1 引言
二语习得者的语言错误通常被认为是“不被希望的形式”(not the wanted form)(George,1972)。然而,这“不被希望的形式”对研究学习者的错误却有着重要的意义。Corder (1967)认为研究语言习得者的错误有三方面的意义,即,它提供给教师关于学习者学习二语程度的信息;它提供给研究者语言是如何被掌握的;它充当学习者发现目标语规则的装置。近些年来,国内一些英语教学者对错误分析理论进行了探讨,而绝大部分学者,如李立(2003)、訾韦力(2003)和林海(2008)等,都是从理论的角度进行研究,。语言教学中,反映在学生身上的错误大多属口语错误和书面错误,国内学者对错误理论的研究大多停留在书面错误的研究,如杨波(2005)对书面错误的原因和分类进行了分析,但是几乎没有学者使用科学的研究方法对学习者的口语错误进行研究。因此本文应用了Corder(1974)提出的错误分析研究方法,科学、系统地对某一中国学习者的口语错误进行收集、描述、解释和评价。
2 个案研究与分析
该部分根据Corder (1974)提出错误分析研究法的五个步骤:“语料收集、错误描述、错误识别、错误解释和错误评价”,对一位中国学生进行采访、收集和分析其错误。这五步中,Ellis(1994)提出错误识别过程中会出现四个问题:“存在的问题是什么样的目标语能够充当规范”,“错误(error)和失误(mistake)的差异”,“错误的隐性还是显性”,“语言的正确性和恰当性”(Ellis, 1994: 51-52)。由于涉及到的问题比较多且复杂,因此本文未对错误识别进行分析。
通过采访录音的形式收集学习者的语言样本。被采访对象是一名在读博士,在中国某高校学习四年后,以访问学者的身份在英国利兹大学进行为期一年的学习,雅思成绩平均分为6(满分9分)。采访之时为其来到英国的第二十天。该采访分为三部分,每一部分都是关于日常生活的不同话题: 论文检测天使-免费论文检测软件http://www.jiancetianshi.com
许多学者从事着错误描述的研究,并将错误分成不同类别。例如Politzer和Ramirez将错误分成形态学类、句法类和词汇类,而这三个主要类别“又根据词性和语句再被细分” (Politzer和 Ramirez, 1973:41)。Dulay,Burt,Krashen的表层策略分类法包括“省略、添加、错误信息和错误词序”(Dulay,Burt,Krashen, 1982:150)。Ellis认为“Dulay,Burt,Krashen的方法为习得者的二语重建认知过程提供了迹象”(Ellis, 1994: 55-56)。
尽管按照语音、词汇和语法分类的语言学分类方法能够在语言系统中清晰地表现,但是这种方法却很难涵盖语言学习者的所有错误。另外,很多时候语法错误和词汇错误又很难分清。例如,在2-10行(many pleasure)既可以归为语法错误,又可以归为词汇错误。因此,在错误描述部分,本文没有单独使用语言学分类方法,而是综合了语言学分类法和Dulay,Burt,Krashen的表层策略分类法将错误分类。Dulay,Burt,Krashen的表层策略分类法包括“省略、添加、错误信息和错误词序”(1982:150)。然而除了应用这四类区别语音错误和时态错误外,根据该学习者的错误特点还另外增加了两类类:替换和一致性。因此本部分首先对错误按照“表层策略分类法”进行分类,然后再对每一种错误在“语言学分类方法”中的三种情况的适用性进行更详细地分析。
省略型错误的特点是“在正确话语中缺少某一必须的一项”(Dulay,Burt,Krashen,1982:154)。在二语习得者的书面或口语中,很容易找到一些被他们省略的部分,例如表示复数的-s, 介词-to,不定式-to,表示过去时的-ed。省略型错误同样在该实验中出现多次。如1-13,2-2和3-27,被采访者省略了复数-s,不定词-to,介词-to。
1-13 ……opportunities for all student ……
2-2 B: Yes, I’d like watch TV and see films very much.
