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英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题
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   I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
   Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each
   1. In the communication process, which of the following is a major responsibility of the
   a. analyzing the sender
   h. ieading effectively
   c. assessing the message's environment
   d. writing an immediate reply
   2. Which of the following should be used for a message that is to provide information for a
   ~ group of people (some are inside the company and some are outside)?
   a. a letter
   b. a memorandum
   c. a report
   d. any of the above could be correctly used
   3. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective work team?
   a. Team members are committed to the team and its goals.
   b.~Team members are all well acquainted with each other prior to working together
   c. The team gets complete support from all levels of management.
   d. New team members regularly join the team as other team members drop out.
   4. What is the objective of a message that asks for information about a product?
   a. To inform
   b. To request
   c. To record
   d. To persuade
   5. Which of the following statements promotes goodwill by using courteous words?
   a. Return your money in the envelope providcd.
   b. I want my money back because you didn't send the product I requested.
   c. You made an error on my financial statement.
   d. Perhaps you overlooked last month's statement, as your account is past due.
   6. The end of the minutes should show the signature of
   a. the person who presided over the meeting
   b. the person who sent out the agenda
   c. the person who recorded the minutes
   d. the person who heads the company
  7. The heading of a memo in traditional format consists of
   a. TO, FROM, DATE, and TOPIC lines
   b. TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT lines
   e. TO, FROM, DATE, and DISTRIBUTION lines
  8. Which of the following would be the best beginning for an acknowledgment?
   a. Thank you for your order. Your business is sincerely appreciated.
   b. Here at ABC Company, we sincerely appreciate your business.
   c. Your letter came to me today.
   d. I received your order for 15 speaker sets.
  9, Which' of the following should be part of an informational report?
   a. facts
   b. conclusions
   e. recommendations
   d. all of the above
  10. Which of the following is a supplementary part of a formal report?
   a. executive abstract
   b. bibliography
   e. table of contents
   d. all of the above.
  [. TRUE / FALSE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the
  statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course
   _________-11. Software that is easy to use is described asuser friendly.
_-________12. Using abbreviations helps keep messages short and, therefore, makes them more understandable for someone Who does not speak or: read English fluently.
   __________13. Word processing is the same as information processing.
___________ 14. The direct-indirect order is best when the writer has both positive and negative messages to communicate.
  ____________15. The language in business conversations is always more formal than the
   language used in other conversations.
_____________16. The hard copy of a memo or e-mail is sometimes filed and later retrieve to provide a record of a specific decision.
___________17. Claim letters are designed to be negative letters because they must persuade the receiver to do what the sender wants.
   __________18. For the reasons of the negative message to be effective, they must be
  __________19. A hypothesis is a possible explanation of a problem.
___________20. Both a memo of transmittal and a letter of transmittal can be used for informal reports.
Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:Thank you for post the announcement for incentive awards in our department. I would like enter the competition with some suggestion that could increase line. produetion by perhaps'as many as 50 percent. Please let me know when can we get together to discuss the
ideas. Thanks.
Ⅳ; READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)
read the following tw6 passages and answer the questions. Passage One: Speed, efficiency and time. In the world of business these concepts are inescapable Cnstomers demand faster and better service. Managers demand more from their employees in less time. But are speed and efficiency really what they want?
   As with anything, there are tradeoffs (权衡). More speed often brings higher costs.
   More efficiency often leads to less direct contact with customers. As the saying goes, "Be
careful of what you ask for; you may get it.
  "We spoke recently with a manager at a manufacturing company who had just finished a year-long analysis on how decreasing delivery time to their customers led to increased customer complaints. Over an 18-month period, they had successfully lowered the time shipments took to get to the customer. What the manager discovered, however, was that during those 18 months, employees and management were so concerned with time reduction that other issues fell by the wayside.
In hindsight (后见之明),he now recognizes that they may have been able to accomplish both goals at the same time. As a result of their focus on delivery time, customer complaints rose by 35 percent and sales were off by 20 percent. He attributes much of that decrease to the one-goal focus.
   The company is now attempting to learn from its mistakes and to rebuild customer
service while keeping distribution time at its current levels. Their experience teaches a lesson that many of us might keep in mind.
   26. Speed, efficiency and time are
   a. important for both customers and companies.
   b. concerns of business only.
   c. important at the managerial level.
  27. How many months did the study last?
   a. Twelve
   b. Eighteen
   c. Thirty five
  28. What mistake did the company make?
   a. It concentrated on both time and service.
   b. Service was not considered as important as time.
   c. Marketing became the most important factor.
