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商务交际英语(1) 试题
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  I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
  1. Which of the following statements best defines communication?
   A. The process of sending messages.
   B. The process of receiving messages.
   C. The process of sending and interpreting messages.
  2. We use to persuade.
   A. a sales phone call B. a message full of errors
   C. a friendship letter
  3. To signal "yes", a Greek may
   A. nod the head upward B. lift his eyebrows
   C. tilt the head to either side
  4. Which of the following statements describes an effective team?
   A. The team learns from its successes and failures and makes progress.
   B. Team members are individuals who do not agree on the team's vision.
   C. Team members have similar skills and attitudes; conflict will not arise.
  5. Which of the following sentences contains all of the five W's?
   A. The Board of Directors will hold a meeting in the conference room on March 9
   to discuss staff's suggestions.
   B. New employees should report at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October 6, for an
   orientation session.
   C. Committee volunteers will meet in conference room C on Thursday at 2:30.
  6. Proofreading is the process of the message.
   A. planning B. organizing
   C. reviewing
  7. A memo to coworker thanking her for her support on a project is to
   A. state a policy B. promote goodwill
   C. provide a record
  8. When you want to send a memo to someone who is unknown to you, you should write
   in the TO line.
   A. To: Mr. Evan Wherry B. To: Sir or Madame
   C. To: Service Manager
   9. In a letter, is NOT a necessary part.
   A. the dateline B. the subject line
   C. the letter address
  10. In chronological order, a report is organized regarding
   A. importance B. hypotheses
   C. time
  Ⅱ. TRUE/FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.
  11. When a company put its web page on the Internet, it intends to share information with
  12. The sender is responsible for reading and listening effectively.
  13. The OK sign is perceived the same way in France and the United States.
  14. To avoid offending a Chinese or Japanese businessperson, carefully examine a business
   card that is presented to you before putting it away.
  15. In a direct order, the main idea should be placed first.
  16. A transition is a word or phrase that connects sentences in paragraphs.
  17. Memos take more time to format and key than letters.
  18. All goodwill letters require supporting information.
  19. Data lead to conclusions; conclusions lead to recommendations.
  20. An appendix and a letter of transmittal are two supplementary parts of a formal report.
  III. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分}
   Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
   Passage One
   Atlee Corporation is a consulting company with offices in several major cities in the
   United States. An old firm, it is considered conservative and somewhat elite. The company
   directors have recently bowed to pressure and agreed to institute a casual dress day for
   employees. The directors issued the following menlo:
   After much consideration, we, the board of directors, agree that the implementation of
   a casual dress day will neither interrupt Business nor damage our reputation. For that
   reason, employees may participate by wearing less formal attire on the last first and third
   Friday of each month.
   Should any employee violate any of the rules stated herein, disciplinary action may be
  taken. If this arrangement is to work in an acceptable manner, certain rules must be
  followed. First, employees who have contact with outside clients on the designated casual
  dress days may not participate in casual dress day under any circumstances. Women may not
  wear clothing that would be considered revealing. In addition, short ("mini") skirts, shorts,
  halter tops, tight jeans, and anything resembling swimwear is not allowed. Male employees
  should wear comfortable slacks and shirts or sweaters, depending on the season.
  21. Which of the following words best describes Atlee Corporation?
   A. Young and conservative. B. Old and elite.
   C. Old and conservative.
  22. Who made the memo?
   A. The Labor Union. B. The Sales Department.
   C. The Board of Directors.
  23. What does the memo mainly talk about?
   A. Implementation of a casual dress day.
   B. Declaration of rules and regulations.
   C. Carrying out several activities.
  24. According to the memo, women are not allowed to wear
   A. slacks B. shorts
   C. sweaters
   25. What can be inferred from the memo?
   A. The casual dress day set by Atlee Corporation is not popular among its
   B. If any employee violates any of the rules, he or she will possibly be punished.
   C. Women seem to be restricted more and therefore the rule seems unfair to
   Passage Two
   Let People Do What They Do Best
   We recently had lunch with some web developers in Memphis and it came up how we try
   to stick to what we do best, and team up with other companies for their own expertise. We
   think it is important for a small company like ours to be successful.
   Sometimes when a small company tries to do what it does best, we often have to wear
  several hats to get the job done. We all have to know many different aspects of web
   development and business in order to work well together. Even though I' m not a
   programmer, for example, I do need some kind of basic knowledge in computer programming
   to communicate well with Stephen and Nate. So do they. I would argue that both Stephen
   and Nate have a great sense of design, too.
