
时间:2024-04-30 13:18:26 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿


  One morning it took me an hour to watch a small ant carry a huge feather(羽毛) across my back hall. Several times it met objects on its way and after a short time it would go around them.
  At one point the ant had to deal ①____ a crack(裂缝) about 10mm wide. After a short time of thought, the ant put the feather over the crack, ②____ it and picked it up on the other side, then continued on its way.
  I was attracted by the cleverness of this ant, one of God's smallest creatures. It was an example of the wonder of creation. Here was an insect, tiny, yet given a brain to think, discover and beat difficulties. But this ant, just like people, also shares human weaknesses(弱点).
  After some time the ant finally reached its home—a flower bed at the end of the hall and a small hole that was the entrance to its underground home. And it was here that the ant finally faced the problem. How could that large feather be possibly pulled into the small hole?
  Of course it couldn't. So the ant, after all this trouble and using much creativity, beating difficulties all along the way, just left the feather behind and went home.
  The ant had not thought the problem through before it began its brave journey and in the end the feather was nothing more than a heavy weight.
  Isn't our life like that?
1.①____ ②____
3. (A) At the entrance to the ant's home it found the feather was too ____for the small hole.
  (B) According to the writer's opinion, the small ant is clever, brave and ____, but also has its own weaknesses.
4. Did the writer show a great interest in the ant at first?
5. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
Before we do anything, we should ____.


【分析】1. deal with“处理,对付”,固定搭配。第二空由put the feather over the crack和picked it up on the other side可知,蚂蚁把羽毛横放在裂缝处,从上面穿过裂缝,然后在另一边捡起羽毛,故填cross“横跨,横渡”,文章通篇用的一般过去时,cross要填过去式crossed。\n2. ant 蚂蚁,just like... 正如……,share 共享,human 人(类)的,weakness 弱点。但是这只蚂蚁正如人一样,也有人类那样的弱点。\n3. 由第四段最后一句How could that large feather be possibly pulled into the small hole?可知,蚂蚁的家只是一个小洞,羽毛对这么小的洞来说,太大了。\n4. 由第五段第二句...and using much creativity...可知填creative“富有创造力的”。 \n5. 由文章第一句...it took me an hour to watch a small ant...可知,作者一开始就对这只蚂蚁很感兴趣,故用肯定回答。\n6. 文章倒数第二段对蚂蚁的行为作出评价:蚂蚁在搬运羽毛回家前,没有仔细考虑,结果羽毛太大搬不进家中,最终只能扔在门外变成废弃物。通过这件事,作者告诉我们在做任何事之前,应先仔细考虑。

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