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英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(2) 试题

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each
1, Which of the following is the best format for a step in a set of instructions?
a, Check to see if an X is in the: Preview Picture box.
b. An X should be in the Preview Picture box.
c. After the Insert Picture dialog box appears on the screen, check to see if an X is in the
Preview Picture box.
d. Choose the Insert-→Picture Command and check to see if an X is in the Preview Picture
2. What is the purpose of a collection letter?
a. To establish a good working relationship.
b. To persuade a customer to pay a past-due bill.
c. To advertise new products or services.
d. To warn the customer of the consequences of ignoring a past-due bill.
3. A bar graph_____
a. is limited to simple and multiple-bar formats
b. can be constructed vertically, horizontally, or diagonally
c. should have its quantities axis begun with an amount greater than zero
d. is used to enable your audience to compare the data represented in the graph
4. Which of the following is not a source for photographs?
a. Scanners.
b. The World Wide Web.
c. Electronic whith boards.
d. CD-Rom collections.
5. What is the tone of your voice?
a. The message you send by speaking clearly.
b. The pleasing qualities of your speaking voice.
c. The way your message sounds.
  d. The speech patterns you use.
6. Which of these body actions are important to your image?
   a. eye contact
   b. facial expressions and gestures
   c. posture
   d. ail of the above
7, Effective listeners
   a..rely mainly on the verbal symbols of a message________
   b. make judgments as quickly and efficiently as possible
   c. are seriously concerned with the speaker's delivery and appearance
   d. paraphrase the message to ensure understanding
8. Which of the following is not identified as a meeting task? A meeting to________
   a. persuade
   b. collaborate
   c. make assignments
   d. improve decision making
9. When you research a company, you talk with_______
   a. employees only
   b. customers, teachers, and utility companies
   c. company employees, suppliers, and customers
   d. suppliers, real estate agents, and area businesses
10. Use the reverse chronological order on a resum when______
   a. you have only part-time jobs to list
   b. you want to emphasize the date of your most recent job
   c. your work experience is not related to the position you are seeking
   d. most of your work experience is related to the position you are seeking
Ⅱ. TRUE / FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
   Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the
   statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course
   ___________11. In a persuasive letter, you should emphasize your primary appeal;
   __________12. When a customer first falls behind in making payments, you should send a
   stern reminder of the consequences.
   ___________13. As a general rule, you should present a new visual about every minute.
__________14. Failing to return telephone calls, messages, or e-mail sends the message that you are a busy professional and much in demand.
__________15. Maintaining an appropriate amount of eye contact helps senders and receivers block out nearby distractions.
   ___________16. Listening is the communication form we use most frequently.
   ___________ 17. When taking notes, we need to record everything we can,
____________ 18. In the closing of an oral presentation, you should summarize the main points
       __ 19. Collecting and distributing information before holding a decision-making
   meeting is not necessary.
   _____________20. Your portfolio contains information about you.
  2l. What is the meaning of. RFP?
  22. What are internal customers?
   ~ ,("~
   23. What are the two types of nonverbal symbols used in the business environment?
   24. What should be presented in the main body of an oral presentation?
   25. What is the. first thing you should do when starting the job-getting process?
   Rewrite the following short Paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:
   As you requested, here our proposal for conducting telephone survey to determine
   consumer interesting in the posting of nutritional informations in your store' s produce
   department. The objection of the project is provide the research your need to decide weather
   to post this information. This proposal describes the need for and the scope of the project
and outline the action plan we would carry out to obtain the customer feedback that will help in your decision.
   V. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分 )
   Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
   Passage One:
   During your job search, you may be requested to supply references at a job interview.
As a serious job applicant, you should have available a separate sheet listing the names and addresses of your references, together with their relationship to you.
  When you are preparing a list of references for a general-employment application, where diversity is an asset, try to include the persons who have known you in different situations so they may speak about various qualities. The combined descriptions could result in a broader and more accurate picture of you as a person.' But if you are applying for a specific position, choose references who can emphasize the nature of your skills or personality. For example, a college graduate applying for an assistantship would be wise to choose as references past professors exclusively; they will understand what the readers of the application need to know about the applicant.
  As a courtesy, get in touch with the people you wish to include on your reference list and ask permission to use their names. This contact will allow them to prepare adequate answers to questions about you so they will not be caught by surprise when prospective employers call or write. Also those contacted can decline your request, if they wish. You my find it worthwhile to re-introduce yourself to the people on your list, particularly if you have not spoken to them for a while.
   36. As mentioned in this passage, when do you need to supply references during your job
   a. When writing a job application.
   b. When filling company application forms.
   c. At a job interview.
