
时间:2024-04-26 15:45:40 5A范文网 浏览: 论文范文 我要投稿

一、 与主语从句的区别。
   强调句与主语从句虽然在形式上很相似,都含有it is / was... that... ,但是它们有一个很重要的区别,强调句去掉it is / was和 that之后,句子结构仍然完整,而主语从句却不能这样。试比较:
   (1) It is the early bird that catches the worm.
  (2) It is certain that Jeremy Lin is becoming more and more popular in China.
  句(1)可改为“the early bird catches the worm”,意思不变,意为“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”,强调the early bird。而句(2)意为“可以确定林书豪在中国正越来越受欢迎”。却不能改为“Jeremy Lin is becoming more and more popular in China certain”。试选择:
   (3) It was in the college _____ I met him first.
   (4) It’s clear _________ not all boys like football.
   A. that B. which C. what D. 不填
   参考答案:(3) A 强调句; (4) A 主语从句
二、 与定语从句的区别。
   1. 强调句中的it没有实际意义,it be与that可同时被省略;而定语从句中的it是主语,指代时间、地点等。it be与that或where、when等不可同时省略。
   2. 强调句中be的时态须跟后面句子的时态相一致;而定语从句中主句谓语动词be的时态须由主句的时间确定。
   3. 强调句中的that没有意义,在句中不作任何成分,且不能省略,并且即使前面的名词是事物时,也不能将that换成which;而定语从句中的that在从句中要充当一个句子成分,作宾语时可被省略。试比较:
   (1) It is in Twilight that people find the true love between human and vampire.
   (2) It is a question that needs careful consideration.
   句(1)为强调句,句意为“《暮光之城》让人们看到了人与吸血鬼之间的真爱”,强调in Twilight。句(2)为定语从句,句意为“这是一个需要仔细考虑的问题”。试选择:
   (3) It is around the corner _________ accidents often happen.
   (4) It is the corner _______ accidents often happen.
   A. when B. that C. where D. which
   参考答案:(3) B 强调句; (4) C 定语从句
   三、 与状语从句的区别。
   1. 强调句型与“It was+时间点+when从句”
   (1) It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday.
   (2) It was midnight when I got back home yesterday.
   句(1)是强调句,被强调的是时间状语,因此用介词短语表达,句意为“昨天我午夜回到家的”,强调at midnight。而句(2)是时间状语从句,时间以名词的方式表达,用来作表语,注意此时的it指代时间,句意为“昨天我回到家时是午夜了”。由此可见,时间名词前若有介词,该句就为强调句型,反之就是when引导的时间状语从句。试选择:
  (3) It was on October 1, 1949 _____ new China was founded.
  (4) It was October 1, 1949 _____ new China was founded.
   A. which B. when C. while D. that
   参考答案:(3) D 强调句;
   (4) B 时间状语从句

  [8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr />   2. 强调句型与“It is+一段时间+since从句”
  (1) It is two hours that he spends on English every day.
  (2) It is 2 years since I began to learn English.
   句(1)为强调句,强调宾语two hours,句意为“他每天花两个小时学英语”。句(2)则为since引导的时间状语从句,句意为“自从我开始学英语已经两年了”。请选择:
  (3) It was around 100 years ago _____ the modern Olympic Games began to be held.
  (4) It is around 100 years _____ the modern Olympic Games began to be held.
  A. before B. that
  C. since D. when
   参考答案:(3) B 强调句; (4) C 时间状语从句
  3. 强调句型与“It is/was+一段时间+ before 从句”的区别:
   上述句型中时间都是时间段,如years,five days,twenty minutes等。不过主句的时态多用一般将来时或一般过去时,从句的时态要根据主句的时态进行变化。before前的主句如果是肯定的,翻译成“在……之后才……”,主句如果是否定的,翻译成“不久就……”。试比较:
  (1) It was two years before he came back from abroad.
  (2) It was two years later that he came back from abroad.
   两个句子都意为“他是两年后回国的”,句(1)中的it指时间,before引导的是时间状语从句;句(2)为强调结构,强调状语two years later。请选择:
(3) It was not long _____ he sensed the danger of the position.
  (4) It is long _____ I’ve been away, but it doesn’t seem so long.
  A. when B. that
   C. since D. before
   参考答案:(3) D 时间状语从句; (4) B 强调句
   1. Is it in the factory you visited last week this kind of car is made?
   A. 不填; that B. where; when
   C. where; that D. 不填; when
   2. It was I met Mr. Green in Shanghai.
   A. many years that
   B. many years ago before
   C. many years ago that
   D. many years when
   3. —It’s a long time ____ we met last.
   —Yes, and what a pity since it will be long _____ we see each other again.
   A. since; that B. that; before
   C. since; before D. before; since
   4. —Where did you find your iPhone?
   —It was in the bag _____ my father bought me as a Christmas gift.
   A. where B. that
   C. in which D. while
   5. _______ find my wallet, Tom?
   A. Where did you that
   B. Where was it you
   C. Where have you
   D. Where was it that you
  [8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr /> 