  29. Customer service complaints and sales
   a. initially rose but them fell sharply.
   b. both fell significantly.
   c. moved in opposite directions.
  30. When did the manager realize the importance of customer service?
   a. At the beginning of the project.
   b. After the project.
   e. In the middle of the Project.
  Passage Two:
   Technology is the application of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern
  technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. new
  machines and new methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall
  output. This has meant more production and higher standard of living. For most of us in
  America, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we have cars and television
  sets. However, teehnol0gy has als0 increased the amount Of food available to us, by means
of modern farming machinery and animal breeding techniques, and has extended our life spanvia medical technology.
Will mankind continue to live longer and have a higher quality of life? In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it wisely. If we keep progress as we have over the past fifty years, the answer is definitely yes. The advantage technology depends upon research and development, and the latest statistics showrt that the United States is continuing to pump billions of dollars annually into such efforts, so while we are running out of some scarce resources, we may well find technological substitutes for many of them through our research programs.
    Therefore, in the final analysis, the three major factors of production (land, labor and
capital) are all influenced by technology. When we need new skills on teehniques in medicine, people will start developing new technology to meet those needs. As equipment
  proves to be slow or inefficient, new machines will be invented. Technology responds to our
  needs in helping us maintain our standard of living.
  31. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
   a. Modern technology is the key to the improvement of living standard.
b. The three major factors of production __________land, labor and capital are influenced bytechnology.
   c. Technology is the response to our needs.
  32..The improvement of technology relies on
   a. cars and television
   b. research and development
   c. people 's living standard
  33. Which of the following is not true about natural resources?
   a. People are running out of some resources.
   b. Natural resources are limited and cannot meet the needs of mankind.
   c. We need not worry about resources; technology can solve all the problems.
  34. According to the passage, people can live a long life with the help of
   a. Higher quality of life
   b. Medical technology
   c. Modern farming machinery
  35. From the passage, we can infer' that this article is probably
   a. a part of introduction to American business
   b. followed by a passage about factors of production
   c. both a and b _
  Ⅴ. TRANSLATION{3段短文,每段短文5分,共15分}
    Translate the following passages into Chinese:
  36. Your ability to establish and build relationships affects every aspect of your life.
   Whether in your social, academic, or professional life, this ability determines the depth
of your relationships with your friends, loved ones, iamiiy, classmates, and coworkers. 37. Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your on-the-job
   performance; therefore, use them with 'care. Also, choose carefully the people to whom
   you send these internal documents. The content and tone of y0ur memos must not be
offensive to anyone. Knowing how and when to use memos is critical to success in your career.
  38. Communication is receiver-oriented; therefore, senders should view messages from the
   receiver's perspective. This perspective helps the sender obtain the desired response
   from the receiver.
  Ⅵ. WRITING (35分)
39. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5分)The sender: Mr. Lynn Mackintosh, Sales £ Marketing Division Of Precise Ihstruments, Inc. 202 37th Street, New York, NY, U, S. A. 10018 Tel: (020)2000000 Fax: (020)2000001
The receiver:
  Mr. Ai Zhiguo, Managing Director of Overseas Trading Co. Ltd.
  2545 Xizang Road, Shanghai China 200010
  40. Write a correctly laid out memo according to the following situation. (10 分)
  You work in the head office' of Wood Garages, Urban Road, Altruncham, Cheshir WA15 8BH. The office manager is Mr. Francis Davis:
  Mr. Davis is rather concerned that the arrangement for the annual Staff dinner is not finalized. He asks you to take over the organization. He suggests that you seiad a memo to all the section and department heads, reminding then{ of the function and asking them to let you know who is going to attend from their section/department.
  Youmake the following list of poinis to be included:
   Dress informal (smart); partner/guest Welcome; RsVP by 11 'May (latest!) Who is
coming? Any vegetarian/special diets7 Place: Royal Hotel Restaurant; 7:30 p.m for 8 p. m. 18 Mays Meal free (pay for wine / drinks)
  41. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
   punctuation. (20 分)
   Situation: You are the marketing manager of the Expert Marketing Consultants, 21
   Blackett Street,' Manchester, MCI 3PQ, A company which manufactures balloons carrying
   advertising slogans has asked you to organize a display of its products for one week in the
   lobby of a local hotel. From the offices of your marketing consultancy, write a letter to the
   manager of Hotel Grande, 13 Force Street, Manchester MC3 7NJ. Explain that you would
   like to rent a space in his hotel lobby. Specify the sort of display stand you would llke to
   erect and other necessary details. Make up any information necessary for this letter.
