What are you going to do the weekend,怎么写五句话?

时间:2024-04-30 14:08:17 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿


What are you going to do the weekend,怎么写五句?


?I love weekend! Because I have some scheduled things I'd like to do.

First of all,I should finish my homework, and do some additional exercises and prereview those contents which are to be teached next week. I complete these on Saturday and Sunday morning.?

Saturday afternoon, I'm going to play football with my friends in public sports area. In the evening of Saturday, I have to wash my belongings like clothes, sports shoes and bed sheets, etc. by myself, and I'm proud of doing these stuff as it relieves my Mom from heavy house working.?

Sunday afternoon, I'm going to my Grandparents'home to see them and talk with them. I play Weiqi with Grandpa and Grandma sits aside watching us. Then we do some preparation for dinner, and Grandma will cook a great meal for family. In evening, after we enjoy the meal, we chat with eath other and get a lot of fun.

All these are more meaningful to me. I love weekend!

? ?

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