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Unit Four: Learning objectives:

How to recall the past 如何回忆过去发生的事情

How to describe the past 如何描述过去发生的事情

How to talk about how you’ve changed   如何谈论自己发生的变化

Learn to write articles about one’s or somebody’s past, what happened then or how life was or things were like then.  学习书写关于过去生活或发生的故事的文章。




1. 导读 ( Preparation for reading )



2. 略读  ( Skimming )


略读时,要留心反复出现的单词, 以及文章的开始段、结束段和每段的段首句和段尾句, 因为它们往往是对文章内容的最好概括。换言之,就是要 (1) 抓主题句;(2) 抓段落要点;(3)抓关键词汇。

3.查读 ( Scanning )

同略读一样,查读也是一种快速阅读的方法。两者的不同之处在于:略读是从阅读材料中获得大意,其目的是了解阅读内容的概要,事先可能对阅读材料并不了解。而查读是从阅读材料中寻找某些特定的信息,一般来说,是在对阅读材料有所了解的情况下进行的。查读时视线自上而下, 一目十行,只注意那些要寻找的特定信息,就象查询火车时刻表或字典一样。

查读时,需要注意的是:(1) 时刻清楚地记着自己要寻找的特定信息;(2) 迅速沿着文章自上而下扫视,时刻期待所找信息从未读部分显现出来;(3) 若找到信息,应该仔细看一看,证实所找信息是否确定。

4. 细读 (Reading for details)



5.猜词性阅读 (Guessing unknown words)


(1) 根据构词法理解词义


(2) 根据同义词和反义词理解词义

如:In many nations there are two financial extremes, from penury to great wealth. 我们知道,penury和great wealth是经济状况的两个极端(two financial extremes),因此它们是一组反义词,由于great wealth是“非常富有”,那么 penury就是“非常贫穷”。



如:Rushing and running on his job all day long, Mr Lewis’ energy is depleted at the end of the day. 我们知道,一个人奔忙了一整天的工作,精力肯定是被大大消耗了。所以,把depleted猜成decreased greatly应该合情合理。

(4) 根据定义、解释、同位语等句子结构理解单词。

Lesson 16,  Everglades Evangelist  

Background Information of Everglades National Park

Everglades National Park, located at the southern tip of Florida, was the first national park created specifically to protect not scenery, but one of the most unique and endangered ecosystem(生态系统), the world largest marshland(湿地). Although the water appears at first still, it actually is part of a river, moving 100 feet a day, a few inches to a few feet deep, and 50 miles wide, flowing from Lake Okeechobee into the Gulf of Florida. The cycle of this water, where six dry winter months alternate with six wet summer months, is essential for the survival of the rich and complex web of life of the park, but has been disturbed by development and canals upstream(上游的运河).

The park is known for its rich bird life, particularly large wading birds(水禽鸟), such as the roseate(玫瑰色的) spoonbill(阔嘴鸭), wood stork,(木鹳) great blue heron(苍鹭) and a variety of egrets(白鹭). It is also the only place in the world where alligators(短吻鳄)and crocodiles exist side by side.

Everglades National Park has been designated a World Heritage Site(世界遗产), an International Biosphere Reserve(国际生态保护区), and a Wetland of International Importance.


这是一篇说明文,有一个很现代的主题:环境保护。文章通过介绍Douglas为保护Everglades大湿地而进行的一系列努力活动,展示了一位为了保护环境的理想目标而坚强不屈、努力拼搏的人士 Marjory Stoneman Douglas的光辉形象。



第二、三自然段为第二段,简单地概述了Everglades 环境方面的今昔对比,突出了Douglas 的贡献。

第四自然段为第三段,简单介绍了Douglas 的生平经历。


文章以Douglas在一次会议上坚持保护大沼泽地的具体表现开篇,老人沉着坚定的性格跃然纸上,也点出了全文主题:环境保护。紧接着简单介绍了Douglas的生平故事。最后,通过《大沼泽地:草之河》的出版和 “大沼泽地之友”环保组织的组建,表现了Douglas 为保护大沼泽地的不懈努力和坚强决心,以及坚定不移的环保信念。


Focus Questions:

1. What were the two opposing ideas in the meeting about Everglades?

2. How did Douglas think of what she had done about Everglades?

3. Why did Douglas move to Miami?

4. How did the book The Everglades: River of Grass influence people?

5. How do you understand the “fighting hat” in the article?

Language points in the text:


Call a meeting = hold a meeting 召开会议。

To be known to sb as sth, 某人所熟知为……。 如:This building is well known to all the students and teachers as the Art Center.

