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   摘 要  私募股权投资的目的是投资非上市公司的股权从而赚取公司的时间价值差。是通过非公开的手段募集资金来解决中小企业融资难问题继而使中小企业发展更加规范。私募股权投资是一种新兴的投资方式,相较于传统投资手段其特点是风险高,流动性差,信息高度不对称,故在选择项目标的时需要详细调查了解并精准评估。国内私募股权投资研究更多的是对国外私募股权投资理论在国内的复盘,缺乏对本土理论及实践方面的研究,在怎样投资,制定什么样的投资流程及投资决策方面都有所欠缺。近几年来,由于创新创业等政策的落实发展以及 大众创业、万众创新 理念的提出,使得国内私募股权投资市场基金募资在数目和规模上得到了空前发展。故私募股权投资基金更加专业化,项目选择更加精准化是私募股权投资基金当前面临的问题。同时,规范中小企业的运营也成为实现两者共赢的关键。鉴于此,本文以S公司私募股权投资项目为例,分析投资基金在面对S公司融资计划时所考虑项目选择的因素,最后运用市盈率法来估算S公司的企业价值来验证投资基金的投资决策是否可行。

  本文旨在通过案例分析指出私募股权投资基金在项目选择及估值时主要考虑因素有:企业成长性、行业发展前景、企业投资价值以及估值方式的确认。在最后本文对私募股权投资基金提供若干建议,- -是提高股权投资团队的专业性:二是在项目决策前选择合理得当的退出方式:三是结合企业信息选择合适的估值方式:四是重视投后管理工作;五是完善私募股权投资行业相关政策及法律法规。 某慕课平台私募股权投资基金项目的决策及可行性分析   
  关键词: 私募股权投资:投资项目选择:企业估值。


  The purpose of private equity investment is to invest in the equity of unlisted companies to earn the time value difference of the company. It is to raise funds through non-public means to solve the problem of financing difficulties for SMEs and make the development of SMEs more standardized. Private equity investment is an emerging investment method. Compared with traditional investment methods, it is characterized by high risk, poor liquidity, and highly asymmetric information. Therefore, when selecting an investment company, detailed investigation and accurate assessment are required. Domestic private equity investment research is more of a review of foreign private equity investment theories in China. There is a lack of research on local theory and practice, and there is a lack of how to invest, what kind of investment processes and investment decisions are made. In recent years, due to the implementation and development of policies such as innovation and entrepreneurship and the concept of mass entrepreneurship and innovation , domestic private equity investment market fundraising has achieved unprecedented development in number and scale. Therefore, private equity investment companies are more professional, and project selection is more precise is the current problem facing private equity investment companies. At the same time, standardizing the operation of SMEs has become the key to achieving a win-win situation for both. In view of this, this article takes S company s private equity investment project as an example, analyzes the factors that the investment company considers when facing the company s financing plan, and finally uses the price-earnings ratio method to estimate the company s corporate value to verify the investment company s investment decision Is it feasible.
  This article aims to point out through case analysis that the main considerations of private equity investment companies in project selection and valuation are: enterprise growth, industry development prospects, enterprise investment value and confirmation of valuation methods. In the end, this article provides some suggestions for private equity investment companies. One is to improve the professionalism of the equity investment team; the second is to choose a reasonable and appropriate exit method before the project decision; the third is to choose a suitable valuation method based on corporate information; Post-investment management; Fifth, improve the relevant policies and laws and regulations of the private equity investment industry.
  Key words : Private equity investment; investment project selection; corporate valuation。

  绪 论

  0.1 、研究背景及意义。
  0.1.1 、研究背景。
  私募股权投资作为相对新兴的金融业务,起始于1960年代,自1980年代开始,贝恩资本等世界知名私募股权投资公司相继成立。发展至1990 年代,私募股权投资公司逐渐步入成熟期,相应规章制度逐渐完善,并随着经济全球化的逐渐发展扩散到全球经济体。
  在中国,私募股权投资基金大多数起始于行政力量,为了帮助各地高新企业成长,各地省市政府纷纷成立政府性质的引导基金。随着近几年 互联网+ 热潮的兴起,同时国务院响应万众创新的号召出台了大量有利于创业创新的政策,使我国私募股权投资行业迎来了巨大的发展。但是在2018年出台的资管新规影响下,私募监管在日渐趋严,行业自律监管在日渐加强,相应私募投资基金增长日渐趋缓。
  截至2018年末,在中国证券投资基金业协会登记的私募投资基金管理人数量为24448家,较上年末增长8.92%。在协会备案且正在运作的私募投资基金共74629只,较2017年末增长12.38%, 基金规模为12.71万亿元,较2017年末增长10.50%。
  其中,私募证券投资基金整体规模2.14万亿元,较上年下降16.61%; 私募股权投资基金整体规模8.71万亿元,较上年末增长0.39% 。通过数据及发展现状可以分析得出,私募投资基金行业存在着单只基金产品规模较小,市场上产品优劣差异较大,行业发展受地域经济影响严重等现象。同时存在税收体系待完善、行业形象有待提升等主要问题。
  0.1.2、 研究意义。
  在中国,私募股权投资随着2014年 互联网+ 的创业热潮高速发展起来,对中小企业的蓬勃发展起到了重要作用。在2018 年国务院下发的《关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造 双创 升级版的意见》中再次提到对中小企业的扶持及积极营造有利于企业创新创业的环境。私募股权投资能提供的正是中小创新企业想获得的普适性的最直接有力的资金支持。在国家出台的私募股权众筹融资管理办法及后续一系列政策中可以看出在审慎监管的前提下国家对私募股权投资持鼓励发展态度。
  而在私募股权投资中,对其私投资项目的选择及估值研究便具有一定 的实际意义。


  原文出处:张拓宇. 私募股权投资基金项目选择与估值案例分析[D].辽宁大学,2020.











