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共12单元,每个单元的第一课是该单元的重点阅读课,第二课和第三课是本单元的基本对话训练课,Your Turn 和 On Your Own 是让大家自己动口练习听说和动手进行写作训练的两课。第三册在强调听说技能的同时,加强了阅读和写作方面的训练。

Unit One学习目标:

How to talk about a decision 如何谈论做决定

How to tell a story or talk about a past experience 如何讲述故事或谈论过去的经历

How to emphasize sth 如何强调某事

How to give a reaction to sth 如何对某事做出反应

Learn to write some short stories 学习故事写作








Lesson 1, Arctic Adventures  


This is a story about Susan Butcher, a very brave adventurer, and her adventures in the Arctic land with her sled dogs. Together they managed to win the Iditarod Sled Dog Race four times. And of course, they have experienced some life threatening moments.

课文着重描述了Susan Butcher和她的雪橇狗儿们在Iditarod比赛中的两次历险经历。首尾两个自然段遥相呼应,突出Susan Butcher不畏艰难困苦不屈不挠赢得四次比赛的拼搏精神。

课文可分四段:第一自然段为第一段,点出Susan Butcher 四次赢得Iditarod雪橇比赛,并多次战胜死亡的威胁。

第二~八自然段为第二段,介绍了Susan 和她的雪橇狗跟一头母驼鹿拼死搏斗的危险经历。

第九~十一自然段为第三段,介绍了Susan 和她的雪橇狗从刺骨的寒冰中摆脱困境获得重生的另外一次危险经历。

第十二(最后一个)自然段为第四段,重申了Susan Butcher和她的雪橇狗儿们克服重重困难、摆脱生命危险赢得了四次Iditarod雪橇比赛的感人经历。

Focus questions:

1. Why did Butcher stop her sled team in one black night during the race?

2. How long has Susan been working with her team?

3. What weapon did Susan look for first when the moose began to injure the dogs?

4. What kind of complex feeling did Susan have while she was fighting the moose?

5. How many of Susan’s dogs were injured altogether?

6. How many times have Susan won the Iditarod Sled Dog Race?

Language points in the reading text:

文章第一自然段,即第一段,点出了Susan Butcher 四次赢得Iditarod雪橇比赛,并多次战胜死亡的威胁。

Not only have Susan Butcher and her sled dogs won the Iditarod Sled Dog Race on four occasions, but they’ve also beaten death. 前半句是倒装语序。Not only… but also… 不仅……而且…… On four occasions = four times, 四次。Beat, 打击,击败。…beaten death = fought against and defeated death.

第二自然段开始叙述Susan 和她的雪橇狗跟一头母驼鹿拼死搏斗的危险经历。

Susan Butcher called her sled team to a quick halt in the black of night about 150 miles out of Anchorage. Call … to a halt, stop. 停止,停下,(让)停下来。When they had almost reached the robbers’ camp, the officer called the police patrol to a halt. In the black of night = in the middle of the night.

A cow moose stood blocking the trail ahead. cow moose 即 female moose. 此处,cow 是性别标记。类似的用法还有 bull 这个词。例如:bull moose, 雄驼鹿;bull elephant, 雄象;cow elephant, 雌象。Blocking the trail ahead, 现在分词短语,做谓语动词stand (stood) 的伴随状语。

第三自然段是Susan 的心理活动: “This has happened before,” Butcher thought, optimistically. “We’ll deal with it.” 表现出一股乐观应对一切的勇敢精神。

第四自然段简单介绍这次 Iditarod Sled Dog Race. 中,Susan 和她的狗儿们前半段的优秀成绩。Butcher had alre set a new time record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances of winning had never been better. 在第一段赛程上 Butcher 已经创下了一个新的时间记录,她几乎是稳操胜券了。Set a record, 创造记录。the first leg of the trip, 第一段路程。

Butcher would give this one all of the time she needed to move. 看来Butcher 要把赶路的时间花在对付这头驼鹿的身上了。情态动词would 在句子中表示作者的猜测推断。

第五自然段描述了Susan 跟驼鹿的第一次交锋。The moose turned and charged straight into the dog team. 驼鹿转身向着狗队扑了上来。Charge, 收费,要价;袭击,出击。攻击。When the soldiers charged, the enemy troops turned and ran.