One one’s way to, 在去某地的路上、途中。如:Could you get me some envelops and stamps on your way to the school?

Developers and farmers wanted to drain the water from a 240-square-mile area of the swamp…开发商和农场主们想把一片面积为240平方英里的一大块沼泽地中的水放干。Drain water from …, 把水从某地放干,抽干。240-square-mile, 数量词连用(有时还可以加形容词),中间有连字符连接,名词用单数。又如:a 3-meter-long table, 一张三米长的桌子;a 15-storey building, 一座15层的大楼。

Luxury apartment buildings, 豪华住宅楼房。

Her red straw “fighting hat” firmly in place … 她那顶红色的“战斗”草帽牢牢地戴在头上。(这里,从一个侧面表现了这位80多岁高龄的老人保护环境的坚定信念。)

老人开始讲话时,听到台下有人给她起哄,非但没有生气,而是很巧妙地让他们 Boo louder, 等大家安静下来后,她才开始讲话。She spoke, firmly but with passion, of how the Everglades were a natural wonder that needed to be preserved. 她以坚定不移的语气充满激情地讲述为什么大沼泽地是一个急需保护的自然奇迹。Speak of, 谈到,提及。

第二、三自然段为第二段,简单地概述了Everglades 环境方面的今昔对比,突出了Douglas 的贡献。

第二自然段介绍了Everglades今天依然保持了原貌,主要归功于Douglas 女士的努力。

Today, thanks largely to Douglas, that part of the Everglades remains unchanged.幸亏有了Douglas 的努力,今天,大沼泽地的那一部分才得以保持了原貌。

Thanks to sb or sth, 幸亏,由于。Thanks to his foresight, we’ve caught the train. 幸亏他有先见之明,我们赶上了火车。

Remain unchanged, 保持原貌。Remain + 形容词,保持某种状态。如:He remained silent through the meeting. 整个会议期间他沉默不语。

在很谦虚地谈到她的成绩的时候,Douglas 说道:It had to be done, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it. And I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t enjoy it.两句话里都有虚拟语气 wouldn’t have done, 第二句里还有虚拟条件句 if I didn’t enjoy it. 显然,她是很喜欢这么做的,而且她也那样做了。


The Everglades took up 9000 square miles. 大沼泽地占地9000平方英里。Take up a certain area or position, 占地;占某个位置、地位。

An area more than seven times as large as the state of Rhode Island. 相当于罗得岛州的七倍还多,即这块地域的大小相当于罗得岛州的七倍那么大。

Rhode Island 罗得岛位于美国东北部,是美国最小的一个州,跟Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York等州比邻。

It was filled with exotic animals like panthers and exotic plants like mangrove trees. 那里到处都是象黑豹那样的珍奇动物,以及类似红树的奇异的植物。Exotic, 珍奇的,奇异的,外域的。

第四自然段为第三段,简单介绍了Douglas 的生平经历。

Born in Minnesota, Douglas was raised in Massachusetts by her mother and grandparents after her parents separated when she was 5. 出生在明尼苏达州,Douglas五岁时父母离异,此后,她在马萨诸塞州由母亲和祖父母养大。Born in Minnesota是过去分词短语,做状语,相当于 Although she was born in Minnesota, ….

动词 raise, 抚养,养育,带大(孩子)。

… who was soon in jail for writing a bad check. 很快,他就因为写空头支票而入狱。To write a bad check, 开空头支票。He was arrested for writing a bad check. 他因为开空头支票而被捕。

To speed a divorce, she moved to Miami. 为了早日离婚,她搬到了Miami迈阿密。To speed a divorce相当于 in order to get divorced quickly.