3-27 ……And I sometimes listening music……
省略型错误不仅在语法范围内出现,还在语音范围内出现。当谈话时,受试者偶尔会省略一或两个音,元音或辅音,给理解造成困难。如:visting – visiting (1-2) 省略 [i]音,progras – programmes (1-15行) 省略 [m] 音, hol – hold (2-25) 省略 [d] , mailing – mainly ( 3-7) 省略 [n]。音素省略很容易造成交际误解。
添加型错误与省略型错误相反,其特点为“正确话语中出现的不必须的某一项”(Dulay,Burt,Krashen,1982:156),也就是在正确语言形式的话语中附加了一些不需要的成分。该采访中,说话者在一般现在时中的动词原形后面添加了表示进行时的-ing,(1-43和3-2);在同一个句子中用了两个连词“so” (2-28和2-29);在不可数名词后增加了-s(3-3);在不规则动词的过去分词后面添加了-ed(3-12和3-15)。
1-43 In China we cooking foods with many…
2-28 … So don’t let the nuclear weapons
2-29 come to zer army, so they destroyed nuclear weapons and escaped…
3-2 Yes, in China I reading newspapers everyday. By the newspapers…
3-3 I can get many informations such as zer news and shopping …
3-12 Brokened so I can’t open my email books from Asia
3-15 because the community cables was brokened. And it’s very
错误信息被解释为“错误的形态或结构”(Dulay,Burt,Krashen,1982:150)。例如,在采访中当谈到媒体话题时,他说“I can get many informations such as zer news and shopping”(3-3)。 “information”这个词是一个不可数名词,后面不能加复数-s,因此说话者犯了过分规则错误,用many来形容information。
1-48 B: Yes, in China sometimes I cook food for my all family…
2-13 B: Because I very like sports, such as basketball and football
这里的 “my all family”和 “very” 词序颠倒了,正确的顺序应为“all my family” 和“like sports very much”。
替换在这里指为了使对话正常进行下去,说话者用其他音素或词汇替换话语者所不知道或不确定的内容,而替换的内容又不能或不能很好的表达该意思。由于英文水平有限,说话者很可能借用或自创新的音素或词语替代他们想表达的内容。齿音[]、[]和唇齿音[v]三个音在汉语的语音系统里是没有的,因此,一些中国学生在交际过程中会借用汉语中的[z]、[s]、[f]代替[]、[]和 [v]音。如本实验的受试者所犯的错误:1-36 “I [sink] the [laiv] here maybe fine to me”。 事实上他应说的是[]而不是 [sink], [laif]而不是[laiv]。从头到尾该受试者一直都用[s]和[z]音代替[]和[]。如 1-13 whether [wez]- [we,1-30 they[zei]- [],和2-17 the [z]- []。
在交际过程中说话者经常会遇到词汇障碍,因此常常会用相关的词甚至是自创词来替代。第三段采访中采访者在谈到网络话题是提到了website(网站)这个词(3-23),而被采访者之前没有学过website,但是从谈话内容和之前的语言习得能够猜出该词意思,结果他自创了 “internet site”来替代“website”。
1-6 I am a PhD degree students in Wuhan University.