Reach for, 伸手拿、伸手够或取(某物)。He reached out his hand for the knife, but it was too far away.

Without hesitation, she grabbed the ax, and in her words, “went after the moose.” 这句话相当于Without stopping to think if it would be dangerous, she picked up the ax and rushed to attack the moose. 她毫不犹豫地一把抓起斧头,用她的话来说,“冲向驼鹿”。

Incredibly, she succeeded in driving the animal out of her team, but not before some of her dogs had been severely injured. 这句话相当于By the time she managed to chase the moose away from her dogs, it had seriously injured some of them. This is unbelievable. 她竟然把驼鹿从狗队里赶了出来,但是几只狗已经严重受伤。

第六自然段描述了Butcher 在和驼鹿搏斗时的复杂心情(愤怒与同情)。Instead of leaving, however, the moose charged back into the team. 这句话相当于 The moose didn’t go away, but attacked the dogs again. Instead of 不是……而是……On Monday morning, instead of going to work as usual, he went for a walk in the park. 周一早上,他没有去上班,而是去公园散步了。

Butcher approached the moose, swinging her ax. Butcher 再次挥舞着斧头,逼向驼鹿。Approach, 走近、靠近;逼近。

This was not simply a valuable team and her best chance of a win, these dogs were her closest friends. her best chance of a win, 她获胜的最佳希望。Win 即可以做动词也可以做名词。

In sympathy with 同情;赞同。On that point, I’m in sympathy with Mr Johnson.

She’s so skinny. She must be starving to death. 它竟然如此骨瘦如柴,一定快饿死了。Skinny, 皮包骨的,瘦削的。Must 在这里表示推测。例如:He must have finished his homework, otherwise he wouldn’t be playing outside now. 他一定是完成家庭作业了,否则现在就不会再外面玩耍。

Very likely it was starvation that made this moose behave as she did. 相当于The moose probably did what she did because she was desperate for food. 很可能是由于饥饿,它才这么饥不择食的。

She may have perceived the dog team to be a pack of wolves. 即 She (the moose) may have thought that the dogs were a group of wolves. 它很可能把这只狗队当作一群野狼。a pack of, 一群。英语中表示“一群”不同的动物,往往用不同的词语,如:a flock of sheep or birds, 一群羊或鸟;a herd of cows or goats, 一群牛或山羊;a swarm of bees or wasp or flies, 一群蜜蜂、黄蜂或苍蝇。

Her instincts may have told her that she was too weak to escape by running. 也许它的本能告诉它,自己太虚弱,一定无法逃脱。情态动词may + have done sth 表示对过去事情可能性的猜测。

Drive off, 驱赶,赶跑。It was so difficult to drive off the dog when I was at the gate.


   She yelled long before her fellow musher got close enough to be in danger.  long before,  在……之前很久。它与 before long (soon, 不久,很快)是有区别的。 In danger, 处于危险境地。My friends were round me. I was in no danger.

It was too late to save Butcher’s team for this race. 这句话相当于The other musher came too late to save Butcher’s team. So there wasn’t time for her team to recover and finish the race.

第九~十一自然段描述了 Butcher 在刺骨的寒冰中逃生的另一次危险经历。

Butcher risked her life when she decided to mush across 40 miles of sea ice. Risk one’s life to do sth, 冒着生命危险去做某事。Risk doing sth, 冒险做某事。Across, 横穿,穿过(指从表面上)。区别:through, 通过,穿过(指从内部)。

分句 that she had been told to avoid 做前面 the cliffs 的定语从句。Roller-coaster, 过山车。Roller-coaster sensation, 象过山车那样的惊险刺激的感觉。

The ice billowed upward, then fell apart as it dropped back down — dumping dogs, sled, and Butcher into 30 feet of water so cold it can be survived for only minutes. 意思是  The ice moved upwards like a big wave, and then broke in pieces as it came down again. This threw Butcher together with her dogs and equipment into water 30 feet deep. The water was so cold that you(will)die if you stay in it for more than a very few minutes. 后半部分so cold it can be survived for only minutes相当于形容词,做30 feet of water 的后置定语。其中用了 can 而不是 could,表示作者强调说明的是这样的一个事实,重心不在于这件事是否发生在过去。

