there in Wuzhen?
7.______behalf of Zhejiang Strait International Travel Service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.
8.Here is the _____. Are you ready to order?
9.—Thank you. That's very kind of you. —_________. What else can we do for you, madam?
10.If you have any problems, please _______to let us know.
11.Hi, everyone, we are now on the way to the Mogao Grottoes or Caves which are famous for numerous delicate statues (雕/塑像) and colorful murals (壁画). These caves are located within the cliffs of the Mingsha Hill (Singing Sand Hill,鸣沙山) 25 kilometers southeas ddzy8.com

___________initially served as a strategic point along the Silk Road,an important gateway to the West. ddzy8.com


Donghuang Grottoes was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in ______. ddzy8.com


Earlier works in Mogao Grottoes are much influenced by ________.



At first, hermit monks went to the caves in Mogao to _________. 内容来自www.ddzy8.com

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_________embody the singer in the court of gods, and the celestial musician, in Indian mythology. 电大资源吧www.ddzy8.com

12.Red represents loyalty and righteousness;white suggests a crafty and suspicious character; black shows a serious and taciturn disposition, including strength and roughness; green indicates a brave and irascible nature; blue means uprightness and unyieldin
13.您想单点还是点套餐? 译文:Would you like single or a set meal?
14.The amazing northern latitude at about 30° runs through some world wonders such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, ancient Maya, Himalaya Mountains, the rivers like the Nile, the Mississippi River, the Changjiang River or Yangtse River in China, etc. 译文:神奇的3
15.今天早上,我们将坐船游湖,时间为两个小时。译文:We will take a two-hour river cruise this morning.
16.这里有10张护照,包括您的,还有你们房间的房卡。译文:Here are the 10 passports including your and the key cards to your rooms.
17.我代表浙江中国旅行社,向你们表示热烈的欢迎。译文:For Zhejiang China Travel Service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.
18.色泽艳丽的食物通常能使人们的食欲大增。译文:Food with diversified colours can usually greatly arouse people’s appetite.
19.正如孔子所说“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,我们将竭诚使你们在这里的旅行愉快,难以忘怀。译文:As Confucius once said, “Isn’t it delightful to have friends coming from afar?” we will try our best to make your trip here pleasant and memorable.
20.The Grand Canal, which eventually linked Hangzhou to Beijing, was noted as one of the world’s longest artificial waterways, forming one of the country’s most important economic arteries. 译文:最终连接杭州和北京的大运河,中国一条最重要的经济大动脉,是世界上最长的人工河道之一,名闻遐迩。
21.Only a child under 10 is free. I'm sorry, Mrs Simpson, you have to pay 80 yuan for the extra bed. 译文:只有10岁以下的孩子才能免费。对不起,辛普森太太,您得付加床费80元。
22.The Five Caves created by Tan Yao (昙曜), with their strict unity of layout and design, constitute a classical masterpiece of the first peak of Chinese Buddhist art. 译文:昙曜五窟,是中国佛教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。
23.Rich in relics and natural resources, the city has a long history. 译文:这座城市历史悠久,自然资源丰富,文物古迹众多。
24.With the three characteristics of diversified colours, aromatic flavour, and excellent taste, Chinese cuisine is not only tasty but also a work of art for people to appreciate. 译文:中国菜因其色香味俱全的特点,不仅美味可口,而且是件赏心悦目的艺术品。
25.著名的白堤和苏堤把西湖分成五个部分,外湖最大,有三个人工小岛。译文:West Lake is divided into five sections with the Outer Lake being the largest by two renowned causeways—Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, together with three fake islets.
26.How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card? 译文:您准备怎么付帐,现金或信用卡?
27.I’d like a glass of guava juice, one omelette and one bowl of muesli, please. 译文:我想要一杯番石榴汁、一份煎蛋饼和一碗牛奶什锦果仁。
28.“天下西湖三十六,此中最美是杭州。”译文:“Of the thirty-six West Lakes east or west, the West lake in Hangzhou is the best. ”
29.这个古镇出了很多名人。例如,中国一位著名的现代作家茅盾就出生在这儿。译文:This ancient town is home to many celebrities. For example, it’s the birthplace of Mao Dun, a renowned modern writer in China.
30.这条江以壮观的潮水著称。译文:The river is noted for its spectacular tidal bore.
31.Sichuan dishes are known as a hundred dishes with a hundred tastes, earning the reputation of“food in China, taste in Sichuan.”译文:众所周知,一百道川菜就有一百个口味,川菜因此享有“食在中国,味在四川”的美誉。

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