1-13 … opportunities for all student for all level students…
这两个句子看似是省略和添加错误,但同时也是一致性错误。其区别在于一致性错误更强调数和意思的前后一致性问题。在1-6的句子中,主语是 论文检测天使-免费论文检测软件http://www.jiancetianshi.com
第一人称单数 ‘I’,动词是 ‘am’,因此相应的宾语因为单数形式,而该受试者用的是复数形式 ‘students’。1-13行中 ‘all’是复数标志,也就是说后面的可数名词必须是相应的复数形式,因此应当为 ‘all students’。
错误分析研究理论诞生以来,很多学者对学习者语言错误产生的原因进行了归类,大多解释将错误归因于母语迁移、发展模式或者语内错误。例如Richards将学习者产生错误的来源分为三类:干扰错误、语内错误、发展错误。Dulay和Burt根据采集的19名母语为西班牙语的孩子的语料,将错误分成三类:“与母语相似的发展型错误;反映西班牙语言结构的干扰型错误;既非发展型又非干扰型的个别型错误”(Dulay和Burt,1974:131)。本实验通过对一位中国学习者的口语错误分析发现其错误大多受母语迁移(L1 transfer)和发展模式(developmental patterns)影响。
母语迁移是指“学习者的母语在二语习得中发挥的影响”(Ellis, 1997:51)。而母语迁移又包括正迁移(positive transfer)和负迁移(negative transfer),“如果这种影响对学习者在学习英语时起到有益的促进作用”(于晓芳,2005:104)则称之为正迁移,负迁移即“母语干扰,主要是由于母语和目的语的某些形式和规则系统不同而被学习者误以为相同所致”(于晓芳,2005:104)。,很多中国学生在学习英语过程中使用汉语的语法规则和表达方式所产生的错误导致了母语负迁移。在学习过程中,学习者也在探索着汉语与英语的重叠部分,这也是为什么很多中国学生说出来的英语被称为中国式英语(Chinglish),由此可见学习者的母语对二语习得产生了严重的影响。
在本实验中,学习者的母语是汉语,因此其错误可以通过汉语和英语比较而得出解释。在汉语语音体系中,英语的一些音素并不存在,如上文提到的[]、[]和 [v]音,而汉语的某些音素的发音却和他们相似,很多中国学习者便用[w]代替[v],[s]代替[],[z]代替[]。
在语法范畴中同样能看到母语迁移的影响。汉语语法中没有词形变化,没有时态、人称或数的一致性问题。比如在汉语中表达喜欢做某事可以说“我喜欢…”,比如“我喜欢打篮球”,而英语中却说“I like to play basketball.”,需要to连接后面的动词,而汉语中则没有,因此很多中国学生在学习过程中受到母语影响常常犯省略错误,忽略to,正如试验中受访者所犯的省略错误(2-2,3-27)都是受母语负迁移的影响。以语法中的复数形式为例:
英语 One apple Three apples
汉语 一个苹果 三个苹果
从表格中的例子可以看出英语的词形变化是依据名词“apple”数的变化而变化,汉语则是仅有数的变化而没有形的变化。这也是为什么本实验对象会犯错误的原因:“all student” (1-13)。很多中国学生会在数和时态的问题上犯错误。
Ellis认为学习者在学习过程中似乎经历不同的阶段,例如:“①eat – ②ate –③eated – ④ated – ⑤ate”(1997:23)。本实验中,该学习者也犯了类似的错误:在3-13和3-15行,学习者说了“because the cables was brokened”两次。不考虑复数错误,动词“break”在被动句中应当变为“broken”。从这句话我们可以看出说话者已经习得了被动语态的语法知识、动词的过去式和动词“break”的过去分词;1-43和3-2行,说话者在一般现在时中的动词原形后面添加了表示进行时的-ing;3-3行,在不可数名词后增加了-s。Ellis把这种发展模式称为“U型发展过程”(1997:23)。按照Ellis的解释,该学习者已经学习了动词的过去分词、现在分词、名词复数等语法,但是还处于习得的发展阶段,尚未达到最终的正确阶段。
尽管该受访者在话语中有很多错误,但还是有很多优势(strengths)。一些交际策略帮助他使谈话继续下去,如“成就/补偿策略”(Dörnyei’s, 1995:58):在谈话中使用简单词汇来克服词汇量不足的缺陷;借用采访者的词汇和句型使谈话继续。还使用“停顿/延时策略”:如放慢语速来争取时间思考和修正错误。
3 结语
本文概括地分析了某一中国学生在英语学习中的语言错误,以采访的形式收集语料,按照Corder(1974)提出的五步错误分析研究方法对某一学习者的语言错误归为六类,其错误主要受母语迁移和发展模式的影响,并对今后教学方面提出相关建议。 这里介绍一个词,“portfolio”,意为公文包,即用来装文件或材料的箱子。在西方一些学校将这个词引入到教学中,教师为每个学生或学生为自己建立一个“公文包”来记录一段时期内学习的进展情况。其实对于语言错误研究也可以建立一份学习档案,将语言学习者的语言错误记录下来,以便于更好的研究错误的原因以及学习者的学习进程,并为教师的教学提供实质性的帮助。
[1]Corder, S.P. (1967). The significance of learners’ errors. International Review of Applied Linguistics 5: 161-9.