Unwilling to do sth, 不情愿做某事。With ease, 轻松地,轻松自如地。Water-resistant, 防水的。Soaked to the skin, completely wet, 湿透了。当用衣服等做句子主语时,也可以用 soaked through 或 soaking wet 等用法。如:Her clothes were soaking wet / soaked through. Hypothermia, 体温过低。

She handled with it with her typical optimistic attitude, running behind the sled to get warm ... 她用她那一贯的乐观态度泰然处之,在雪橇后面跑来跑去来取暖……

最后一自然段重申了Susan Butcher和她的雪橇狗儿们克服重重困难、摆脱生命危险赢得了四次Iditarod雪橇比赛的感人经历,她是一位真正的冒险家。

Overcome, 克服,攻克。Life-threatening situations, 威胁生命的情景。She thoroughly enjoys winning against incredible odds. 即She really likes winning when there seems almost no chance of winning. Odds, 可能性、命运。例如:The odds are ten to one that her horse will win the race. 她的马获胜的可能性是十分之一。

整篇课文读起来一气呵成,扣人心弦。作者通过营造紧张的气氛把读者的兴奋点始终集中在Butcher 和她的雪橇狗儿们两次顽强拼搏的危险经历上。而这样的紧张气氛是靠什么来营造的呢?靠作者匠心独到的谴词造句。例如, 极具渲染气氛的词语的运用(动词、形容词、副词):turn, charge, grab, approach, swing, billow, fall apart, drop, dump; eager, best, dangerous, valuable, skinny, optimistic, typical, terrible, life-threatening; optimistically, highly, straight; incredibly, severely, oddly, suddenly, instinctively, thoroughly, etc.


Answers to the focus questions:

1. Why did Butcher stop her sled team in one black night during the race?

 She saw a female moose standing in her way ahead.

2. How long has Susan been working with her team?

 She’s been working with them for seven years.

3. What weapon did Susan look for first when the moose began to injure the dogs?

 A. an ax    B. a handgun    C. the lead dog    D. ice  

4. What kind of complex feeling did Susan have while she was fighting the moose?

 A. desperate   B. sympathetic    C. angry     D. friendly  

5. How many of Susan’s dogs were injured altogether?

 Two dead, and thirteen injured.

6. How many times have Susan won the Iditarod Sled Dog Race?


Lesson 2.  You made it!

Meg Harmer decided to enter the “Run for Your Life” marathon even though she’d only been running for two weeks when she signed up. She was the last runner to finish the race and was interviewed by a TV reporter.  

Focus questions:

1.       How long had Meg been practicing running before she signed up for the race?

2.       What happened to Meg when she was at about 3 miles?

3.       Why did Meg enter the race?

4.       How did Meg feel when she finished the race?

Focus questions and answers:

1. How long had Meg been practicing running before she signed up for the race?

1.       Two weeks..

2. What happened to Meg when she was at about 3 miles?

2.       She got a pain in her side.

3. Why did Meg enter the race?

3.  She wanted to see if she could make it through such a race.

4. How did Meg feel when she finished the race?

4.  She was very excited that she made it.

Language points in the dialogue:


You made it! 相当于 You finished! 或 You did it! 常常用在别人成功地完成了某事之后表示祝贺或赞赏。Make it,

It’s not everyone who comes in last. 比较幽默的话。相当于 I’m special because no one else finished the race last. I’m the only one.

You look pretty tired. Pretty, 第一册已经学习过,不是“漂亮,美丽”的意思,而是用来表示程度或数量,“很、相当、非常”。如:Pretty soon, you’ll be able to speak fluent English.

It was too soon to enter a race. 复习too… to… 由于只练习了两个星期,所以说练习的时间太短,不应该参加比赛。

You certainly showed them! 跟前文结合起来,这句话实际上相当于 You certainly showed them that they were wrong.

Drop out, 掉队,辍学,放弃。Mary has dropped out of school for two months.

That was a killer. 夸张的说法,与汉语中的“真要命”异曲同工。

I guess I should say … 即 It’s probably appropriate for me to say … 也许我该说…… 这样说的时候往往带有说话人的心理活动,可能将要说的话有些勉强或者起弱化作用。

Congratulations for hanging in there. 这里,hanging in there表示 Meg努力坚持到长跑比赛最后的毅力和恒心。

Lesson 5   On your own

Write a story for a newspaper column called “Slice of Life”, a story about someone on the train you know well.