…her father asked her to fill in for a reporter who was on leave… 她父亲让她临时替补一位请假的记者。

To fill in for sb, 临时补缺,替代。Dr Li was sick today, and Ms Zhang filled in for him. 今天,李医生病了,张女士来代替他。

To be on leave, 请了假,休假中。 He got a letter from home yesterday and went home on leave this morning. 他昨天接到了家里的来信,今天请假回家了。


…the public was not yet aware of the effects that people have on their environment. 公众还没有意识到人们对周围环境的影响。

Be aware of, 意识到,了解某事。To have effects on sth, 对某事有影响。

… there was a sense of evil abroad, a restlessness, an anxiety that one passing rainfall could not change. (这里)到处弥漫着一种不祥的感觉,一种不安,一种焦虑,不是下一场骤雨就能解决的。Abroad, 到处,四处;在国外,到国外。

…that was home to many unusual animals and plants. 它是许多不同寻常的动植物的家园。Be home to sth, 是……的家园,发源地。

…a developer proposed making part of the swamp into a huge new airport…一个开发商提议把大沼泽地的一部分建设成一座巨型机场。Propose doing sth, 提议做某事。

The results were impressive. (斗争的)成果是很令人难忘的。Impressive, 给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的,令人感动的。

In all, the national and state governments have committed $ 800 million to undo the damage they helped cause. 美国政府和州政府承诺共计投资8亿美元来修复他们过去对大沼泽地所造成的破坏。

In all, 总共,共计。Commit some money to do sth, 承诺花费钱财做某事。

Undo, 使恢复原状,取消。如:What’s done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。

As she writes, her red straw fighting hat sits nearby – just in case her beloved River of Grass needs another helping hand from an old friend. 在他写作的时候,她的红色战斗帽就放在手边,一旦她心爱的草之河需要帮助,她这位老朋友就会伸出援助之手。此处,再次提到 fighting hat, 与文章开始遥相呼应,表现了Douglas 随时准备为保护大沼泽地而进行战斗的决心和信念。


Answers to the Focus Questions:

1. What were the two opposing ideas in the meeting about Everglades?

  Developers and farmers wanted to drain the water from the swamp and then use this land for luxury apartment buildings and farms. At the same time, Douglas insisted that the Everglades were a natural wonder that needed to be preserved.

2. How did Douglas think of what she had done about Everglades?

 From her words (It had to be done, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it. And I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t enjoy it.), we can see that she was happy that she did make effort to help preserve the Everglades.

3. Why did Douglas move to Miami?

 After her husband was put in jail for writing a bad check, she moved to Miami in order to get divorced quickly.

4. How did the book The Everglades: River of Grass influence people?

 The book made people realize that it was not a dismal swamp, but a magnificent and very fragile environment that was home to many unusual animals and plants -  an environment to be preserved, not destroyed.

5. How do you understand the “fighting hat” in the article?

 The “fighting hat” appears twice, one in the beginning and the other at the end, of the article. It becomes a symbol of Douglas’s determined efforts to preserve the Everglades.

Learning objectives

l         How to react to an event or a story        对事件或故事作出反应

l         How to tell a story                     讲故事

l         How to write a report                   写新闻报道

英语新闻的结构特征 “硬新闻”,“软新闻”

新闻的种类很多,按分类标准的不同,有各种不同的分类方法。如按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬新闻”(hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两大类,硬新闻即“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃、具有一定时效性的客观事实报道;软新闻是情感味浓、写作方法诙谐、轻松幽默的社会新闻,不注重时效性。新闻英语中常见的体裁主要有三大类:消息(news)、特写(features)和新闻评论(commentaries and columns)。新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。

标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。导语(lead or introduction):通常为文章的第一段。文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事实。正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进而得出结论。






Lesson  21   Hanging Tough艰难的攀登






部分一(4,5,6自然段):两分在攀登HALF DOME峭壁的过程。




Focus Questions

1.  Was anyone waiting for them when they reached the top of Half Dome? Who?

2.  What happened to Mark Wellman when he was 22 years old?

3.  How long did it take Wellman and Corbett to climb Half Dome?

4.  How did Mark Wellman and Mike Corbett become friends?

5.  Why did Mark Wellman climb Half Dome?

Language points in the text


段1:They are the sort of friends who are so close they trust each other with their lives. 他们是那种亲密无间的朋友,能够互相以生命相依托。这个开场白仅一句话就让读者产生了继续阅读的兴趣,希望知道为什么两人友谊如此深厚。

l         表示程度的 so…that 结构,省略了 that 这个词。原文相当于They are the sort of friends who are so close that they trust each other with their lives.

l         trust each other:“互相信任”。e.g. Jane said she and John couldn’t trust each other any more.