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[4]Dulay, H. and M. Burt. (1974). Errors and strategies in child second language acquisition. TESOL Quarterly 8:129-36.
[5]Dulay,H., M. Burt, and S. Krashen. (1982). Language two. New York: Oxford University Press.
[6]Ellis, R.(1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
[7]Ellis, R.(1997). Second language acquisition. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
[8]George, H.(1972). Common errors in language learning : insights from English. Rowley : Newbury House Publishers.
[9]Politzer, R. and A. Ramirez (1973). An error analysis of the spoken English of Mexican-American pupils in a bilinguistic school and a monolingual school. Language Learning 18: 35-53.
[10]Richards, J. (1971). A non-contrastive approach to error analysis. English Language Teaching Journal 25: 204-29.
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附录I 录音材料
序号 以下是笔者(A)与Mike(B)的谈话。 Mike是一名在英国利兹大学学习的中国学生。 错误
1-1 A: Hello Mike, could you please introduce yourself first?
1-2 B: Ok, I am a visting scholar in Leeds University. I come here… about 20 visiting
1-3 days. I will be… here for one year.
1-4 A: For One year. And where are you from in China, which part of China.
1-5 B: I.. come from …Wuhan University of Technology in China.
1-6 I am a PhD degree students in Wuhan University. student
1-7 A: Oh, great. Where is your hometown?
1-8 B: My hometown is in Jinan, Shandong Province.
[8]电大学习网.免费论文网[EB/OL]. /d/file/p/2024/0425/fontbr />1-9 A: In Jinan. I heard it’s a very beautiful place.
1-10 B: Yes, many things in Jinan
1-11 A: Why did you decides study in England? to decide
1-12 B: Because in UK, in UK, because UK offers diverse a /rⅰ:/ of education
1-13 opportunities for all student. Whezer you are Students/whether
1-14 high school students looking for university, looking for undergraduate
1-15 degree progras.…I courage college students planning to study programmes
1-16 abroads or college graduates, considering furzer study, UK maybe Abroad/further
1-17 somesing for you. something
1-18 A: Do you like coming to England.
1-19 B: Yes, I sink so. think
1-20 A: You think so. Do you miss your family?
1-21 B: Yes, I miss my family, but in order to learn more knowledge or
1-22 technology I have to come here.
1-23 A: When you come to England, do you have any interesting experience
1-24 in England?
1-25 B: Until now, I haven’t any… interesting her. Because I come interests/here
1-26 her only20 days. here
1-27 A: In these 20 days, did you go to anywhere for traveling or visiting
1-28 friends?
1-29 B: I went to London to see the Britin museum. Zere are very beautiful arts Britain/there
1-30 and pictures. Zey are cal, are, come from all over der word. they/come/ the world
1-31 A: Good. Do you have any problems and difficulties in study?
1-32 B: I think the main difficulty here is the language. Because my English
1-33 isn’t very well. I think I can’t discuss my project wiz my supervisor. good/ I don’t think
1-34 or ikchange o(our) view points each ozer. Zis is the main difficulty. Exchange/our/other/this
1-35 A: ’N how about life here?
1-36 B: I sink the live here maybe fine to me. think/life
1-37 A: Do you see any difference about life between England and China?
1-38 B: Yes, there are some difference in zer life style between England differences/the/[l]
1-39 and China.
1-40 A: For example?
1-41 B: For example the food is very different from China
1-42 A: What kind of differences?
1-43 B: In China we cooking foods wiz many many… cook/with/many
1-44 A: Addressings (dressings) dressings
1-45 B: Addressings, yes, but in England, zeir cook is while zey cook dressings/their cooking/they
1-46 is add little addressings. dressings
1-47 A: Do you, er, did you cook food in China?
1-48 B: Yes, in China sometimes I cook food for my all family… all my family
Line No. Errors
2-1 A: Do you like watching TV or films?