做事情不能没有目的,写文章不能没有主题。一篇文章作者要告诉读者什么,反映什么思想,提出什么主张,要心中有数,否则文章会杂乱无章。例如,本课要求 Write a story about someone you know well.这样,你就需要抓住你要写的这个人的最重要的特点,他有什么特长?有什么特别的故事?最近发生了什么事情?他的性格怎么样?是可恨、可爱、值得尊敬、应该遭受唾弃?等等。










How to talk about a decision 如何谈论做决定

How to tell a story or talk about a past experience 如何讲述故事或谈论过去的经历

How to emphasize sth 如何强调某事

How to give a reaction to sth 如何对某事做出反应

Learn to write some short stories 学习故事写作


not only, but also, 不仅……而且……

deal with, 应付,应对;处理

be eager to do sth, 迫切希望做某事

set a record, 创记录

succeed in doing sth, 成功地做某事

instead of, 代替,而不是

be in sympathy with, 同情

perceive … to be …以为是,看做

drive off, 驱赶,赶走

in danger, 处于危险中

fall apart, 破碎,破裂

be soaked to the skin, 浑身湿透了

handle with, 处理,应对

too soon to do sth, 做某事太仓促

drop out, 退出;辍学


Unit Two主要语言功能:

How to ask for and give advice 如何征求或提供建议

How to talk about customs 如何谈论习惯

How to talk about social rules  如何谈论社会习俗

Learn to write letters asking for advice学习书写征求建议的信






   (1) 说明文的标题有名词性的,一般是说明事物的;也有动词性的,说明事物的发展过程、操作过程或事理;也有带有疑问性的,常常是解释原因,说明事理的。如Lesson 6, Fingers, Chopsticks, or Forks 这个标题就是名词性的,可以推断是用来说明这三者在不同饮食文化中的作用的,是事物性说明文。










1. 全文自始至终围绕什么是事物或什么事理进行说明的?作者的意图是什么?

   2. 作者从哪些方面对该事物或事理进行介绍或阐释的?

   3. 什么是事物或事理的本质特征?

Lesson 6,  Fingers, Chopsticks or Forks  

This article is about how the world is divided into three groups of people: finger-feeders, chopstick-feeders, and fork-feeders. It tells us how and where people use fingers, chopsticks or forks to get food into the mouth.  






Focus Questions:

1. People around the world eat with their hands, chopsticks, or forks. Where is each way most popular according to the text?

2. When were chopsticks invented?

3. When were forks invented?

4. Did people’s attitudes toward the three ways of eating change over time? How?



All the world is divided into three parts. 世界分成三部分。Be divided into, (被)分成……This article can be divided into three parts. 名词 feeder 是有动词 feed (喂,喂养)派生来的。

Why people fall into these categories, however, is a mystery. 不过,人们为什么会形成这样一些类别,还是一个谜。Fall into some categories = be divided into some categories, 分成几种类型。

Numerous, 众多的,许多的。This means that fork-feeders are outnumbered two by one. 这就意味着用叉子吃饭的人是其他两种方式人口的一半。Outnumber, 数量上超过,比……数量多。前缀 out- 加在有些动词前意思是“超过;胜过”,如:outdo, 胜过,优于。outgrow, 长得太大或太高而不适于(原有的衣服等);长得比(其他人)更快或更高;因长大而放弃(坏习惯、儿时的兴趣、幼稚的意见等)。outlive, 活得比……长久。outweigh, 比……更重、更有价值。outrun, 跑得比……快,跑得比……好。


首先,第三自然段:自古以来,用叉子进食的人就是少数。Be in the minority, 占少数(派)。Be in the majority, 占多数(派)。

People have eaten with their fingers for most of human existence. 人类史上大部分时期是用手抓饭吃的。Eat with one’s fingers, 用手指抓饭吃。Human existence 抽象的名词词组表示人类存在以来的历史。

As little as three centuries ago… 仅仅在三个世纪之前。这里,little 表示时间之短暂。not as adj. / adv. as … (不)象……一样。You hate me as much as I hate you.

