1.For the 8086, the amount of information which transfers to or from memory at one time is always ( ).
2.In the second generation of computers, ( ) replaced vacuum tubes.
3.( ) provides a data path between the CPU and external devices.
4.Memory holds data and instructions while they are ( ) by the CPU.
5.The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the ( ). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.
6.A stack protocol can be used for ( ).
7.( ):Development is a structured design methodology that proceeds in a sequence from one phase to the next
8.The maximum number of data that can be expressed by 8 bits is ( ) .
9.Instructions are frequently located in ( ), this would be an ideal place to keep constant operands.
10.If your diskette has been ( ), the computer cannot store any new information on it.
11.The computer system hardware is composed of ( ).
12.The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might be a ( ) . The jobs are serviced in the order of their arrival, that is, the first in is the first out.
13.( ) controls the operation of the computer and performs it's data processing functions.
14.The personal computer or ( )is the smallest general-purpose computer.
15.Input and output devices refer to ( ).
16.Primary memory which is stored on chips located ( ).
17.Since RAM is only active when the computer is on, your computer uses disk to store information even when the computer is off. Which of the following is true? ( )
18.The heart of a computer system is ( ).
19.The default input device is ( ), and the default output device is ( ).
20.A floating constant consists of an integer part, a decimal point, a fraction part, an e or E, and an optionally signed integer ( ) .
1.A character is a single ( ),( ) or ( ).
2.8086 CPU executes a instruction includes the steps:( )
3.A processor is composed of ( ).
4.A selection structure begins with the IF …THEN statement, and terminates with the ( ) statement. In the middle of the structure is ( ).
5.FORTRAN distinguishes between two types fo numeric data:( ) and ( ).
6.The 8086 has four sets of registers. They are general registers, ( ),( )and ( ).