
时间:2024-04-26 15:34:26 5A范文网 浏览: 论文范文 我要投稿

        教材、课标分析:本节课是鲁教版九年级Unit 7 (SectionA1a~2c),学习掌握“be supposed to do”的用法,内容比较简单,要求学生能同他人讨论不同国家的风俗习惯。通过两次听力训练提高学生听力,通过学生的对话和小组活动来进行语言交际,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。
        (一)知识目标:学习掌握“be supposed to do”的用法。能够描述自己或他人在不同场合应该做什么;能同他人讨论不同国家的风俗习惯(如初次见面的礼仪);学会比较不同文化的差异。
        短语“be supposed to do”在肯定句、否定句、疑问句中的正确使用;学习和讨论不同国家初次见面的风俗习惯。
        Step 1 Warming-up 
        1.Sing a song“How do you do and shake hands” to relax yourself. Then ask some students to say something ahout our National vacation.
        2.Lead in. (师生交流,引入本节课的内容。听说领先,导课自然,且唤起民族自豪感)
        T: Well, boys and girls. Did you enjoy yourselves? 
        S: Yes.
        T: So what did you do during the seven-day holiday, Mary?
        S: I did my homework and went to see my grandparents.
        T: Good. What about you, Tom?
        S: I watched National Day parade on TV. It was a great success. I am very proud of our motherland.
        T: Yeah, so am I. 
        Now, our vacation has finished. We are supposed to sdudy harder, try to make progress every day. Are you ready?
        S: Yes!
        Step 2 New lesson
        1. Let’s follow Micky to get to know all the nations of the world.(点击米老鼠看视频,了解世界各地名称,歌曲较长,可播放一半。滑稽可爱的米老鼠唱的英语课引人入胜,学生顿时兴趣盎然。)
        2. Know some nations (in 1a) according to their flags. (边点击,边复习后面要用到的国家名字。突出中国国旗激发学生爱国热情)
        3. Showing some pictures and ask the students to answer the teacher’s questions.(用几个不同国家的人见面时的照片,创设情境,使学生自然而然的说英语。)
        T: What are we supposed to do when we meet foreign friends from all over the world? Let’s know about the customs.
        (1)What are you supposed to do when you meet people from France for the first time?
        We’re supposed to kiss.
        Customs for kissing
        relationships customs
        friends/relatives hug (拥抱)/
        kiss on the cheeks(脸颊)
        Couples hug and kiss
        parents and children kiss on the face or forehead (前额)
        brothers /sisters  kiss on the cheeks
        (2) What are you supposed to do when you meet people from Japan for the first time? 
        We’re supposed to bow.
        Customs for bowing. (要求学生演示)
        You should: Stand at attention.(立正)
        Take off your hat.
        The teacher speaks a little Japanese ane Korean and imitate people from the two countries.(展示教师个人学识魅力的同时,让学生身临其境,将课堂推向高潮)
        (3) What are you supposed to do when you meet him for the first time? 
        We’re supposed to shake hands.(姚明图片,学生熟悉的偶像,利于调动学生兴趣)
        Customs for shaking hands
        should shouldn’t
        shake hands with a smile wear hats or gloves
        wait for ladies, leaders, the old to show hands first last more than 3 seconds
        Ok, now, I’d like to introduce two people to each other. So, this is Gong Jie, our headmistress. And this is Li Yanhong. Do you know him? Yeah, the CEO of Baidu. Now Mr Li has come to visit our school and this is the first time they meet each other.
        (after the poformance) 让2个同学演示握手,女生(headmistress of our school)特意不摘手套,戴着手套、帽子与男(CEO of Baidu) 论文检测天使-免费论文检测软件http://www.jiancetianshi.com
  [8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr />        3. Listening Practice.(听力训练,让学生接触原汁原味的地道的英语)
        Listen and do 1a&1b. 
        Play the recording, students listen and match the countries with the customs.
        4. Pairwork: 1c 
        Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. Tell about the countries listed or other countries you know about.
        Step 3 Listening Practise           
        1. Pre-listening
        Students look through the requirments quickly. Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner at an American friend’s house. Listen and check (√) the mistakes Maria made.
        (1) Listen and do 2a. Play the recording once. Students listen and check (√) the mistakes Maria made.
        (2) Listen and do 2b. Listen again and fill in the blanks.(创造性地使用听力材料,有效提高听的技能) 
        3. Post-listening
        Ask students to read Maria’s mistakes to the class.
        Ask students to read 2b in pairs.
        4. Pairwork : 2c(合作学习,提高会话能力)
        Role play the conversation between Maria and Dan. Use the information from 2a and 2b.
        A few minutes for students to do this job. Then ask several pairs to make examples.
        Step 4 Consolidation and Extension
        1. Activities
        Watch a video about the school life. Try to find out what they are supposed to do and what they aren’t supposed to do at school. Ask students to point out all the mistakes one by one, just using “be supposed to do”.(此环节采用学生课堂实录,贴近学生生活,大大激发学生兴趣,将课堂推向又一高潮)
        2.Group work.(培养学生合作学习的能力)
        Do a survey: What kind of students do you think is the best behaved one? Top students are (not) supposed to do……Students may discuss it in groups.
        Step 5 Summary (本课重点和难点,相当于板书设计)
        Teacher asks and students read “Grammar Focous” together. Pay attention to the language goal we’ve learned this class.  
        Step 6  Homework(符合新课标要求及本课内容)
        Write a short passage on“What mistakes did Maria make?”according to 2a & 2b.
        Search more information to prepare for a lecture “Different countries, different customs.”
        本节课还有一个点睛之处是课堂实录这段视频。录像的内容是课堂中学生们爱犯的错误,学生在观看时肯定会爆笑不断,能够迅速找出录像中学生所犯的错误,并能准确地用目标语言表达出来,将整个课堂推向了又一个高潮。通过本节课的学习,熟练运用“be ( not ) supposed to do”目标语言,学以致用,真正实现面向全体,让每个学生全面发展,自主发展,符合英语学习规律,使教学效果最佳化。
  [8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr /> 











精巧设计 ,焕发英语教学的活力04-26