   While the idea of a being a "renaissance (多才多艺的) man" is a very romantic ideal, it
   doesn't make much business sense. When you try to do everything, you end up not being
   good at anything. We always keep in mind that web development is our strength, not
   anything else. Because of this, we enjoy partnering up with other design, advertising, public
  relations, and marketing companies if a project requires those specific needs. For instance, if
  a potential (潜在的) client comes to us about a new website and logo, we'll tell them that
  we don't design logos, but we can put them in contact with a great design shop. We don't
  try and sell a client on something that we know we're not the best at doing. The same goes
for a client needing a great viral marketing campaign for their web application. Could we do a
  sufficient job and get the word out about their project or even develop them a new logo?
  Quite possibly, yes. But we will find a company that specializes in just that, would do a
  100% better job.
  26. According to the article, what's important for a small company to succeed?
   A. Having lunch with important clients.
   B. Persisting in doing what it does best.
   C. Concentrating on one specific job.
  27. What does the sentence '... we often have to wear several hats to get the job done. '
   A. Different hats can help attract more audience for us.
   B. We often display various models of goods in promotion.
   C. It's necessary for us to know different knowledge.
  28. It's inferred from the second paragraph that the author is a
   A. designer B. programmer
   C. professor
  29. Which partnership is not mentioned in the article?
   A. Planning. B. Advertising.
   C. Public relations.
  30. What's the main idea of the last paragraph?
   A. If one wants to be a successful businessman, he must be renaissance.
   B. A successful company must try its besl to do everything good.
   C. A small company should keep its partnership with other companies.
  IV. TRANSLATION (4 段短文,每段5分,共20分}
  Translate the following passages into Chinese.
  31. We all use communication for five basic purpose: (1) to establish and build goodwill, (2)
   to persuade, (3) to obtain or share information, (4) to establish personal effectiveness,
   and (5) to build self-esteem.
  32. In addition to differences in culture and nationality, we are likely to encounter other types
   of diversity in the workplace concerning race or ethnicity, gender, physical abilities,
   social class, age, religion, personality and so on.
  33. The order of a message depends on how you expect the receiver to react to the message.
   Most business messages are organized using direct, indirect or direct-indirect order.
  34. Informational reports present facts, so they include very little analysis. Analytical
   reports analyze a problem, present facts, draw conclusions and make recommendations.
  V. WRITING (40 分}
  35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope. (10 分)
  The sender:
  Ms Wang Fang, Head of Sales Department, Fortune Warehouse Co. ltd.
  122 Financial Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100032
  The receiver:
  Mr Johnny Kidman, Marketing Manager, International House London
  53 Swiss Cottage, NWl3, London, U. K.
  36. Write a memo in traditional form according to the following situation. (10 分)
   You are Manager of Publishing Services Department, you are going to write a memo to
  Mr Bobby Davis, Supplies Clerk, to ask him to prepare an order of supplies for your
  department. You need the following things:
  1.5 packages of company letterhead stationery
  2.12 cartridges for Zippy Laser Printers (Model 500)
  3.7 packages of packages of plain bond stationery
You are going to tell him in your memo that one of your staff, Casey MacDonald, will
go to the supply room tomorrow at 9 a.m. to pick up the order. Use the direct order and
You-attitude to write this memo.
37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
punctuation. (20 分)
It's September 5, 2007 and you, Mario Lopez, are going to write a letter to Ms. Alicia DeVon, who gave a presentation to the Taylorsville Investment Club. You have unfortunately miss the meeting but you have read the article, in which you appreciate her
investment strategies and her insights on mutual funds and state bonds. You will enclose a
self-addressed, stamped envelope in your letter and ask for the handouts that Ms. DeVon
provided at her presentation.
Please write a letter in direct order and with You-attitude.

商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准
  Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
   1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A
   6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C
  Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.
  11. T 12. F 13. F 14. T 15. T
  16. T 17. F 18. F 19. T 20. F
  Ⅲ.READING COMPREHENSION(10小题,每小题2分,共20分)
  ead the following two passages and answer the questions.
  Passage One
   21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C
  Passage Two
   26. B 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. C
  Translate the following passages into Chinese.
   31. We all use communication for five basic purpose: (1) to establish and build
  goodwill, (2) to persuade, (3) to obtain or share information, (4) to establish personal
  effectiveness, and (5) to build self-esteem.
   32. In addition to differences in culture and nationality, we are likely to encounter other
  types of diversity in the workplace concerning race or ethnicity, gender, physical abilities,
  social class, age, religion, personality and so on.
  33. The order of a message depends on how you expect the receiver to react to the
  message. Most business messages are organized using direct, indirect or direct-indirect
  34. Informational reports present facts, so they include very little analysis. Analytical reports analyze a problem, present facts, draw conclusions and make recommendations.
  V. WRITING (40 分)
   35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope. (10 分)
   36. Write a correctly laid out memo according to the following situation. (10 分)
   37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
  punctuation. (20 分)

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