
时间:2024-04-30 20:39:35 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿


Strange Messages  Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, may have received a message about his own death in dream.
  One night in 1865, he had a strange dream. He dreamed he was inside the White House. A group of people were standing around a coffin (box in which a dead person lies) in the East Room of the White House. Many of them were crying.“Who is dead?” he asked. “The president,” someone answered.“He was killed by a murderer.” A few days after this, on April 14th, Lincoln was shot and killed while he was watching a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.
  In 1956, a young Swedish sailor on a ship at sea became bored. He wrote a message and put it in a bottle. The message gave his name and address and asked any pretty girl who found it to write to him. Two years later, an Italian fisherman found the bottle and showed the message to his daughter. Just for a joke, she wrote to the sailor. He replied, and soon they started writing to each other regularly. Then they decided to meet. Shortly after their first meeting, the sailor and the fisherman's daughter got married.
Abraham Lincoln had ________ before he was shot.
Abraham Lincoln was killed ________.
The title for the first story will be ________.
The sailor wrote the message because he ________.
The title of the second story will be ________.


【分析】1. One night in 1865, he had a strange dream. 根据此句可知林肯在被杀前做了一个奇怪的梦。
2. Lincoln was shot and killed while he was watching a play at Ford's Theater in Washington,D.C.从此句可知林肯在剧院被杀。
3. 第一个故事讲的是林肯在被杀之前似乎收到了一个奇怪的信息。
4. In 1956, a young Swedish sailor on a ship at sea became bored(厌烦). He wrote a message and put it in a bottle. 从此句可知水手是因为无事可做,很厌烦才写的这个条子。
5. 根据第二个故事的内容,最适合的题目应该A Message in the Bottle。

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