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商务交际英语(1) 试题
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  I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
  1. Which of the following statements best defines communication?
   A. The sending of messages.
   B. The sending and receiving of messages.
   C. The sending and interpreting of messages.
   D. None of the above accurately describes communication.
  2. Instead of making judgments based on stereotypes, you should
   A. develop your own groups into which to categorize people
   B. learn to understand people as individuals
   C. judge people according to their appearance
   D. assume similarities and differences based on a persons cultural background
  3. The sender signs his or her initials or name to a memo to indicate that he or she
   A. is in a high-level position
   B. wants and immediate reply to the memo
   C. has read the memo
   D. wants the memo filed
  4. Which of the following is a form of secondary research?
   A. Reading an article in a magazine.
   B. Talking with experts.
   C. Gathering data by distributing a questionnaire in a mall.
   D. Both A and B.
  5. Which of the following sentences contains a redundant expression?
   A. Currently we have an overstock of red and blue T-shirts, as of this week.
   B. As of last quarter, our sales projections were accurate.
   C. The trend is to underestimate the market value of existing properties.
   D. Quality is our primary concern, regardless of the impact on production
  6. Which type of letter is considered a goodwill letter?
   A. A letter of acknowledgment.
   B. A positive response.
   C. A routine request.
   D. All of the above would be considered a goodwill letter.
  7. Which of the following would be part of an analytical report?
   A. Problem statement.
   B. Conclusions.
   C. Recommendations.
   D. All of the above.
  8. Which of the following would be the best beginning for an acknowledgment?
   A. Thank you for your order. Your business is sincerely appreciated.
   B. Here at ABC Company, we sincerely appreciate your business.
   C. Your letter came to me today.
   D. I received your order for 15 speaker sets.
  9. Which of the following statements promotes goodwill by using courteous words?
   A. Return your money in the envelope provided.
   B. I want my money back because you didn't send the product I requested.
   C. You made an error on my financial statement.
   D. Perhaps you overlooked last month's statement, as your account is past due.
  10. Which of the following is based on data?
   A. Findings.
   B. Conclusions.
   C. Recommendations.
   D. Conclusions and recommendations.
  II. TRUE/FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.
   11. Minutes are sent only to the meeting participants.
   12. To avoid offending a Chinese or Japanese businessperson, carefully examine a
   business card that is presented to you before putting it away.
   13. Omit TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT in the simplified memo format.
   14. An appendix and a letter of transmittal are two supplementary parts of a formal
   15. Put the conclusions and recommendations in the opening of a manuscript report
   written in indirect order.
   16. Manuscript reports usually are longer than memo or letter reports but not as long
   as formal reports.
   17. Write informal reports in either the present or the past tense and avoid switching
   between tenses.
   18. Word processing is the same as information processing.
   19. The language in business conversations is always more formal than the language
   used in other conversations.
   20. A hypothesis is a possible explanation of a problem.
  HI. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)
  Read the following two 'passages and answer the questions.
  Passage One
   Globalization is the process which helps the development of global markets. If we want
  to make a global strategy, we must consider the impacts of globalization on particular
  industries and companies.
   The world is shrinking. Success in the new economic order needs more than a national
  or even international perspective. It also needs a global strategy telling us what is happening
  around the world. Being international is not the same as being global. A global company is
  one that has a view of the global market, where the company can not only maximize the
  opportunities but also to minimize the threats.
   If you think globalization applies only to large-sized companies, think again. Then you
  will realize that this is also important for small and medium-sized manufacturers and service
  agencies. By looking at your business in a global perspective, you will gain advantages that
  help you to overpass your competitors.
  21. What should we do to help form a global strategy? We should
   A. neglect the impacts of globalization on industries and companies.
   B. focus on how globalization applies to large-sized companies.
   C. consider the influences that globalization has on industries and companies.
  22. 'The world is shrinking'means the world
   A. is getting bigger
   B. is getting smaller
   C. doesn't change at all
  23. Which of the following statements is CORRECT based on this passage?
   A. A global strategy is needed to analyze the international situation.
   B. Being international is being global.
   C. A global company can always have more opportunities than a non-global
  24. It is necessary to think globally in
   A. large-sized companies
   B. medium-sized companies
   C. both A and B
  25. According to the passage, how can you beat your competitors?
   A. By investing more on research and development.
   B. By operating your company with a global strategy.
   C. By expanding the range of your products.
  Passage Two
   You may have heard that doing business on the Internet is in some way 'insecure'
  Don't let that put you off--if you stop to think about it, your everyday business dealings
  aren't exactly without hazard.
   Perhaps you are worrying about losing customers through credit card fraud. With a little
  care, you really needn't be. Credit card fraud existed long before the Internet arrived. If
  your customer provides their credit card details over the Internet, then in some sense you are
  already trusted as a business, although you do, of course, need to protect your customer
  against an ill-intentioned third party. So advise your customer to keep a record of what he or
  she has ordered and for how much.
   Another common worry is that linking your business to the Internet will somehow allow
  rivals to get at your computers and your information. Well, in one sense, this is the whole
  point of linking your business to the Internet: you want people to get at your computers and
  all the information they contain. However, you don't have to connect your internal network
  to the Internet, you can use a firewall that works just like your security guard.
   So, use the Internet in the same way you conduct business in the local high street,
  restaurant or pub. Display your products with abandon on the World Wide Web. Of course,
  you should exercise caution when dealing with sensitive information on things like credit
  cards, but you've got more to lose by not taking advantage of 'electronic commerce' than by
  being on it.
