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英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题
Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.
1. Which of the following statements best defines communication.'?
A. The sending of messages.
B. The sending and receiving of messages.
C. The sending and interpreting of messages.
D. None of the above accurately describes communication.
2. Which of the following is an example of external communication?
A, An employee performance appraisal.
B. A collection letter sent to a customer.
C. A report recommending a change in company procedure.
D. A progress report.
3. Cultural differences can be communication harriers because
A. they prevent effective exchanges of information
B. people speak different languages
C. so many Americans speak only one language
D. technologies used by people of different cultures vary
4. Which of the following sentences contains all of tile five W's?
A. New employees should report at 8: 30 a. m. on Monday, October 6, for all
orientation session,
B. Committee volunteers will meet in conference room C on Thursday at 2: 30.
C. Please join Chief of Staff Dr. Arlyn Michaels at the 4'h floor nurses' station for
a tour of the new facility.
D. The Board of Direclors will hold a meeting al company headquarters on March
9, 2001, to approve ~lw revised emp]oyee policy manual
5. The sender signs his or her initials or name to a memo to indicate that he or s
A. is in a high-level position B. wants an immediate reply to the mem
C. wants the memo filed D. has read the memo
6. Which of the following letter parts is optional?
A. dateline B. subject line
C. writer's name D. salutation
7. Which of the following would be the best beginning for an acknowledgment?
A. Thank you for your order. Your business is sincerely appreciated.
B. Here at ABC Company. we sincerely appreciate your business.
C. Your letter came to me today.
D. I received your order for 15 speaker sets.
8. Which of the following is a supplementary part of a formal report?
A. Executive abstract. B. Bibliography.
C. Table of contents. D. All of the above.
9. An agenda is __
A. a purchase order
B. the list of decisions made during a meeting
C. the order of business to be discussed during a meeting
D. the order o[ announcements to be made at a meeting
10. Effective teams
A. are able to inject humor into their interactions
B. strive to avoid conflict
C. depend on one or two people to do the bulk of tile work
D. always have a formal leader
Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement
is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.
) 1 I. Effective listening is more challenging for most individuals than effective reading.
)12. When using the l-attitude, the sender is showing concern for the receiver.
)13. Integrated software will contain several types of software, and these programs
can run at the same time.
) 14. Using abbreviations helps keep messages short and, therefore, makes them more
understandable for someone who does not speak or read English fluently.
) 15. The most common errors found when proofreading are word/letter omissions or
additions, transposed letters, and misspelling.
)16. Software that is easy to use is described as user friendly.
) 17. It is best to ignore barriers caused by cultural differences so as not to draw
attention to the differences.
)18. The OK sign is perceived the same way in France and the United States.
)19. Once you run your word processor's spell checker, your writing will be free of
spelling errors.
)20. When determining a worker's attitude about a situation, verbal symbols are more
important than nonverbal symbols.
Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
Passage One.
Globalization is the process which helps tide development of glot)al markels. If we want
to make a global slralegy, we must consider tile impacts of glol)alization on particular
industries and companies.
The world is shrinking. Success in tile new economic order needs more than a national
or even international perspective. It also needs a global strategy lelling us what ix hapl)ening
around the world. Being international ix not the same as being global. A global company is
one that has a view of the global market, where the company can not only maximize the
opportunities but also to minimize the threats.
If you think globalization applies only to large-sized companies, think again. Then you
will realize that this is also important for small and medium-sized manufacturers and service
agencies. By looking at your business in a global perspective, you will gain advantages that
help you to overpass your competitors.
21. What should we do to help form a global strategy? We should __
A. neglect the impacts of globalization on industries and companies
B. focus on how globalization applies to large-sized companies
C. consider the influences that globalization has on industries and companies
22. 'The world is shrinking' means the world __
A. is getting bigger
B. is getting smaller
C. doesn't change at all
23. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. A global strategy is needed to analyze the international situation.
B. Being international is being global.
C. A global company can always have more opportunities than a non-global
24. It is necessary to think globally in __
A. large-sized companies
B. medium-sized companies
C. both A and B
25. According to the passage, how can you beat your competitors?
A. By investing more on research and development.
B. By operating your company in a global strategy.
C. By expanding the range of your products.
Passage Two.
Each year, about 8. 5 million people in the UK have to complete a tax return
. This includes all self-employed people and some others. Taxpayers should be very
careful when they fill it in, because if they make any mistakes, they might receive a heavy
fine . The Inland Revenue is taking a tough line against people completing them
wrongly, so be careful.
On average, the tax office tells us, about 30~ of all tax returns include some sort of
error. Consequently they send out almost a million penalty notices to British taxpayers.
This is not the only problem. If you send in your return late, you make another
mistake. This also results in a heavy fine. This time, the fine is almost as much as the tax
bill itself. As a result, the Inland Revenue receives an incredible ~50 million in fines.
The tax return must be returned by 31 January. That' s the deadline. However, the
biggest mistake you can make is not to send the form back at all. This makes the Inland
Revenue very, very unhappy.
26. What is the passage mainly about?
A. It talks about mistakes made on the tax return and the penalties.
B. It teaches how to fill in and when to return the tax return.
C. It introduces the history of the tax return in the UK.
27. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. About 8.5 million people in the UK, including self-employed people, have to
complete a tax return.
B. If taxpayers make any mistakes when they complete the tax return, they might
have to pay a large sum of penalty for the mistakes.
C. The Inland Revenue, which is responsible for collecting tax returns, doesn't
take these mistakes as a serious problem.
28. What does the 30~ of all tax returns with errors result in?
A. A million penalty notices.
B. A million oral warnings.
C. A million pounds in fines.
29. When is the amount of the fine mostly equal to that of the tax hill?
A. When you write down a wrong number in your tax return.
B. When you send in your return after 31 January.
C. When you lose your tax return.
30. What is the most serious mistake mentioned in this passage?
A. Making mistakes in you tax return.
B. Sending in your tax return late.
C. Failing to send your tax return back.
Translate the following passages into Chinese.
31. Complete business messages often include five Ws: who, what, where, when and
why. Many business messages require several paragraphs to cover the five Ws. Adjust the
message for your receiver. In some cases, the receiver may not need all five pieces of
32. Business fetters are used to communicate written messages to persons outside an
organization. Letters are also used to communicate formal written messages to employees
within an organization. Business letters are considered to be more formal than memos.
33. Most business reports are informal reports and have one or two purposes. They
present information that has been requested, or they analyze a prohlem and report the
findings. The organization and the format of these reports vary depending on the nature of
the message and the people who will receive them.
34. Good business communications use concise words. Concise means brief, to the
point, or short, concise words, however, are comprehensive; they carry the writer's full
V. WRITING (40/r)'}
35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope.
The sender:
Mrs. Gillian Reeve, Sales l)epartment of Roseue Trading Co. Ltd.
315 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 239716
Fax: 65 259 5096
Tel: 65 255 6344
The receiver:
Ms Ho Yuen Ping, Managing Director of Hin Lung Jewellery Co Ltd.
1024 Balestier Road, Hanoi 312000, Vietnam
36. Write a correctly laid out memo according to the following situation.
As manager of the account department, you have to select new accounting software.
You choose a popular, but powerful, accounting package, which will cost just over
$15,000, about $3,000 less than other packages (the budget is $20,000). You will have
to buy a site license so that everyone in your department can legally use this package, which
will cost $ 3,000.
Write a traditional memo to inform your supervisor, Ms. James Black, Vice President
of your company. The subject can go like this: Selection of New Accounting Software.
37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
You are the Sales Manager of Luck Shoes Co. Ltd. , 112 Balestier Road, Singapore.
Mr. Jones Smith, Vice President of Oriental Co. Ltd, 315 Bukit Road, Singapore, is a good
friend of your supervisor. Recently, however, records shows that a total sum of $1,200 has
been overdue for almost two weeks, which was caused by his company, with no excuse
given. You are now required to write a payment demand to Mr. Jones Smith. Explain why
you write the letter. Ask him why his company failed to meet the debts. Offer one or two
effective suggestions to close the deal. You should be careful enough not to violate your good