   37. Why is diversity important when you are preparing a list of references for a general
   a. Because the boss will know that you have a large social circle.
   b. Because different references will speak about various qualities of you.
c. Because the more references you have, the greater possibility there is for you to obtain the position.
   38. What kind of references do you need when you apply for a specific position?
   a. The persons who are on good terms with you.
   b. The persons who can emphasize your quality related to the job.
   c. Only teachers can quality for references.
   39. Which of the following is true about the permission of using references' names?
   a. They are all pleased to be included in reference list.
   b. They will decline your request.
   c. Some o[ them will agree, but others won't.
   40. Why do you find it worthwhile to re-introduce yourself to the people on your list?
   a. To help then remember past relations.
   b. To make a good impression on them.
   c. To make friends with them.
   Passage Two:
As convenient as the Internet ii for finding everything from architectural feats of ancient Egypt to zoo pamphlets, searching for specific graphic design items can be extremely time consuming. That is why Lois Byrd Stevenson's new hook, Graphic Design Infornation and the Internet: How to Find It, How to Use It, promises, to be indispensable to both professionals and students of graphic arts. Graphic Design Information is a comprehensive guide to data on the Internet about architectural design, interior decorating, posters, corporate graphic art, product advertising and promotions, PR events and even Web design. Consider the sites under "Architectural Design". The Eiffel Tower (www. Eiffel t ower. eom) lets you climb its steel frame, examining its joints along the way. If you pick "Posters" you can wander through the icons of Russian art throughout the 20'th century (www. politics. gov/communism/Russian/art).Have you ever wondered who coordinated the PR campaigns for world expositions,world wars and world marketing? From A to Z, rallying Aussies to Gallipoli in World War I(warhistory. Auckland. edu/Anzacs/recruit html) to the international marketing campaign for Zippmex lighters (www. zippmex, com/marketing), Graphic Design Information leaves no ~tone unturned for the curious graphic designer. Go to "Artist Index" and you can browse through the names of some 5000 graphic artists. Those of you who recall Lois Byrd Stevenson's 1990 text Graphic Design: Research
Methods and Resources (Johannan-Hart), a core reference for educators, students and museum staff members, will find that Stevenson's approach is consistently thorough,engaging and thought-provoking.
  41. For both professionals and students of graphic design, Graphic Design Information and
   the Internet is
   a. fun to look at
   b. inexpensive
   c. very useful
  42. What does Graphic Design Information and the Internet provide information about?
   a. Specific feats of graphic design.
    b. How to access websites on graphic design topics.
    c. How graphic artists have designed the Internet.
  43. On the Eiffel Tower website, how can you get an interesting angle on the Eiffel Tower?
   a. By scaling the structure.
   b. By watching its builders construct the tower.
   c. By seeing the original design drawings.
  44. In addition to its listing of relevant Web addresses, Graphic Design Information and the
   Internet gives the names of
   a. graphic artists
   b. stone structures
   c. educators and museum staff members
  45. How is Johannan_Hart involved with Graphic Design Information and the Internet.?
   a. As the author.
   b. As the retailer.
   c. As the publisher.
  VI. TRANSLATION(3 小题,每小题5分,共15分)
  Translate the following passages into Chinese:
46. A graphic aid provides a.visual representation Of the Words in your' message. Graphic aids provide an efficient means of presenting dense amounts of information in a way that can help the audience understand your message. Because most people remember what I
It see much longer and better than what they hear, graphic aids are important for you to know how to use as you work to improve your communication skills.
  47. Sincerity is a critical part of your image. For you to be credible, you must be perceived
   as sincere which may take time. Open, honest communication sends a nonverbal
message that you are sincere. In order to declare you "sincere," receivers need time to observe. If your actions and words contrast with one another, you will be viewed as insincere. If they match, you are considered credible and sincere.
48. To locate actual job openings, go to school placement offices, check with personal contacts, look in newspapers and professional magazines, search the Internet, and use employment agencies or temp agencies if needed. Jobs are also sometimes obtained through internships.
  Ⅶ. WRITING { 25 分 )
  49. Rewrite the following letter. It projects a self-centered attitude, which may make some
   readers a little unhappy. Use the you-attitude to personalize it so that it sounds polite and
   does not cost the company a customer. (10 分)
  Dear Sir
Regrettably this organization is no longer supplying free note bags to business show visitors, although Scribe ball-point pens are still being made available for such events; Upon receipt of an estimate of your requirements, shipment will be made.
Yours truly
  50. When you applied for a position of assistant advertising manager of Men% Clothing, you
   listed as a reference Mr. Best, your former boss of Ito Yokado (108 Qian He Jia Yuan,
   Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029). Upon being hired for the job, you learned that Mr.