接下来,作者对“他们”这对亲密的生死至交进行了进一步解释。段2:If one falls, the other is there to catch him. If one needs a lift over some obstacle that seems impossible to get beyond, the other won’t leave until the obstacle is conquered. 如果一个人失足落下山崖,另外一位一定会在那里将他抓住救起;如果一个人遇到了似乎是不可逾越的障碍,另外一位不克服障碍决不抛弃朋友不管。

l         If one falls….相当于If one of them needs help to pass a very difficult part of the climb, the other one won’t go on until they have both succeeded. 注意二者中的“另一个”要用 the other, 而不能用 another.

l         注意这段话中两个介词over 和beyond。都是修饰obstacle。等读者继续往下看,就知道这两句If从句具体所指了。


They are Mark Wellman, 31, the Yosemite National Park ranger whose paralyzed legs don’t keep him from rock climbing, and Mike Corbett, 37, a medical clinic janitor and the most experienced rock climber in Yosemite. 他们是 Mark Wellman 和 Mike Corbett。Mark Wellman,31岁,Yosemite 国家公园守林人,瘫痪的双腿并没有阻止他继续参加攀岩活动;Mike Corbett,37岁,一家医疗所的门警,是 Yosemite 最富有经验的攀岩健将。

l         注意,我们要学习在一个句子中含概众多信息。这个句子主要结构是They are+姓名,年龄,职业(定语从句)and姓名,年龄,职业 and 身份。这样可以避免信息零散拖沓。

l         …whose paralyzed legs don’t keep him from rock climbing…  keep sb. from(doing)sth.=prevent…from…:“阻止某人做某事”。例如:All the difficulties and hardships didn’t keep them from carrying on with their project in the enemy-occupied village. 所有这些艰难困苦都没有能够阻止他们在敌人占领的村庄里继续进行他们的项目。

段4:对说明两分攀登HALF DOME峭壁事件。

Their friendship served each of them well over the two brutal weeks they struggled up Half Dome, climbing hand over hand up the famous Yosemite 2,000-foot rock formation.是同甘苦共患难的深厚友谊使他们在艰苦的两个星期里战胜了 Half Dome 这座峭壁,一点一点地最终爬上了 Yosemite 有名的高达2000英尺的石崖。

l         Over=during。

l         注意该句sth. serve sb. do sth./ prep短语。

l         hand over hand:一点一点。Hand by hand:手拉手。Face to face:面对面。

l         另外,注意:so …(that)…句型。

When the pair reached the top, they were met by Wellman’s girlfriend and an admiring crowd of news reporters.当他们到达顶峰时迎接他们的有 Wellman 的女友和一群充满赞赏之情的新闻记者an admiring crowd:“充满崇拜羡慕之情的人群”。英语中这种用法有很多,往往为了增强语言的感染力。[eg.] appreciating faces, worrying look on his face, etc.


Using skill and strength, Corbett led the way up one of the most difficult routes on Half Dome. 在爬上Half Dome最艰难的一条路线时,Corbett 运用技术和力量走在前面。lead the way:带路。

And Wellman was there for his able-bodied friend early in the climb when pieces of rock gave way, 700 feet above the group, and Corbett plunged downward. Wellman 在那里为他强健的朋友早早地做好准备。突然,在离开地面人群700英尺的地方,石块塌落了, Corbett摔了下去。意思是 Wellman was the one who saved his able-bodied friend when pieces of rock started to fall.

l         able-bodied =strong and active in body:“身体强健的”。

l         give way 倒塌;松垮。e.g.  The bridge was not very strong, and when a very heavy truck tried to cross, the bridge gave way and everything fell into the river.

l          Plunge:“落下;猛跌”, 这里用来强调Corbett重重掉下来时的情景,描写得非常具体。例如:She slipped and plunged into the river.

l         Wellman locked their rope in place, stopping the fall at 20 feet. Wellmen 固定住了绳索,使他的朋友在20英尺处停止了坠落。 stopping … 这个分词短语用作前边动作的结果状语。in place:处于适当位置,归位。Out of place:处于非适当位置。

段6:通过对报道主人公采访使读者更理解两人彼此之间亲密友爱之情。注意:一些受访人的精彩引语会从各个层面或角度印证特写人物的典型形象和突出贡献。“Your partner can save your life—you can save your partner’s life,” Wellman said as the pair received congratulations from friends. “There are real close bonds.” “你的伙伴可以挽救你的性命,你也可以挽救伙伴的性命。” 两人在接受朋友们的祝贺时,Wellman 讲道,“我们之间亲密无间。”There are real close bonds. (朋友之间)存在着真正的密切关系。


