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英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(2) 试题
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  I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
1. Which is the best closing for a sales letter?
A. Call today for a free catalog.
B. Be sure to order our new catalog.
C. We look forward to your next order.
D. Call me at 5559876 for a free catalog.
2. Which of the following describes memo reports rather than letter reports?
A. They begin with the headings To, From, Date and Subject.
B. They show careful organization.
C. They include headings.
D. They are usually longer.
3. Which of the following is NOT a source of photographs?
A. Scanners. B. The World Wide Web.
C. Electronic whiteboards. D. CD-Rom collections.
4. Which part of the face provides the most nonverbal feelings?
A. The mouth. B. The eyes.
C. The lips. D. The color of the face.
5. In a proposal, the goals of a project might be described in a section entitled
A. Staffing B. Budget
C. Purpose D. Authorization
6. A functional order resmne emphasizes
A. the order of jobs held B. skills and capabilities
C. education D. the functions performed on a job
7. Which of the following is a guideline for effective participation in a meeting?
A. hnprove decision making. B. Be an active participant.
C. Arrive on time. D. All of the above.
8. Speakers establish credibility by
A. describing their qualifications B. using effective visual aids
C. gelting the audience involved D. previewing their main points
9. Use the reverse chronological order on a resume when
A. you have only part-lime jobs to list
B. you want to emphasize the date of your most recent job
C. your work experience is not related to the position you are seeking
D. most of your work experience is related to the position you are seeking
10. Job seekers should ask themselves questions such as 'Do I prefer doing creative or
problem-solving work?' and 'Do I prefer a structured or an unstructured work
environment?' to
A. evaluate their qualifications
B. identify their interests
C. assess the corporate work environment
D. evaluate a specific career path
  II. TRUE/FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course hook.
( )11. A manual is simply one very long set of instructions.
( )12. A process description should be as technical as your knowledge allows.
( )13. Staying cahn and professional will help even an angry customer maintain control
of his or her emotions.
( ) 14. When determining a person's attitudes, people base more of their opinions on
words than on nonverbal symbols.
( ) 15. Listening is the communication form we use most frequently.
( )16. When measuring attitudes, people give more importance to how words are spoken
than to the words themselves.
( ) 17. If you are enthusiastic about your topic, you increase tbe probability of your
audience becoming enthusiastic about it also.
( )18. Effective listeners often judge speakers even before they begin.
( ) 19. The Internet is a great source of information, bu! h has little to do with customer
( )20. Tasks may be delegated over the telephone, in a menlo, or in a meeting. Use a
meeting only if necessary.
21. What are internal customers?
22. What is the purpose of supporting information in a persuasive message?
23. Why is customer service important?
24. When starling a meeting, what can a leader do to make the beginning effective?
25. When organizing a meeting, what is the first thing you shouht do?
IV. READING COMPREItENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)
Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
Passage One
You may have heard that doing business on the Internet is m some way 'insecure'.
Don't let that put you off' if you stop to think about it, your everyday business dealings
aren't exactly without hazard.
Perhaps you are worrying about losing customers through credit card fraud. With a little
care, you really needn't be. Credit card fraud existed long before the Internet arrived. If
your customer provides his or her credit card details over the lnteroet, then in some sense
you are already trusted as a Business, ahhough you do, of (:ourse, need to protect your
customer against an ill intentioned third party. So advise your customer to keep a record of
whai he or she has ordered and for how much.
Another common worry is that linking your business to the Internet will somehow allow
rivals to get at your computers and your information. Well, in one sense, this is the whole
point of linking your business to the Internet: you want people to get at your computers and
all the information they contain. However, you donrl have to connect your internal network
to the Internet, you can use a firewall that works just like your security guard.
So, use the Internet in the same way you conduct business in the local high street,
restaurant or pub. Feel free to display your products on the World Wide Web. Of course,
you should exercise caution when dealing with sensitive information on things like credit
cards, but you've got more to lose by not taking advantage of 'electronic commerce' than by
being on it.
26. What is the passage mainly talking about?
A. How to do business on the Internet.
B. The main worries on online business.
C. The influences of the Internet.
27. According to the passage, perhaps the online business people will worry about
A. losing customers through credit card fraud
B. getting less competitive by being scanned by rivals
C. both A and B
28. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Credit card fraud is not the outcome of the online business.
B. If you are trusted by your customers online, there will be no more credit card
C. 'Fo keep a record can help your customers follow his or her order records.
29. What does a firewall work for?
A. It prevents you to get access to the Internet,
B. It prevents everyone to get access to your online business.
C. It prevents your rivals to get access to your internal network.
30. According to the passage, you should be cautious when
A. handling such information as on credit cards
B. displaying your products
C. taking advantage of electronic commerce
Passage Two
From time to time, whatever our occupations are, we need to persuade others to see
things our way. Often we have In use persuasion to favorably influence customers, suppliers
and shareholders. Although persuasion is a skill valuable in any job, few people receive any
relevant training--except professional salespeople. Selling, a dirty word to many people, is
the art of persuasion. Everyone can benefit from learning the basic techniques of selling.
Customers do not make buying decisions unless they recognize a need which the sales
person can satisfy. You need to be able to ask tbe right questions in a way which is relevant
to your customers' interests. If you can do so, the customer will answer fully and honestly
because they can see a benefit in doing so. Once a customer acknowledges a need, they are
more willing to listen to the benefits of the product. They will not necessarily be interested
in the product itself, but in what it can do to satisfy their need.
Generally speaking, salespeople employ five skills. First, they ask questions and really
listen to the replies so they can idenlify the customer% needs exactly. Second, they describe
those benefits of the product which meet that customer% needs. Third, they use evidence to
support any claims made. Fourth, they overcome objections. Finally, they close the sale.
These techniques can be used positively by us all, at work and in our daily lives.
31. According to the passage, bow can we favorably influence others?
A. By considering things in their ways.
B. By persuading them in favor of Us.
C. By communicating with them effectively.
32. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A. Persuasion is useful only in marketing and sales.
B. Everyone can be successful in selling.
C. Many people have bad feelings to the word, selling.
33. According to the passage, when do customers decide to buy a product?
A. When they realize the product is a necessity to them.
B. When their friends and relatives have the same product.
C. When they have enough money to buy the product.
34. If a salesperson shows you some authoritative statistics which indicate that his
product is more popular than others, he is using the __ skill mentioned in the last
A. second
B. third
C. fourth
35. The author% attitude to selling is
A. positive
B. negative
C. indifferent
V. TRANSLATION (4 段短文,每段5分,共20分)
Translate the following passages into Chinese.
35. Proposals are another type of persuasive writing. A proposal is a formal report that
describes a problem and recommends a solution. The writer establishes a need and tries to
convince the reader to meet that need by taking a specific action. Proposals may be internal,
such as from an employee to a supervisor, or external, such as from a consulting firm to a
37. Sincerity is a critical part of your image. For you to be credible, you must be
perceived as sincere which may take time. Open, honest communication sends a nonverbal
message that you are sincere. In order to declare you "sincere", receivers need time to
observe. Ill your actions and words contrast with one another, you will be viewed as
insincere. If they match, you are considered credible and sincere.
38. Many interviewers will begin with ice breaker questions such as, "see that you were
in school band. What instruments do you play?" these questions are intended to put you at
ease. Answer them naturally and be yourself.
39. Employers receive many resumes and must scan each of them quickly. Based on the
resume's appearance, the readers form a first impression. For that reason, a resume should
be easy to read, altractive, crisp, and clean.
VI. WRITING (30 分)
40. Rewrite the following letter. It projects a self-centered altitude, which may make
some readers a little unhappy. Use the you attitude to personalize it so that it sounds polite
and does not cost the company a customer. (10 分)
Dear Mary Addison,
We have your request for a trial copy of Getting Heahhier, which were recently
published. We regret to say that this book is temporarily out of stock. A copy will however
go forward promptly when a new supply is available. This should be approximately April 10.
41. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block formal and open
punctuation. (20 分)
You, your husband or wife and your child, aged 7, want to visit Montreal, Canada.
Write to Mr. Rob Stevenson, Whitecastle Travel Agency, 501 East Brickhaven, Lodgepole,
MT 59524-1420. Ask for brochures on Montreal and costs of round trip coach airline tickets
to and from Montreal. You plan to leave from Beijing, China, the first weekend in July and
stay for two weeks.

