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英语专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题
I . MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:
1. Which of the fo[lowing is a purpose of communication'?.
A. To establish and build goodwill.
B. To build self-esteem.
C. To persuade.
D. All of the above describe a purpose of communication
2. A key to receiving honest feedback is
A. the attitude of the receiver
B. the message's environment
C. the sender' attitude
D. effective listening
3. What is the first step lo working effectively with people from different cultures?
A. Teach them as much as you can about your culture.
B. Learn to speak their language.
C. Recognize and accept the differences between cultures.
D. Pretend not to notice any differences.
4. Communicating effectively with people of diverse backgrounds is both
A. challenging and rewarding
B. difficult and frustrating
C. complicated and unsatisfying
D. simple and uncomplicated
5. Which of the following sentences contains all of the five W's?
A. The Board of Directors will hold a meeting at company headquarters on March 9,
2001, to approve the revised employee policy manual.
B. New employees should report at 8..30 a.m. on Monday, October 6, for an orientation
C. Committee volunteers will meet in conference room C on Thursday at 2:30.
D. Please join Chief of Staff Dr. Ar[yn Michaels at the 4~h floor nurses~ station for a tour
   of the new facility.
6. An agenda is
A. a purchase order
B. the order of business to be discussed during a meeting
C. the list of decisions made during a meeting
D. the order of announcements to be made at a meeting
7. Which of the following letter parts is optional?
A. dateline
B. subject line
C. writer's name
D. salutation
8. Which of the following twenty-first century?
likely an accurate projectign for the workforce
A. The workforee will have to be more mobile than ever before because
B. Continuing development of international workforce.global marketplace
require development of
C. The technology required by the global marketplace will reduce the neea Ior a
multieultural workforce.
D. As nations become self-sufficient, international business will decrease, eliminating the
need for a multinational workforce.
9. Which of the following is based on data?
A. Findings.
B. Conclusions.
C. Recommendations.
D. Conclusions and recommendation.
10. Which of the following would be a formal report?
A. Memo report.
B. Letter report.
C. Short manuscript report.
  D. Long manuscript report.
Ⅱ. TRUE / FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement
is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.T/F
__ 11. When using the I-attitude, the sender is showing concern for the receiver.
__ 12. Integrated software will contain several types of software, and these programs
can run at the same time.
__ 13. A stereotype can get in the way of truly understanding an individual.
__ 14. Maintaining steady eye contact with a person from an Asian culture is a good way
to show that you are confident and that you really want to do business.
__ 15. A receiver-oriented message contains mostly first-person pronouns, such as we
and us.
__ 16. A message organized in direct order includes the main idea followed by supporting
__ 17. Hard copy is another term for electronically sent mail.
__ 18. A memo heading is always in capital letters on plain stationery.
__ 19. A multinational company not only does business in other countries but also
maintains a multinational workforee.
__ 20. Most business reports are written in formal report format.
21. Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:
Enclose is a certificate for 25 percent off you next purchase at Lee's. Presently, we are have
a 33 percent off sale on computer and software. Come in, use your certificate, and take
advantage for this opportunity.
Ⅵ. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Read the following two passages and answer the questions.
Passage One:
More than 65 percent of a company's business comes from current customers. Those
customers are not easily replaced, so it is every company's job to keep its current customers
satisfied even as it is trying to attract new customers. After all, some of those new
customers will come because they hear about the store from current customers.
In the fast-paced world of retail, customer loyalty is especially important. So manystores are selling the same products that retailers have to offer customers something more.That something more is their customer service. Discount coupons, valet parking (whereparking is a problem), and free gift wrapping are just some of the extras retailers now offer.
    Another important facet (方面)of customer service is handling customer complaints.
Retailers should not think of complaints as a nuisance(麻烦事). They should see them as anexcellent opportunity for some free feedback, although it is true that a small percentage utcustomers do complain unjustly. But the vast majority of customers who complain are telling
retailers what they need to hear. For this reason, retailers should (1) listen carefully, (2)respond positively, (3) admit a mistake immediately, or if a mistake has not been made,explain the reason for the confusion, (4) ask customers what they would like done, and (5)comply with their requests. Good customer service is the surest way to stand out from all of he other retailers.
22. Why are current customers important to retailers?
A. They shop at the same place from habit.
B. They provide at least two-thirds of a company's business.
C. They bring their friends shopping with them.
23. So many stores sell tile same products. How can one retailer stand out?
A. With discount coupons.
B. Through heavy advertising.
C. With the quality of its customer service.
24. How can retailers get free feedback?
A. By increasing profits.
B. By paying attention to complaints.
C. By promoting holiday sales.
25. Most customers who complain are
A. doing it unjustly
B. just trying to get their money back.
C. telling the retailer what he should know
26. If a mistake has not been done, a retailer should
A. offer a reason for the misunderstanding
B. pretend it never happened
C. get an apology from the customer
Passage Two:
A formal written agreement, or contract, is invaluable to employers and employees
alike. Both benefit by having the terms of their association spelled out in advance. Spoken
agreements are subject to misinterpretation. While written agreements do not guarantee
identical interpretations, they can help provide legal protection for everyone involved.
Most businesses have a standard contract; however, the terms of the contract may be
negotiable. Changing a contract requires careful attention to the legal implications, and
changes should always be noted in writing and initialed or signed by all parties. Original
copies are generally retained by the employer.
Contracts may list penalties(处罚)if the signed agreement is broken. With intellectual
property, for example, many contracts stipulate(规定)that, while an employee works for a
company, ideas developed by the employee belong to the company. If the employee tries to
market his or her ideas independently, he or she risks a lawsuit(诉讼)and possibly a financial
penalty to make up {or the company's presumed losses.
Contractual disputes sometimes are settled by lawsuits, or they may be settled through
arbitration(仲裁). In arbitration, a neutral third party investigates the disagreement. To
avoid the expense of a lawsuit, many companies prefer arbitration. Contracts often contain
clauses that speci[y how arbitration would take place. Both parties agree to accept the
arbitrator's decision as binding.
27. Written agreements
A. are not likely to be misinterpreted than oral ones
B. assure that the employee and employer interpret everything identically
C. provide legal protection [or both the employer and the employee
28. Changes to a contract
A. should be initialed or signed by the employer
B. should be initialed or signed by the legal department
C. should be initialed or signed by all parties to the agreement
29. With intellectual property, companies often stipulate that
A. if a company employee develops a marketable idea, it belongs to the company
B. original ideas belong to the employee who thought them up
C. no one can own an idea
30. What happens if an employee markets his or her ideas independently?
A. The company may sue for losses.
B. The employee will be fired.
C. The contract agreement must be rewritten.
31. Who can be an arbitrator?
A. A court-appointed attorney.
B. A third party not involved in the dispute.
C. A legal advisor hired by the employer.