费尔南.布罗代尔(Fernand Braudel,1902—1985) 法国现代历史学家,以两部历史巨著《地中海与腓力二世时期的地中海世界》与《15至18世纪的物质文明、经济和资本主义》而闻名于世。

Tell of, 谈论到,提到。She told of a funny experience when she was in Japan.

The preacher thought the fork was evil and called it a diabolical luxury. 这位牧师认为叉子是邪恶的,并把叉子说成是一个恶魔般的奢侈品。Diabolical luxury, 恶魔搬的奢侈品。

Middle Ages, 中世纪,指公元500年到1500年这段时期。

God would not have given us fingers if he had wished us to use such an instrument. 上帝如果希望我们用这样一种工具吃饭的话就不会给我们手指了。这是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气句,从句用“if +过去完成式”,主句用“would + 现在完成式”。

第四自然段说明为什么叉子和筷子受到人们的欢迎,它们的作用是什么。Win favor, 受到欢迎,赢得喜爱。Exception, 名词,例外。

第五自然段说明中国人为什么使用筷子。Chinese food was served in small portions which did not require cutting with a knife or fork. 中国食物在上桌时都是切成小块的,用不着拿刀或叉子来切。Serve, 服务;上(饭菜)。Roast duck is often served with sauce and green onion. 烤鸭一般是和酱和葱一起上的。

A need for sb to do sth, 需要某人做某事。The manager can’t simply see the need for the workers to be trained. 经理只是看不到让工人们接受培训的需要。

Chopsticks came along to meet that need. 筷子就应运而生了。Come along, 发生,产生;伴随,跟随。Meet the need, 满足需求。

Some of the oldest Chinese chopsticks date from 1200 B.C. 中国最古老的筷子可以追溯到公元前1200年。Date, 日期,时期;加日期于。Date from / date back to, 自……时代存在至今;追溯到……时代。This building dates back to 300 hundred years ago. 这座房子有300年的历史了。


The fork made its way to Western tables several hundred years later.叉子是几百年后才被搬上西方人的餐桌的。Make one’s way to / towards 向……进发;前进,行走。

Start with, 开始于。如:It all started with his leaving the city. 这完全始于他离开这这个城市。

The first illustration of their use at meals was in a manuscript from the monastery of Montecassino in Italy in 1022 A. D. 第一幅描绘用叉子进餐情形的插图出现在公元1022年意大利蒙特卡西诺教堂的一份手稿中。Illustration, 举例或以图表等说明,描绘,例证;插图,图解。其动词形式 illustrate.

第七自然段说明,叉子走进很多富人家的餐桌的时候,欧洲的很多皇室成员并不很欢迎,他们仍然坚持用手抓饭吃。Shah of Persia, 波斯的沙皇(古代很多亚洲国家的统治者称号。)

They strongly disagree about the correct way of bridging the gap between plate and mouth. 他们对连接盘子和嘴的正确方式产生了极大的分歧。Disagree about sth, 就某事看法不同,有分歧。Bridge the gap between A and B, 在两者之间搭建沟通的桥梁或枢纽。Gap, 裂缝,鸿沟;歧义。A gap in the conversation, 谈话的间断;Generation gap, 代沟。

Sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly. 英国海军的船员(当时)还不允许用刀和叉子吃饭,因为用刀和叉子被认为是没有男人气概的。Be permitted to do sth, 被容许做某事。Be considered + 形容词,意思是“被认为……”。Manly 反义词 unmanly.

第八自然段第一句话点明了本段的主题:用手抓饭吃的习惯不仅经受住了时间的考验,而且有些学者认为有可能重新兴盛起来。Not only has finger-feeding withstood the passage of time, but some scholars believe that it may be enjoying a comeback. 前半句Not only has …是个倒装句式。Passage of time 指时间流逝。人们常说Time passes quickly! 光阴似箭。

Westernized people see folks as status symbol. 西方化的人们把叉子看作是身份的象征。West, western, westernize, 这三个词需要联想记忆。See … as … 把……看做……,相当于 regard… as …

第九自然段为第三段,简单介绍了人们对不同用餐方式的态度或看法。首先,本段以问题的形式引出核心:What is the best way of getting food into the mouth? 关于这个话题,仁者见仁,智者见智。There is a lot of disagreement on the topic. 看法各不相同。Disagree with, 不同意,反对。 Disagreement on / about sth, 在某方面有分歧、有不同意见。