On their climbs, Corbett must take the lead and, in effect, climb the rock twice. 相当于 When they are climbing together, Corbett has to climb first, and this really means that he has to climb the rock twice. 在攀岩时,Corbett 必须带头,事实上,他必须来回攀两次。

l         take the lead:带头;领先。如:For the first half of the race, it was Roger Bannister who took the lead.  

l         in effect 事实上;基本上。e.g. The taxes were very high and, in effect, made it impossible for the business to make a profit.

l         Corbett backtracks to remove the spikes. 意思是 Corbett has to go back to where he came from to remove the spikes from the rocks.还得返回去取下铁钉重新再爬上来。

On Half Dome this process was repeated, time and again, inch by inch, for 13 years在Half Dome 悬崖上,这一过程一寸一寸地,一而再、再而三地重复了十三天。

l         time and again= again and again, repeatedly, 一再;屡屡。

同义的短语还有 time after time, time and time again 等。

e.g. Thousands of people have proved it time and time again.

注意:这段里的many times,twice,inch by inch,for 13 days等等关于Corbett来回上下带着Wellman反复的攀登的详尽描述,让人们对他的艰辛感到震惊。因为普通的攀岩者的工作量本已经很大,而主人公还要带着一个残疾同伴一起攀登。


As evidenced by his arm and chest muscles, Wellman’s job is not easy either. = Wellman’s job is not easy either. His powerful arm and chest muscles can prove this. 从 Wellman 胳膊和胸膛上健壮的肌肉可以看出,他的工作也并非易事。

Wellman gets himself up the rope through upper body strength alone. 他只能依靠自己上半身的力量来攀上绳索。

In all, Wellman figures that on the climb up Half Dome he did 5,000 pullups up the rope, each time gaining no more than six inches. 这句话意思是 Wellman estimates that he pulled himself up using only his arms 5000 times while they climbed Half Dome. Each pullup meant that he had climbed only about six inches higher. Wellman估计,爬到Half Dome顶上时,自己一共顺着绳子向上拉了5,000次,每次最多不超过6英寸的高度。 in all:“总共;共计”。e.g.  There were fifty-six people in all.

段9—段11讲述了两人当时计划攀岩的过程:Wellman攀岩致残后两人初次见面的情景,Corbett用其他残疾人的事迹鼓励Wellman继续攀岩,两人着手攀登了El Capitan悬崖和Half Dome峭壁。

That same night they made plans, and the next morning, ropes in hand, they met to begin training. 就是在那天晚上,他们制定了计划,第二天早晨他们就手拿绳索集合在一起开始了训练。

Within six months, he had climbed E1 Capitan, the rock formation that dominates the right side of Yosemite Valley. 不到六个月的时间,他们就爬上了 Yosemite 山谷右边最高的名为 El Capitan 的悬崖。Dominate:“高于;俯瞰”。Within six months:英语中,“半年”一般多用 six months,也可以说 half a year, 但“一年半”可以说 a year and a half.

And now they have climbed Half Dome, up a route so dangerous because of its crumbly granite that fewer than 30 people have climbed it.现在他们又征服了Half Dome 这座峭壁,而且是沿着一条危险的松软的花岗岩表面攀上去的,那里只有不到30个人曾经攀上去过。注意:so …that…结构中that后不是定语从句,另外,该结构做后置定语修饰route。


间接引语:Wellman said he is not trying to send any message to disabled people by climbing. Wellman 说,自己攀岩并不是为了给残疾人一种什么启示。

直接引语:“Everyone has their own goals,” Wellman said. “I don’t climb rocks to say that this is what a disabled person can do.” “每个人都有自己的目标,”Wellman 说,“我攀岩并不是说残疾人应该这么做。”

间接引语 + 直接引语:He simply hopes people will see that he climbed before his accident and is still climbing after it—“No big deal.”他只是希望人们能够明白,他出事前是攀岩的,出事以后他还在继续从事攀岩活动。“这算不了什么。”No big deal. =It’s no extraordinary thing. 没有什么了不起的。big deal, 口语中常用来表示“某事并没有说的或想象的那么重要、有趣、了不起等”,有时也用no big deal来表示同样的含义。例如:

--I walked sixteen miles yesterday.