英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. T 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. T
16. T 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. F
Passage One
21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B
26. A 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C
35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope.

36. Write a correctly laid out memo according to the following situation. (10 3')')
TO: Ms. James Black, Vice President
FROM: Grey Smith, Manager of the Account Department
DATE: 18 April, 2006
SUBJECT: Selection of New Accounting Software
The Account Department has recently planned to purchase a set of new accounting
software. The budget allocated is $20, 000. We have chosen a popular but powerful
accounting package, which costs just over $ 15,000, about $3, 000 less than other
However, in order to assure that everyone in my 'department can legally use this
package, we still need to buy a site license, which will cost $ 3,000. So the total cost of the
new accounting software would be about $ 18,000, which is still within the budget.
37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
punctuation. (20 3}')
Luck Shoes Co. Ltd.
112 13alestier Road
July 6, 2006
Mr. Jones Smith
Vice President
315 Bukit Road
Dear Mr. Smith,
Further to our letter of July 1 regarding the payment, We were disappointed to discover
that we have still not received a cheque from you. Consequently, the total suni of $1,200 is
now overdue for two weeks.
We appreciate our good relationship in many deals, so we can understand there must be
some difficulty for you to settle your overdue payment. We hope that you can contact us in
any way as soon as possible, so that we can discuss it.
We look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely
For Luck Shoes Co. Ltd.
Mark Mod
Sales Manager

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电大《经济数学》 中考试题104-27