2-2 B: Yes, I’d like watch TV and see films very much. to watch
2-3 A: What kind of film do you prefer?
2-4 B: I like many kinds of films, such as about vars, wars, comedy or about [l]/[w]
2-5 sports.
2-6 A: Why do you like wars movie?
2-7 B: Because in my childhood, I saw many films about /va:z/, in the films [l]/ [l]/wars
2-8 I can learn many knowledge about zer history and about some heroes. Much/the
2-9 A: Why do you like comedies?
2-10 B: I like comedy because it can give me many pleasure. I can spend my many pleasures
2-11 space time. spare
2-12 A: And just now you said you like sports films
2-13 B: Because I very like sports, such as basketball and football. Because like sports very much
2-14 in my, when I was a university student, I’m a member of football /ʃi:m/ I was/ [ti:m]
2-15 of school mechanical engineering.
2-16 A: Oh, cool. Have you ever win, won any games?
2-17 B: I remembered in zer second year when I was in the university, the
2-18 our team get zer second place in all university. Got/the
2-19 A: Did you see any film or TV recently?
2-20 B: Yes, I like to see films on TV. Last night I have see a new film, zer [l]/saw/[l]/the
2-21 name is Cleanere. Zer main actor is, zer main actor name is Cleaner/ The/the
2-22 Jackie. He is a cleaner, just a simple man. Someday he was, he is heat was
2-23 or he has by a mysterious man. When he wake up, he find that he was woke/ found
2-24 involved in a high level government plan. He and his partners begin began
2-25 to believe zat he is a uncover agent who subconsciously hol zer key that/was/an/held
2-26 piece of information,zat cause explore zer army deal involving the That/?/the
2-27 CIA and FBI. In zer end Jackie and his partners find out that the arm is the/found/was
2-28 nuclear poun, nuclear weapon. So don’t let nuclear weapons Weapon/In order not to
2-29 come to zer army, so zey destroyed nuclear w/i/pons and escaped the/drop ‘so’they/[e]
2-30 from zer control from government. the
Line No. Errors
3-1 A: Do you like reading newspapers?
3-2 B: Yes, in China I reading newspapers everyday. By zer newspapers read/the
3-3 I can get many informations such as zer news and shopping … information/the
3-4 advertisement and so on.
3-5 A: How about in England?
3-6 B: But, after I came to England I can’t get many newspapers so couldn’t
3-7 I read the news mailing by zer TV or internet mainly/the
3-8 A: Did you read any news recently, very important?
3-9 B: Yes, I sink the news, the influency new…importantly, zer last news think/recent/the
3-10 last month, zer earsquake /iriptid/ in Taiwan. Because the the/earthquake/irrupted
3-11 earsquake many commity cables under zer sea earthquake/communicative/[l]
3-12 was brokened so I can’t open my email box from Asia were/broken /couldn’t
3-13 A: How about websites?
3-14 B: No, it’s very difficult to read Chinese news from the internet
3-15 because the commity cables was brokened. And it’s very communicative/were/broken
3-16 difficult to make phone to my home. So I am very exhausted
3-17 and I sink the internet is very very important in my daily life. think
3-18 By zer internet we can do shopping and we can do many many the
3-19 sings. I can look up materials for my research projects and book things
3-20 hotel or book tickets in, by the internet. For example if I want to
3-21 book a ticket coach ticket I can open zer coach station internet the/web
3-22 site, and input my account number and my name, zen zer coach then/the
3-23 station internet site will give me a name and passwords then I web
3-24 imposed name and password I can get my coach tickets. input
3-25 And in, by the internet I can spend my spice time, spare
3-26 I can read news or see film on by zer internet. There are many [l]/ the
3-27 kinds of films in zer internet websites. And I sometimes listening the/listen to
3-28 music by zer internet. the
3-29 A: I see many students when they come to England or go abroad,
3-30 they will communicate with their families by the internet. They use
3-31 MSN or Skype, did you use it?
3-32 B: Yes, I sometimes use the sky phone to connect with my friends
3-33 or my family member. It is very convenience and it isn’t spend family/convenient/ doesn’t
3-34 your money.
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