
时间:2024-04-30 14:08:17 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿




Grandma used to tell me about their childhood story, told me to cherish the present time, but every time I was in the clouds. Today, I am going to taste what grandma said, "bitter", that is what kind of "taste"?

? Grandma said that in her childhood home was very poor, always do not have enough to eat every day to go to the mountains to dig potherb, home with boiled cooked when food to eat, sometimes mistakenly eats the poisonous wild vegetables, will be whole body swelling, stomach ache, but because his family had no money to pay the doctor, had to endure, do not know how many children lost their lives because of this. Grandma said she is alive because of life. When she was six or seven years old, she had never eaten an egg. Eleven years old to go to school, because there are many younger sister home, from time to time to "cut" to coax them. No birthday that said, even if the parents give their children, but also to eat a few Tianzao, good family to cook an egg, not even a candy bar, not to mention the cake.

? Time flies, now grandma's grandson is 10 years old. A lot of the wrinkles on her face, hair has almost become a gray hair. But she was a lot of desire in me has become a reality, we eat every day is rice, wheat flour, get up every day will have an egg and a cup of milk in front of me, in school, we have spacious classrooms, we have beautiful clothes, our birthday when there is always big cake, eat a person couldn't eat...

? Compared to the grandmother's past, we are not very happy! My grandmother always said "take it forgranted", now I finally understand this sentence. Our present life is the grandmother that generation of yearning, we should have a good value, and strive to learn, not to live up to the good times we have.

? ?

来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。


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