Those who use one utensil often think people who don’t are uncivilized or even barbaric. 那些使用某种餐具的人常常认为不使用这种餐具的人是不文明的甚至是野蛮的。分句who use one utensil 做 those 的定语从句;分句people who don’t are uncivilized or even barbaric做动词think 的宾语从句,其中的who don’t又做people 的定语从句。

Anyone who has ever eaten at a formal table elaborately set with many different kinds of knives, spoons, and forks can sympathize with Oscar Wilde, who said, “The world was my oyster, but I used the wrong fork.”任何人只要曾经在摆满各式各样刀、叉、勺子的正式餐桌上用过餐,都会对Oscar Wilde (奥斯卡.王尔德)的一句名言深表同情:“这世界本是我的牡蛎,而我却用错了叉子。”分句who has ever eaten at a formal table elaborately set with many different kinds of knives, spoons, and forks做anyone 的定语从句,其中elaborately set …后的部分是过去分词短语,做定语,修饰前面的 table. 王尔德这句话的意思是:Although I was famous, and could do anything I wanted, I made a terrible mistake using the wrong fork for some of the dishes.


王尔德(Oscar Wilde,1856-1900),英国著名诗人、作家及戏剧家,英国文学史上唯美主义运动的创始人和首领之一,主张“为艺术而艺术”(art for art’s sake),反对文学带有功利主义色彩,认为文学不应受任何道德标准的支配。他也是英国颓废派文学的代表。王尔德的父亲是医生,母亲是诗人,两人都有很高的文化和艺术素养,在潜移默化中启迪了他对文学和艺术的兴趣。王尔德的文学成就主要表现在童话、诗歌小说、戏剧等方面,代表作有童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince)、《石榴之家》(A House of Pomegranates),长篇小说《道林.格雷的肖像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及戏剧《温德梅尔夫人的扇子》(Lady Windermere's Fan),《无足轻重的女人》(A Woman of No Importance)、《理想丈夫》(An Ideal Husband)、《认真的重要性》(又名《不可儿戏》)(The Importance of Being Earnest),其中《不可儿戏》是他最成功的剧作。

Answers to the Focus Questions:

1. People around the world eat with their hands, chopsticks, or forks. Where is each way most popular according to the text?

  Fork-feeders are most numerous in Europe, North American, and Latin America; chopstick-feeders in most of eastern Asia; and finger-feeders in much of Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, and India.

2. When were chopsticks invented?

 In 1200 B.C.

3. When were forks invented?

 Several hundred years after chopsticks.  

4. Did people’s attitudes toward the three ways of eating change over time? How?

Unit Three Learning objectives:

How to persuade someone 如何说服别人

How to give an opinion 如何发表意见

How to support an opinion  如何支持或阐述意见

Learn to write letters or short articles giving one’s opinion on some issues or persuading sb to do sth 学习书信写作,就某事阐述意见或力劝某人做某事





第二,可以调动已有的英语知识,进行充分联想,提高阅读理解的效果。例如,Lesson 11的标题是, Pets as Status Symbols. 标题中提到了 pets(宠物),还提到了status symbols(身份地位的象征)。由此可以推断,文章应该是关于宠物与主人身份地位之间的关系方面的内容。



文章的主题,往往是一句话,通常叫做文章的主题句。文章的主题往往要根据主题句来归纳和概括。文章的主题句一般在文章的中心段中,所以,寻找主题句,要先找中心段,而寻找中心段的关键是弄清文章的结构和写作方法。首先需要确定文章是什么类型的:记叙文、说明文还是议论文;其次,根据文章内容的连贯性和层次性等,理解文章的结构,学会将文章分成几个大的段落。Lesson 11的中心段是第几段?第三自然段。(请你自己试者寻找一下这段的主题。)分清文章的段落结构后,就可以归纳总结段落大意了。



段落( paragraph )是由表达单一中心思想(controlling idea or central idea )的一组句子(包括主题句 topic sentence,扩展句supporting sentences及结论句concluding sentence)构成,是文章结构的基本独立单位。










Lesson 11,  Pets as Status Symbols  


From the title of the article, you may have guessed that it may be about the relationship between pets and status symbols. Maybe people take pets as the status symbols. So can you guess what kind of pets are the most valuable? If you can, what kind of animal would you like to keep as a pet personally?  