--Big deal.


间接引语:Corbett wants to bring attention to climbing, his first love, and hopes someone somewhere will find inspiration. Corbett 希望人们能够关注攀岩这项他最喜欢的体育活动,能够从中得到鼓励。

直接引语:“I encourage other able-bodied people to stop and make a friend,” Corbett said. “Never underestimate a person with a disability. They can blow your mind.” “我鼓励那些身体健康的人们能够停下来,做个朋友,” Corbett 说,“永远不要低估一个残疾人,他会令你惊诧不已。”

l         Never underestimate a person with a disability.= Never think that a handicapped person cannot do something.

l         They can blow your mind. =(Sometimes)they can completely amaze you by doing things you might think impossible. To blow one’s mind, 是英语中的一种非正式用法,指一些不同寻常的事情对某人有启发、有启迪,使人震惊。例如: This book is full of astonishing ideas. It can blow your mind.


Who: Wellman, Corbett.

Where: Half Dome.

When: No definite time.

What: Climbing mountain

Why: to prove oneself; to encourage others.

How: an able man and a disable man helping each other.

Learning objectives

How to

l         Ask for and give explanation       做解释以及要求别人做解释

l         Give reasons                    讲明理由

l         Talk about hopes and wishes        谈论愿望

l         Write a letter                    写一封信








报纸的大多数特写都是采用直白地概括文章内容的标题。例如:Chinese actress ZhangZiyi grows into an international star(中国女星章子怡将成为国际巨星,《中国日报》2005年8月20-21日)Tibet: China’s beautiful mystery(西藏——中国的美丽神话,《上海日报》2005年8月27-28日)。也有设问式的标题Want Stardom? Try Podcasting(想成为明星吗?试试播客吧!《中国日报》2005年9月7日)。

上单元的Hanging Tough

本单元的 The Mysterious Gift of the Prodigy

Lesson  26   The Mysterious Gift of the Prodigy



第一大部分(1, 2自然段):导言部分。通过第一段莫扎特为例,引出一些其他大家熟悉的天才儿童,也就引出了天才儿童的主题。第一个特点:少年得志。

第二大部分(3—10自然段):正文部分, 分析神童其他共同特点。分为四小部分。





Focus Questions

1. When did composer Franz Schubert die?

2. What are the common features of these prodigies?

3. Is only potential enough to be prodigies?

Language points in the text


第一大部分(1, 2自然段):导言部分。通过第一段莫扎特为例,引出一些其他大家熟悉的天才儿童,也就引出了天才儿童的主题。第一个特点:少年得志。


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of history’s most famous child prodigies. (莫扎特)将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远留在人们的记忆里。Remember sb. as sth.:“某人作为…而让世人记住/怀念”。

But the world recognizes him as one of the finest composers who ever lived. 虽然莫扎特逝世时还不满三十六周岁,但世人都公认他是有史以来最优秀的作曲家之一。

Recognize sb. as sth.:“承认 / 公认某人是…”


① “认出”“意识到”。

I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.


I don't recognize this word -- what does it mean?


Many fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of being denied.许多人没有看到这一切正处于失去的危险之中。

② “承认;认可”eg. to recognize a new government承认一个新政府。

第2自然段泛泛而谈人们对神童的看法。并以钢琴家和作曲家Felix Mendelssohn (门德尔松)和英国十九世纪哲学家John Stuart Mill (穆勒)的简单生平为例。  

Pianist and composer Felix Mendelssohn had composed a fair amount of music by the time he was 11. 钢琴家和作曲家Felix Mendelssohn (门德尔松) 在十一岁之前就创作了相当多的音乐作品。

Fair:adj. ① “公平的,合理的;正当的”a fair businessman一位公道的商人。② “还可以的;相当的”(本文意思)a fair amount of sth.:相当多的东西。③“白皙的(皮肤);浅色的(头发)”。English people usually have fair skin.英国人通常是白皮肤。

John Stuart Mill, the nineteenth century British philosopher, read Greek at three and had worked his way through elementary geometry and algebra and a large body of literature and history by the time he was 12.英国十九世纪哲学家John Stuart Mill (穆勒)三岁就念希腊文,十二岁已学完了初等几何和代数,并阅读了大量文学作品和历史书籍

work one’s way through=to make by work or effort:“通过努力完成、取得; 靠做工干成”。e.g. She worked her way through to college.  