  英语(商)专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准
Choosethe 1etter indiccating the best choice tO complete each sentence Or answere each question:
   1.b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d
   6. c 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. b
   Write aT in the space provided if the statement is true.Write an F in the space if the
   statement iS false.
   11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.F
   16.T 17.F 18.F 19.T 20.T
   Rewritethef0110wingshortparagraphby identifyingallerrorsandcorrectingthem;
   Thank you fOr posting the announcement fOr incentive awards in Our department I
would like tOenterthe competition with some suggestions that could increase line production by perhaps asmuch as 50 percent. Please let me know when we car get together tO discuss these ideas.Thanks.
   Readthef0110wingtwo passagesandanswerthe questions.
   Passage One: 26.a 27.a 28.b 29.c 30.b
    Passage TwO: 31.a 32.b 33;c 34.b 35.C
   Translate the following passages into Chinese:
   36.Your ability tO establish and build relationships affects every aspect Of your life.
Whetherinyour social,academic,Or.professional life,this ability determines the depth Of your relationshipswithyourfriends,lovedones,family.,classmates,andcoworkers.
    37.Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use tOjudge your on-the-JOb
performance;therefore,use themwithcare.Also,choose carefully the people tO whomyou send theseinternaldocuments.ThecontentandtoneOfyourmemosmustnot beoffensivetO anyone.Knowing how and when tO use memos iS critical tO success in your career.
   38.Communication is receiver-oriented;therefore,senders should view messages from
thereceiver's perspective.This perspective helps the sender obtain the desired response frOmthereceiver.
   评分标准 格式3分,内容2分
   40. Write a correctly'laid out memo :according to the following(10 分)
   You W0k in the head office of Wood Garages, Urban Road, Altruncham, Cheshire
    WA15 8BH The Office manager is Mr Francis Davis_
   Mr. Davis is rather eoncerned that the arrangement ror the annuai staff dinner is not
finalized. He asks you to take over the organization. He suggests that you send a memo to,all the section and department heads, reminding them of the function and asking them to let you know who is g0ing to attend from their section/department.
You make the fOllOwing iist of points to be included:
   Dress information (smart); partner/guest welcome; RSVP by ll May (latest!) who is
   coming? Any vegetarian/special diets? Place: Royal Hotel Restaurant; 7:30 p..m. for 8 p
  m. 18 May; Meal free (pay for wine / drinks)
   TO: AH Section and Department Heads
   FROM: Francis. Davis
   DATE: 18 April, 2004
   SUBJECT: Annual Staff Dinner
   Our Annual Staff Dinner is only four weeks away!
   I know you are all very busy but I need to ask for your help in making the final
arrangements. Please check with all the staff for whom you are responsible and send me a detailed named list of those in your section of department who intend to come to the Dinner how many are bringing a guest and whether special diets are required.
   Here is a reminder of the general information:
   Date: 18 May 2004
   Time: 7:30 p.m. for$ p.m.
   Place: The restaurant at The Royal Hotel, Altruncham
   Dress: Smart, informal.
The meal for each member of staff and one guest is free. As .in previous years wine and other drinks are the responsibility of individual staff.
   Please let me have. your information by 11 May at the latest.
   41. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the 'block format and open
     punctuation. (20 分)
   .Situation! You are the marketing manager of the Expert Marketing Consultants, 21
 Blackett Street, Manchester, MCI 3PQ. A company which manufactures balloons carrying advertising slogans has asked you to organize a display of its products for one week in the lobby of a local hotel. From the offices o[ your marketing consultancy, write a letter to the manager of Hotel Grande, 13 Force Street, Manchester MC3 7NJ. Explain that you would like to rent a space in his hotel lobby. Specify the sort of display stand you would like to erect and other necessary details. Make up any information necessary for this letter.
   The manager
   Hotel Grande
   13 Force Street
   MC3 7NJ
   Dear Sir
I am writing to you on behalf of a customer of ours who would like to rent some space in your hotel lobby in order to display their products. The company products balloons which carry advertising slogans, therefore the display would probably be interesting to your business customers.
   The display stand would be a platform with chairs and tables, and contain samples of
    the company's products. The stand would be 4m X 8 m and the display would last for a
    week. For best effect the stand would be located in a light corner of the lobby.
   If you are interested I suggest we meet personally to discuss details.
   I look forward to hearing from you.
   Yours faithfully
   (Your printed name)
   Marketing Manager
信件内容切题完整,语句连贯,条理清楚,语法基本正确,语言通顺恰当,信件格式正内确内 容:10分 格式:5分 句子结构、语法:3分 拼法。标点2分

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电大《经济数学》 中考试题104-27