第一、二自然段为第一段,介绍了英国国王 Henry 三世饲养熊为宠物的情况。





Focus Questions:

Match the people with the pet(s) they kept.

Person Pet

1. King Henry III a. lions and leopards

2. Emperor  Elagabalus b. a raven

3. Egyptian royalty c. a large white bear

4. Emperor Augustus d. monkeys and leopards

5. Louis IX of France e. an orangutan

6. Baudelaire f. a lobster

7. Napoleon’s wife Josephine g. an elephant and a porcupine

Language points in the text:

文章第一段,即一、二自然段,介绍了英国国王 Henry 三世饲养熊为宠物的情况。

Londoners who happened to walk along the Thames during the mid-thirteenth century might have seen a large white bear walking down to the river. 抓住这句话的句子主干部分Londoners … might have seen a large white bear … 就不难理解它了。这里,情态动词 might + have done sth, 意思是对过去事情的猜测,不过可能性比较小。如果对过去事情的猜测可能性比较大,可以用 may + have done sth. 如:He is not in the dormitory. He may have gone to the library.

Thames, River Thames, 流经伦敦的一条著名河流,过去Thames 岸边都是富人居住的地方,现在也是。

Following behind would be a man, holding the bear with a long leash. 倒装语序,为了强调“后面总是跟着一个人”的情况,holding the bear with a long leash作伴随状语。情态动词 would 在这里表示过去的习惯,“总是做某事”,跟下句话中的两个would含义是相同的。The man would sit on the riverbank while the bear, still attached to the leash, would go into the water and fish for its dinner. Attach to, 依赖,依恋,依附;(被动用法attached to)附着在;束缚,系,绑。Fish for, 在水中捞取食物。

Belong to, 属于。The book belongs to Mr Li, who was here in the morning.

Henry wanted to save money, so he had the bear catch its own food. Save money, 节省钱;省钱。Have sb do sth, 让某人做某事。

The people of London must have appreciated his sense of economy since they paid for the bear’s expenses.当时的伦敦人一定对 Henry 三世的节俭作风有过领教,因为他们支付了熊的一切费用。情态动词must + have done sth, 表示对过去事情的非常肯定的猜测或判断。Appreciate, 理解,明白。Economy, 此处,不是“经济”,而是“节俭”的意思。

第二段即第三自然段,总体概述了皇家贵族都有饲养珍奇动物为宠物的嗜好。Henry was not the first king to keep large pets. Henry 三世并不是第一个饲养巨大充物的国王。The + 序数词 (+ 名词) + do do sth,第几(多少)个做某事的……keep pets 饲养充物。Animals of great beauty, 即下文中提到的 the biggest, the strongest, and the most dangerous animals. 可见旧时上层社会盛行的穷奢极侈的生活方式。


第四自然段的第一句话就是本段的主题句 Both the ancient Egyptians and Chinese collected animals for pleasure. 紧接着扩展句以并列句的形式说明了古代埃及皇家和中国皇帝们饲养动物的情况。Parks of intelligence, 智慧园,逸智园。Royal, 皇家的,皇室的。Royalty, 名词,皇室,皇家。

第五自然段介绍意大利帝王饲养鸟类的爱好。Birds, exotic or familiar, were popular in Rome. 在罗马,无论是希奇古怪的还是人们熟悉的鸟都曾经是很盛行的。Exotic, 异国情调的,异域的;奇异的;吸引人的。这句话相当于:Birds, whether they were exotic or familiar, were popular in Rome. 又如:Nowadays, traffic conditions in most cities, big or small, are getting worse and worse, with so many new cars on road everyday. 随着每天新车上路数量的增加,多数城市,无论大小,交通条件越来越差了。

He was supposedly given a raven trained to say Ave, Caesar victor imperator, “Hail, Caesar, victorious leader.” 据说,有人送他一只经过训练的大乌鸦,它会说Ave, Caesar victor imperator.(意思是,向您致敬,恺撒,胜利的领袖!)Supposedly, 大概,恐怕,据说。…trained to say…过去分词短语做定语,修饰 a raven.

