
时间:2024-04-30 10:04:16 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿


1. I broke my leg when I ________ skiing in America.

A. is        B. was           C. – (不填)          D. would be

2. She was convicted _______ murder.

A. to            B. in             C. of              D. as

3. A new hotel _________ in the center of town at the moment.

A. has been built      B. is built        C. was built        D. is being built

4. It is very convenient ________ here.

A. living        B. live            C. lived            D. to live

5. I have lived here _________ 1997.

A. for         B. since          C. at             D. from

6. The bedroom needs __________.

A. decorating     B. to decorate        C. decorate      D. decorated

7. He is the man _________ dog bit me.

A. that           B. which             C. who              D. whose

8. I’m tired. I __________ working very hard.

A. have           B. have been           C. had             D. has

9. Before she left on the trip, she __________ hard.

A. trained     B. has trained       C. would trained            D. had trained

10. He keeps _________ at himself in the mirror.

A. to look          B. looking           C. look            D. looked    

11. The sun heats the earth, _________ is very important to living things.

A. that             B. what             C. which                D. where

12. If the man _________ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.

A. will           B. is to             C. is going to              D. should

13. Ancient Greece is the __________ of western civilization.

A. origin         B. source         C. place            D. sources

14. Please stop __________. It cannot help the situation.

A. to shout           B. shouting        C. to speak           D. speaking

15. The big man has always been eating on the go, _______ he has got stomachache.

A. so          B. however      C. as             D. because

16. Let me ___________ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.

A. look up         B. look into          C. look after          D. look out

17. He, as well as I, __________ a student.

A. be            B. am             C. are               D. is

18. She _______ her success to hard word and strong will.

A. owns        B. gives            C. owes             D. regards

19. Mr. Smith _________ a most important part in the development of our city.

A. took        B. had           C. played           D. made

20. I’d rather stay at home than ________ a walk.

A. taking           B. to take           C. take            D. to be taking

21. Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she _______ it on the radio.

A. was listening to     B. was hearing     C. was listening        D. was seeing

22. Hardly _________ home when it began to rain.

A. had I got     B. I had got        C. had I arrived in       D. I had arrived at

23. I prefer classic music __________ pop music.

A. than           B. on            C. with            D. to

24. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, _________.

A. however        B. therefore           C. since          C. as

25. When we were having a meeting, the director _________ the bad news by telephone.

A. was telling        B. was told          C. could tell          D. would tell

26. Silk __________ by Chinese for thousands of years now.

A. has used          B. has been used         C. was used        D. is used

27. You _______ to lock the door at night.

A. should       B. ought        C. must         D. shall

28. Before I got to the cinema, the film _________.

A. had begun      B. has begun       C. is begun      D. was beginning

A. to shout        B. to speak       C. shouting         D. speaking

29. The patient acted on the doctor’s _________ and finally recovered.

A. advices        B. advice        C. advise       D. advises

30. A lecture hall is _________ where students attend lectures.

A. there        B. which       C. one        D. that

31. Don’t worry, your watch _________ and you can have it in no time.

A. is repaired     B. has been repaired   C. was repaired    D. is being repaired

32. The definition leaves ______ for disagreement.

A. a small room      B. much room    C. great deal room   D. not so big a room

33. Not always _________ they want (to).

A. people can do what               B. can people do what

C. people cannot do what            D. can’t people do what

34. Sadam ________ for 25 years.

A. got married      B. was married         C. married        D. were married

35. I don’t want you to make any trouble, _________, I urge you to solve the problem.

A. thus         B. consequently           C. on the contrary        D. just as

36. Why ________ the old block of flats _________ demolished next month?

A. are…being       B. is…being       C. has…been       D. have…been

37. In the fifties last century many new cities ________ in the desert.

A. bring up       B. make up        C. grew up        D. build up

38. More and more people in China now __________ to work regularly.

A. drive        B. drives          C. drove          D. have driven

39. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs ________ more to improve the relationship with the USA.

A. to do       B. doing        C. to be done     D. do

40. We have our house ________ every week by a cleaner.

A. clean        B. cleaned          C. cleaning          D. to clean



1.   B     2. C     3 D     4. A   5. B   6. A     7. D      8. B                   9. D     10. B     11. C    12. B    13. A     14. B    15. A    16. B   17. D   18. C     19. C     20. C     21. A   22. A   23. D     24. A     25. B    26. B    27. B    28. A    29. B    30. C   31. D    32. B  

33. B    34. B   35. C   36. B    37. C    38. A    39. A     40. B

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