
时间:2024-04-30 11:42:56 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿
Step 1: Listen for main ideas.
1) Washing your hands reduces the spread of viruses and other organisms that cause disease.
2) Many Americans fail to wash their hands after using public toilets.

Step 2:
1. 1) a 2) b, c, d. 3) e
2. 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) B

Step 3

TASK 2 课内练习
Step 1:
1. It is mainly about a message for help sent by a Dutch cargo ship.
2. ...by deciphering which ship had sent the message and where it was.
3. The found all the ship's officers dead in the chartroom.

Step 2:.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

TASK 2 在线练习 (略)
Step 1:
ancestor: 祖先
veteran: 老手,老队员,富有经验的人

Step 2:
1. F Clues: ... a new biological weapon...
2. F Clues: ... the last major invasion was in 1980s.
3. F Clues: It is costly.
4. F Clues: ...Africa should be prepared for another attack by the insects.
Step 3
TASK 2 课内练习
1) F Clue: ...some 1,500 km away from Beijing.
2) F Clue: ...At that time, almost no girls had ever heard of the sport.
3) T Clue: She soon jumped to fame in 1997 at the Asian Championships by breaking three world records, winning two gold medals.
4) F Clue: With the women's 53kg category Olympic gold medal finally draped around her neck...
5) F Clue: People she wanted to thank most were her coaches.
TASK 2 在线练习 (略)

Step 1: (略)
Step 2: (略)
Step 3:
1. (略)
2. (略)
3. No.
4. Yes.
5. (略)
6. (不用回答)
7. comparison: Group 1
contrast: Group 2
8. WHO: World Health Organization世界卫生组织;
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局
EU: European Union 欧盟
UN: United Nations 联合国
UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 联合国儿童基金会
UFO: an unidentified flying object 不明飞行物
TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福考试
9. (略)
10. Yes.

TASK 2 课内练习 (略)
TASK 2 在线练习 (略)

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