   Xu had written an excellent letter of recommendation for you, which was the main reason
   you were hired. Write a thank--you latter to Mr. Best. (15分)
  英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(2) 试题答案及平分标准
  I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分共10分)
   Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer
   1. a 2. b 3. d 4. e 5. e
   O. d 7. d 8. d 9. c 10. d
  Ⅱ. TRUE / FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
   Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space
  statement is false.
   11. T 12. F 13. F 14. F 15. T
   16. T 17. F 18. T 19. F 20. T
  Ⅲ. QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS(5小题,。每小题2分,共10 分)
   21, What is the meaning of RFP?
   ANS: .Request for Proposal
   22. What are internal customers?
   ANS: people who work for the same company
   23. What are the two types of nonverbal symbols used in the business environment
   ANS: furnishings and color
   24. What should be presented in the main body of an oral presentation?
   ANS: the main points
   25. What is the first thing you should do when starting the job-getting process?,
   ANS: identify personal and career goals
   Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:
As you requested, here is our proposal for conducting a telephone survey to determine consumer interest in the posting of nutritional information in your store's produce department. The objective of the project is to provide the research you need to decide whether to post this information. This proposal describes the need for and the scope of the project and outlines the action plan we would carry out to obtain the customer feedback that will help in your decision.
  V. READING COMPREHENSION ( 10 小题每小题2分,共20分 )
   Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
   Passage One: 36. e 37. b 38. b 39. c 40. a
   Passage Two: 41. e 42. b 43. a 44. a 45. c
  Ⅵ. TRANSLATION (3 段短文,每段短文5分共15分)
    Translate the following passages into Chinese:
46. A graphic aid provides a visual representation of the words in your message. Graphic aids provide an efficient means of presenting dense amounts of information in a way that can help the audience understand your message. Because most people remember what they see much longer and better than what they hear, graphic aids are important for you to know how to use as you work to improve your communication skills.
 47. Sincerity is a critical part of your image. For you to be credible, you must be perceived as sincere which may take time. Open, honest communication sends a
  nonverbal message that you are sincere. In order to declare you "sincere," receivers need
  time to observe. If your actions and words contrast with one another, you will be viewed as
  insincere. If they match, you are considered credible and sincere.
真诚是自身形象的一个关键部分。要做到诚实可信,必须要让别人认为你是真诚的,这可能需要时间。诚实的交流传达出一种非言语信息,即你是真诚的。为亍判断你的真诚,对方需要观察的时间。如果你言行不一,别人就认为你虚假。如果言行一 致,你就被认为是可信而真诚的。
    48. To locate actual job openings, go to school placement offices, cheek with personal
   contacts, look in newspapers and professional magazines, search the Internet, and use
  employment agencies or temp agencies if needed. Jobs are also sometimes obtained through
  Ⅶ. WRITING (共 25 分)
   49. Rewrite the following letter. It projects a self-centered attitude, which may make
  some readers a little unhappy. Use the you-attitude to personalize it so that it sounds polite
and does not cost the company a customer. (10 分)
   Dear Sir
   Regrettably, this Organization is no longer supplying free note bags to business show
     visitors, although Scribe ban-point pens are still being made available for such events.
   Upon 'receipt Of an estimate of your requirements, shipment will be made.
   Yours truly
   Suggested key:
   Dear Mr. Johnson,
  I wish we could supply note bags for your visitors to the Business show. However,we
  discontinued this practice few months ago because the demand dropped to a trickle,1eading
to believe that so many Other Organizations were supplying bags that ours were,needed.
   I'm pleased to say, however, that Scribe ball·point pens are still being distributed ethougt cost for affais such as yours.If you'll let me know about how many you need,I'll get them to you we'll before your opening on October 9.
 I hope your show we'll be the best ever.
  50.When you applied for a position Of assistant advertising man's of Men's Cl0thing,
  you listed as a reference Mr. Best,your former boss Of lto Yokado(108QianHeJiaYuan,
  chaoyang District,BeJng,100029).Upon being hired for thejob,you learned that Mr.Xu
  had written an excellent letter Of recommendation for you,which was the main reason you
  were hired. Write a thank-you latter to Mr,Best. (15分)
  108Qian He Jia Yclan
  ChaOyang District
  Dear Mr. Best,
  i think you'll be pleased to know that l have been hired as assistant advertising manager
of Aen's Clothing. 1reporttOworkfromnextweek. This gives me a little time,and l hope to drop into see you before l leave for the new job. At any rate,I reaIIy want to thank you for your help. The job 100ks very challenging, but with my thorough training at university and especially the valuable experience of working for you at your shop, I m confident I can handle it
   Yours sincerely
   Chang Cong

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