   英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准
  I . MULTIPLE CHOICE(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B
  II. TRUE/FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course hook.

11. F 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. T
16. T 17. T 18. F 19. F 20. T
21, What are internal customers'?
They are people who work for the same company.
22, What is the purpose of supporting informat on n a persuas ye message?
Supporting information is included to convince readers that granting the request will
satisfy their own needs.
23. Why is customer service important?
Customer service is important because companies have to work harder and harder in a
competitive economy lo win and keep--customers. Providing excellent customer service is
one way to do so.
24. When starting a meeting, what can a leader do to make the beginning effective?
Have direction and know the purpose of the meeting, state the purpose of the meeting
initially and start on time.
25. When organizing a meeting, what is the first thing you should do?
To determine its obiective.
IV. READING COMPREtlENSION (10小题,每小题2分,共20分}
Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
Passage One
26. B 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A
Passage Two
31. B 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. A
V. TRANSLATION (4段短文,每段5分,共20分)
Translate the following passages into Chinese,
VI. WRITING (30 分}
40. Rewrite the following letter. It projects a self-centered attitude, which may make
some readers a little unhappy. Use the you-attitude to personalize it so that it sounds polite
and does not cost the company a customer. (10 分)
Dear Mr. Addison,
Thanks a lot for your interest in Getting Healthier.
It seems that this exciting new book is attracting a good deal more attention then we
predicted, and at the moment there isn't a single copy left. Naturally, we ordered a new
printing before we ran out, and we expect to receive copies by April 10. To speed delivery,
I'm having your book sent directly from the printer, so you should have it by the time we get
41. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
punctuation. (20 分)
Mr. Rob Stevenson
Whitecastle Travel Agency
501 East Brickhaven
Lodgepole, MT 59524-1420
Dear Mr. Stevenson
I would be appreciated if you can send me a brochure on Montreal as well as information
on costs of round-trip coach airline tickets from Beijing to Montreal.
I plan to leave the first weekend in July and stay for two weeks. Three of us--my
husband, my daughter, aged 7, and me will be going.
If any other information about us is necessary for the quotation, please let me know.
Thank you.


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