a large body of literature:“大量的文学作品”。


Success has not always brought happiness to prodigies. Bring happiness to sb. 给某人带来幸福。

“I seemed to have nothing left to live for.” 我好象已经失去了活下去的目的。Live for sth.:为了某个目的生活。

They did not live very long lives. 他们的寿命都不长。Live a happy/hard life, 过幸福 / 艰苦的生活。

… there has been a fascination with child prodigies for centuries,几个世纪来人们对神童现象一直很着迷,a fascination with(注意介词搭配)。child prodigies:注意和woman teacher/ women teachers区别。

Some surprising common characteristics have been identified. 研究发现了一些令人惊讶的共同特点。surprising common characteristics:令人惊讶的共同点 / surprisingly common characteristics:共同到令人惊讶的特点。

Often, their parents are past the usual child-bearing age. 他们的父母在生育他们的时候往往已经超过了普通的生育年龄。Past=Beyond in time; later than or after:“超过,比…晚:在某个时间之后;迟于…或在…之后”:past midnight; 半夜以后a quarter past two.;两点过一刻。

Many are born by Caesarean section(剖腹产)rather than by natural childbirth. 许多神童不是通过自然分娩而是通过剖腹产出生的。

They often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. 神童的父母亲往往是那些想通过他们神奇的孩子来实现自己的愿望的人。


Those who have studied today’s prodigies closely have observed that they often live under the great weight of their loneliness. 对现在的神童进行过仔细研究的人已经发现,神童们往往陷入深深的孤独中。  

In school with children their own age they may become bored or frustrated, and simply turn off learning completely. 当他们在学校里和同龄的孩子在一起时,他们感到厌倦或是失落,甚至会完全放弃学习。turn off doing=lose interest:“失去兴趣”。e.g.  He turned off singing when his teacher scolded him for singing badly.

Many children, as they enter adolescence, begin to turn to other teenagers for affection, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. 许多孩子在进入青春期时,就开始从其他青少年伙伴那里寻找友情、鼓励和归属感。Turn to sb for sth.: 找某人寻求某物。

This can be a very difficult time in the lives of prodigies. 对于神童来说,这一段日子会是非常难过的。

Not all prodigies, however, fit this pattern. 然而,并不是所有神童都符合这个规律。fit the pattern:符合这个规则/模式。e.g. All children like to play with other children, but Johnny doesn’t fit this pattern.


Although a child may be born with outstanding genetic potential, this potential will now necessarily develop. 虽然一个孩子可能有与生俱来的非凡基因潜质,但这种潜质却未必就能得到发展。

be born at 8 o'clock./ in Atlanta/ on January 15, 1929.

Born: “天生的,天赋的”:[eg.] a born artist.一个天生的艺术家; a person born to lead.一个注定要成为领袖的人

“导致的,引起的”:[eg.]wisdom born of experience.经验所得的智慧

“在某一特定国家或地方出生的(常用于复合词)”:Irish-born; 爱尔兰裔的;Southern born and bred;南方生养大的;

Something in the environment must nourish the potential. 外界环境中一定得有某些因素培养这种基因。

Nurture/ cultivate/ foster: “促使…的生长和发展”:

nurturing hopes; 滋生希望;

cultivating tolerance; 培养耐性;

foster friendly relations; 促进友善的关系;

In Yani’s case, that something is probably her father, who gave up his own career as a painter in order to nurture Yani’s talent and growth. 以雅妮的例子来说,这种外因可能就是她父亲,他放弃了自己的画家职业来培养雅妮的才能并促进她的成长。In sb’s case:以某人为例子。 That指上一句的something。


And although many prodigies enjoy the satisfaction of extraordinary achievement, public praise, and material wealth, even the most successful sometimes question the value of their lives and accomplishments. 虽然许多神童都因取得非凡成就而感到满足,并获得了公众赞誉以及物质财富,但是即使是其中最成功的神童也对自己的生活和取得的成绩所体现的价值表示疑问。

“I have a longing which grows stronger as I get older,” confesses the acclaimed American concert pianist Eugene Istomin, “to be mediocre.” 美国深受欢迎的音乐会钢琴演奏家Eugene Istomin 这样表白自己:“随着年龄的增长我越来越渴望做一个平常人。”long:vi. 渴望(long to do sth)。

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