
时间:2024-04-30 20:50:33 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿


People's century
  My name is Terry and I am a middle-aged man from Newcastle. I remember how television has changed over the last fifty years and perhaps 1 , how television has changed our lives.
  The one thing I remember really clearly from my childhood, is watching the coronation(加冕典礼) of the Queen of England on television in 1952. My family did not have a television at that time because they were so expensive. In fact, 2 in our street had one, so everyone got together to watch the television in the local working men's club. It was quite difficult to see because the television 3 was so small and the picture was in black and white. Even though I can remember the day very clearly, I remember that the picture was not very clear at all! It was also difficult to hear because the speakers were small and not very powerful. Everyone was cheering for the Queen while we were watching. I remember how 4 we were—you must remember that this was an amazing thing for us, to be able to see the Queen even though she was hundreds of miles away in London.
  In 5 , I watched the Queen's golden jubilee on my colour television. A golden jubilee celebrates someone being a king or queen for fifty years. It was wonderful to see all the flags, horses and soldiers in their colourful uniforms. My television is really big and the sound quality is great. It has surround sound. It 6 that I can hear sounds of the TV programme coming from all directions while I'm watching television. Everyone in my family has a television. We have a small television in the kitchen, 7 ones in all the bedrooms and a super-size one in the living room. How things have changed!


【分析】1. more importantly 更重要的是;for the time being 暂时;from side to side 从一边到另一边;having no choice 别无选择。我记得过去50年里电视发生了怎样的变化,或者更重要的是,电视怎样改变了我们的生活。
\n2. 由后句可知,我们街上没有人有电视。no one 没有人。
\n3. 当时很难看见,因为电视屏幕太小了,图像也是黑白的。screen 屏,银幕。
\n4. 由后面this was an amazing thing for us可知,“我们”的心情应该是激动的。excited 激动的。
\n5. 1952年女王加冕,那么庆祝女王加冕五十周年纪念应该是在2002年。
\n6. 这意味着当我看电视时,可以从各个方向听到电视节目的声音。mean 意味着。
\n7. 厨房里有一台小电视,所有卧室都有一台大一点的,客厅有一台特大号的。bigger 更大的。

来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。


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