
时间:2024-04-30 09:11:00 5A范文网 浏览: 平时作业 我要投稿


  Anne White studied at Colorado University. She first had a problem taking tests when she began college. “I was always well prepared for my tests. Sometimes I studied for weeks 1 a test. Yet I would go in to take the test, only to find I could not answer the questions correctly. I was unable to think properly because of nervousness and fear. I couldn't think of the answer. My low grades on the test did not show what I know to the teacher.” Another student had the same 2 . He said, “My first chemistry test was very difficult. Then, on the second test, I sat down to take it, and I was so nervous that I was 3 . My hands were moving up and down so quickly that it was hard to hold my pencil. I knew the material and I knew the answers. Yet I couldn't write them down.”
  These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety(焦虑). Because a student worries and is uneasy about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it 4 does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of nervousness. Although poor grades are often a result of poor study habits, sometimes test anxiety causes the low grades. At present, test anxiety has been known as a real problem, not just an excuse or false explanation of lazy students.
  Experts are trying to help those students by teaching them how to manage test anxiety. At some universities, students take tests to measure their anxiety. If the tests show their anxiety is 5 , the students can take short courses to help them deal with their nervousness. These courses teach students how to 6 their bodies. Students are trained to become calm. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work 7 . Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.


【分析】1. 有时候我会在考试前复习几个星期。before 在……之前。
2. 另一个学生也有相同的经历。experience 经历。
3. 由下一句My hands were moving up and down so quickly...可知,“我”太紧张了,以至于不停地颤抖。shake 颤抖。
4. 由于学生很紧张,而且考试也不是那么简单,他/她的头脑就不会像平时那么灵活。usually 通常。
5. 如果测试显示学生们的焦虑很严重,他们可以参加短期课程来帮助他们应对紧张。high(adj.) 严重的。
6. 这些课程教会学生们如何放松自己的身体。relax 放松。
7. 通过控制自己的紧张,他们可以让自己的头脑灵活运转。easily 不费力地,容易地。

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