V. TRANSLATION (3 段短文,每段5分,共15分)
Communication skills are especially important when you communicate with people of diverse
backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of
sensitivity, understanding, and tolerance in your communication.
The two most common internal documents--those written for use within an organization--
are memos and e-mai[ messages. The memo is a business document that has traditionally
been the most common communication inside a company's walls. However, with the advent
of Internet technology, electronically sent e-mail messages are quickly replacing the memo as
the communication of choice.
The tone of a letter that contains a negative message should reflect a sincere concern for the
receiver's interests. Your aim is to present the unfavorable news positively and in a manner
the receiver will view as fair and, if possible, in the receiver's best interests.

Ⅵ. WRITING (35分)
35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5 分)
No. 101, Xinhua Road, New & Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangmen City,
Guangdong, China, 529010
Tel: 0852-0750-3345215
Fax: 0852-0750-3345215
The receiver:
Prof. L. S, St. Clair, 71 South Perkins Ext& Memphis, TN, U. S. A. 38117-3211
36. Assume that you are Jane Scroggins, the manager of the word-processing department.
Write a memo to your supervisor, Ms. Jaquette Stevenson, vice president of information
systems, informing your selection of new word-processing software. You choose a popular,
but powerful and most user-friendly software, which will cost just over $15, 000,
approximately $ 3, 000 [ess than other world-processing packages (the budget allocated
$20,000). You will have to buy a site license for your company so that everyone in the
organization can legally use this package, which will improve your productivity greatly. You
thank her for her help in getting you the fund for this improvement. (10 分)

37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open
Situation: Nancy White, the purchasing manager of Sunshine Manufacturing, writes to
Charles Perilli, the Sales Consultant of Jacksonville Stationery, informing him that her
company now needs printer paper for use with the five Printstar laser printers which have
been purchased and will be delivered. She requests price quotes and the samples of the paper
he may recommend and also encloses her company's standard quote form. His address is 30-
65 Paim Place, Jacksonville, Fl. 32201-7246. (20分)

英语专业 商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准
Ⅰ. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Choose the letter of the best word or words to complete each sentence:
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. D
II. TRUE / FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement
is false.
11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F
16. T 17. F 18. F 19. T 20. F
21. Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:
Enclosed is a certificate for 25 percent off your next purchase at Lee~s. Presently, we are
having a 33 percent off sale on computers and software. Come in, use your certificate, and
take advantage of this opportunity.
Ⅳ. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)
Passage One: 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A
Passage Two: 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. B
V. TRANSLATION (3段短文,每段5分,共15分)

Ⅵ. WRITING (35分)
No. 101, Xinhua Road
New & Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China, 529010
Prof. L. S. St. Clair
71 South Perkins Extd.
Memphis, TN, U.S.A. 38117-3211评分标准:
  格式: 3分
  内容: 2分
  TO: Ms. Jaquette Stevenso
  FROM: Jane Scroggins, Manager
  DATE: July 15'h, 2004
  SUBJECT: Selection of New Word-Processing Software.
  As we previously discussed, new word-processing software is needed for the department.
  The software I have selected is , a well-known package (the students may provide
  the exact name). I made this choice for three reasons:
  Ⅰ. It is the most user-friendly software for the type of work we do.
  II. It is very powerful.
  Ⅲ. It costs $ 5,000 less than the amount allocated in the budget and $ 3,000 less than other
   world-processing packages.
  Thank you for your help in getting us the fund for this improvement. This package will
  improve our productivity greatly.
   内容: 5分(清楚,合理)
  Mr. Charles Perilli
  Sales Consultant
  Jacksonville Stationery
  30-65 Paim Place
  Jacksonville, Fl. 32201--7246.
  Dear Mr. Perilli
  Our company has purchased five Printstar laser printers. We now need printer paper for use
  with these laser printers.
  Please send me price quotes for buying one case, two cases, and higher quantities. For your
  convenience, I am enclosing our company% standard quote form. In addition, seeing samples
  of the paper you recommend would be helpful.
  If possible, I would like to receive these samples and quotes by Monday. Thank you for your
  Sincerely yours,
  Nancy White
  Purchasing manager
   内容: l0分
   格式: 5分
   句子结构、语法: 3分
   拼法、标点: 2分

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电大《经济数学》 中考试题104-27