  26. What is the article mainly talking about?
   A. How to do business on the Internet.
   B. The main worries on online business.
   C. The influences of the Internet.
  27. According to the passage, perhaps the online business people will worry about
   A. losing customers through credit card fraud
   B. getting less competitive by being scanned by rivals
   C. both A and B
  28. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
   A. Credit card fraud is not the outcome of the online business.
   B. If you are trusted by your customers online, there will be no more credit card
   C. To keep a record can help your customers follow his or her order records.
  29. What does a firewall work for?
   A. It prevents you from getting access to the Internet.
   B. It prevents everyone from getting access to your online business.
   C. It prevents your rivals from getting access to your internal network.
  30. What does the phrase "with abandon" (in the last paragraph) means in this
   A. With assurance.
   B. With safety.
   C. With limits.
  IV. TRANSLATION {4 段短文,每段5分,共20分)
  Translate the following passages into Chinese.
   31. Successful teams are made up of individuals who have different backgrounds. In an
  organization, effective work teams have to be based on function, purpose, or individual
  expertise rather than on personality.
   32. Complete business message often include five Ws: who, what, where, when and
  why. Many business messages require several paragraphs to cover the five Ws. Adjust the
  message for your receiver. In some cases, the receiver may not need all five pieces of
   33. Meetings are an important method of exchanging information in any business
   setting. There are boarding meetings, conferences, training sessions, and staff meeting. A
   meeting may consist of a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleagues, or employees
   and their vendors or clients.
   34. Communication is receiver-oriented; therefore, senders should view messages from
   the receiver's perspective. This perspective helps the sender obtain the desired response
   from the receiver. The four steps in planning letters that contain neutral or positive messages are to identify the objective, identify the main idea, determine the supporting information, and adjust the content to the receiver.
  V. WRITING (40 .分)
  35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope. {10 分)
   The sender.
   Prof. Seven Doug, Culture and Education Department, Rain University.
   32 Brightfield Road, London 3, England
   Fax. 63 449 5256
   Tel: 25 234 624
   The receiver:
   Ms Rally Couch, Sales Manager of Sunshine Book Store
   77 New York Street, Manhattan, New York, U. S. A
  36. Write a correctly !aid out memo according to the following situation. (10 分)
   An acquaintance of your client asks for 50 copies of cultural and educational brochures
  from you. Write a memo to your colleague who is responsible in this matter, enquiring about
  the brochures' content and price.
  37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
   punctuation. { 20 分 )
   You, your husband or wife and children, ages 7 and 16, want to visit Montreal,
  Canada. Write to Whitecastle Travel Agency, 501 East Brickhaven, Lodgepole, MT 59524-
  1420. Ask for brochures on Montreal and costs of round-trip coach airline tickets to and from
  Montreal. You plan to leave from Beijing, China, the first weekend in July and stay for two
   商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准
I.MULTIPLE CHOICE(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
   1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A
   6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A
Write a T in the space provided ifthe statementistrue. Write an F in the spaceifthestatement
is false. Yourjudgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.
11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F
16. T 17. T 18. F 19. F 20. T
Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
Passage One
21. C 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. B
Passage Two
26. B 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A
Translate the following passages into Chinese.
31. Successful teams are made up of individuals who have different backgrounds. In an
organization, effective work teams have to be based on function, purpose, or individual expertise rather than on personality.
32. Complete business messages often include five Ws: who, what, where, when and
why. Many business messages require several paragraphs to cover the five Ws. Adjust the
message for your receiver. In some cases, the receiver may not need all five pieces of
  完整的商务信函常包含五个W,who(人),what(事、物),where(地点),when(时间),以及why(原因)。许多商务信函需要数个段落来阐明这五个W。要根据对方的情况调整你的 信函,在有些情况下,对方也许不需要全部五个方面的信息。
33. Meetings are an important method of exchanging information in any business
setting. There are boarding meetings, conferences, training sessions, and staff meetings. A
meeting may consist of a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleagues, or employees
and their vendors or clients.
会议是商务环境中一种重要的交换信息的方式。会议的类型有董事会、业务会、培训会和全体职员会。一次会议的参加者可能会由一名主管、一名雇员、一组同事、或业务员以及他们 的供应商或客户所组成。
34. Communication is receiver-oriented, therefore, senders should view messages from
the receiver's perspective. This perspective helps the sender obtain the desired response
from the receiver. The four steps in planning letters that contain neutral or positive messages
are to identify the objective, identify the main idea, determine the supporting information,
and adjust the content to the receiver.
  交流要面向接受信息者,所以,发送信息者应该从接收者的角度来考虑自己的信息。这种视角能帮助发送者获得想从接收者处收到的回答。构思包含着中性或积极的信息的信函有4 个步骤,它们是:确定目的、确定主要内容、选定辅助信息,并根据接收者的情况调整内容。
   35.According tO the given facts,format a business envelope.(10分)
   Sample key(略)
   格式: 6分
   内容: 4分
   36.Write a correctly laid out memo according tO the following situation.(10分)
   Sample key(略).
   格式、版面: 3分
   内容: 5分(清楚,合理)
   拼法及其它: 2分
   37.Write a letter according tO the situation below,using the block format and open
   Sample key(略)
   内容: 10分
   格式: 5分
   句子结构、语法: 3分
   拼法、标点: 2分

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