Octavian was very pleased until he learned that the trainer had taught another raven to say Ave victor imperator Antoni, in case Antony had won. 屋大维一直很高兴,直到有一天他得知那位训鸟师同时也训练了另一只大乌鸦说 “Ave victor imperator Antoni” 以防万一 Antony获胜。介词 until 前的“高兴”直到until后的“得知”就结束了。In case, 以免,如果,万一。They left one hour earlier just in case they might miss the train. 他们怕耽误了火车提前一小时就离开了。

第六自然段介绍古代罗马经常有人饲养蛇和其他危险的动物。At one time, 曾经,表示过去有一段时间。A nuisance, 讨厌的人、事物。The mosquitoes are a nuisance. 蚊子是讨厌的东西。

They would glide over the tables… 情态动词would 表示过去经常的一种习惯。Glide over sth, 在某物上面滑来滑去。

Dangerous animals were tamed and then permitted to walk freely through the houses of the rich. 在富人的家里经常有被驯服的凶猛的野兽自由自在来回走动。Be permitted to do sth, 被准许做某事。Smoking is not permitted in this office. 这间办公室不许吸烟。

Emperor Elagabalus, 埃拉加巴拉斯(204-222年在位, 罗马皇帝,荒淫放荡,臭名昭著。)


Open up, 开辟出来;打开,开放。The country is beginning to open up to the outside world. 这个国家开始向外部世界开放了。

Fill with, 装满,充满……Filled with anger and disappointment, he locked himself up in his tiny room for seven days. 义愤填膺,失望之极,他把自己锁在小房间里长达七天。

第八自然段第一句话点出了本段的主题句:Not only did rich people keep pets, they made them do strange things for their entertainment.

A Portuguese princess went to the trouble of getting zebras because she thought they would look pretty pulling the royal children in a little carriage. 葡萄牙的一位公主千方百计弄来斑马,因为她以为,斑马拉上一辆小马车,皇家子女坐在上面,看上去一定会漂亮。Go to the trouble of doing sth, 不遗余力地 / 千方百计地 / 想法设法地做某事。

To her great disappointment, she got no cooperation from the zebras. 令她大为失望的是,那些斑马并不与她合作。 To one’s disappointment / surprise / sadness, 让某人失望 / 惊奇 / 悲伤的是……

第九自然段为第四段,简单地说明饲养珍奇动物为宠物的习惯不仅古代有,而且沿袭到了现代社会。Owning and displaying exotic pets has continued into more modern times. 不过,无论是专家还是社会公众对在家里饲养巨大宠物的做法都持反对意见。Generally speaking the feeling of both the public and the experts goes against keeping bears in the backyard or lions in the living room.

Over the years, it has become obvious that …随着时间的推移,越来越明显地……


屋大维(Octavian, Emperor Augustus, 公元前63 ---- 公元14年)


安东尼(Marc Antony, 公元前83 ---- 公元30年)


路易九世(Louis IX,1226 - 1274年)

  法国国王,是Philip 二世之孙,平定叛乱诸侯,伸张王权。执政公正贤良,为国人爱戴;又两次参加十字军东征,增强法国的地位。

查尔斯五世(Charles V,? - ?年)


亨利四世(Henry IV,1589 - 1610年)


拿破仑(Napoleon Bonaparte,1769-1821年)



查尔斯.皮埃尔.波德莱尔(Charles-Pierre Baudelaire, 1821-1867年)

  法国作家、翻译家和评论家、法国历史上最伟大的诗人之一,法国象征派诗歌的先驱者,也被认为是现代派奠基人。最主要的作品《恶之花》 (The Flowers of Evil) 是十九世纪欧洲出版的最具影响的诗集之一。

Answers to the Focus Questions:

Match the people with the pet(s) they kept.

Person Pet

1. King Henry III a. lions and leopards

2. Emperor  Elagabalus b. a raven

3. Egyptian royalty c. a large white bear

4. Emperor Augustus d. monkeys and leopards

5. Louis IX of France e. an orangutan

6. Baudelaire f. a lobster

7. Napoleon’s wife Josephine g. an elephant and a porcupine

1. c    2. a   3. d   4. b   5. g   6. f   7. e  

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