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例如,Unit 4(Module 6)Helping people around the world,课文篇章比较长、新词语较多、句式比较复杂,在进行 论文检测天使-免费论文检测软件http://www.jiancetianshi.com
        The UN—bringing everyone closer together
        Part 1:An introduction to the UN
        The UN is an international group made up of countries that want to increase peace. It was actually set up just after the Second World War in October 1945 by 51 countries. Today,nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN—191 countries altogether. The UN is based on a charter that has four main purposes: to keep international peace; to develop friendly relationships among nations; to co-operate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; and to be a centre for organizing the actions or work of different nations.
        The UN touches the lives of people everywhere. Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease.
        The UN does not have its own army. Instead, it borrows soldiers from different countries that belong to the UN. With the help of these armies and other worthy organizations the UN assists the victims of wars and disasters.
        Part 2 : The work of a UN Goodwill Ambassador
        I feel very honored to have been able to take on the role—a Goodwill Ambassador for them. My job with the UN is not paid, but voluntary. 
        Being a Goodwill Ambassador means that I visited countries where the UN operates programs to help people. If I visit these countries, the television and press will follow and record my visits. This will increase people’s awareness of the work of the UN. In addition, my visits will encourage people working on the projects and draw local people’s attention to the situation. With the work of the UN the world has been brought closer together.
  [8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr />        以上两部分内容是对原阅读文本的分解和简化,但话题仍然是单元话题。文本虽然简化了,却能体现原文本的主题,同时又涵盖了原材料中大多数的新词汇,学生阅读和理解的材料相对简单,便于他们学习和掌握,同时也为第二课时语言知识的学习作好铺垫。对改造过的教材内容,学生再进行细致地学习:阅读之后回答问题。例,① What is the UN ? ② When was the UN set up ? ③ What are the four main purposes of the UN ? ④ Apart from wars and conflicts, what other problems does the UN help with?。在阅读理解的基础上,再通过听取信息进一步加强对文章细节的理解。例,The UN has four main purposes. They are to keep international peace; to develop friendly relationships among nations; to co-operate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; and to be a centre for organizing the actions or work of different nations(划线的词语设置为填空)。这样,通过读和听两种形式的语言输入,文本很容易被学生接受。
        再如,Unit3(Module 6)Task 部分 skills building 1 Part C ,把教材中的教学活动改造为:From my experience, people from the USA often feel uncomfortable if people are in their ‘personal space’(about fifty centimeters around their body). But I heard that business people from Asia have a different idea about personal space and usually stand closer than some people from the USA might like. Latin Americans are the same, and like to greet their colleagues with a hug. I also noticed that in the USA, gift-giving is not part of the culture unlike in many other countries. I saw that gift-giving is very important in Japan and on a trip. Japanese people must bring back lots of gifts. There are also signs which mean different things in different countries. In the USA, an ’OK’ sign is formed by touching he thumb to the index finger. This is a positive sign in the United States, but in France, the same sign means ’zero’ or ’ worthless’ and in Japan, it is a request for small change.(划线的词语设置为填空),把听力文本完整地呈现给学生。学生先阅读与听力活动匹配的文章,再对听取的信息进行预测,降低听力的难度,减少学生对听力训练的畏惧、恐慌,同时加强对听力技巧的巩固。对Task 部分中听力素材进行听力训练活动之后,再对其加强理解,提取其中与话题相关的信息让学生说一说,进行双向的语言听说训练,实现语言的输入和输出,从而提高课堂教学效果。
  [8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr /> 











