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第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)

1. -May I use your bike to go shopping?
A. Yes, I give it to you B. Yes, I'd love to
C. Certainly. There it is D. I'm not sure
2. -Have you ever been to Tokyo?
A. No, I didn't go there last year B. No, but I hope to go there next year
C. Tokyo is a busy city D. Yes, I'll do it next time
3. -How are you feeling now?
A. Much better B. It's OK
C. Thank you D. He's all right
4. -How long will you be away from Italy?
A. Yes, I'll be in Italy B. About a month
C. Yes, it's a long way to Italy D. Since last month
5. -Would you like a tea?
A. No, I don't mind B. I like green tea
C. Yes, I prefer coffee D. Yes, please

第二部分 词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分)
6-15小题:阅读下面的句子, 从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

6. The doctor advised her ________ enough rest before going back to work.
A. get
B. to get
C. gets
D. got
7. My boss is ________ holding pointless meetings. It really annoys me.
A. always
B. never
C. sometimes
D. seldom
8. -If he ________, he ________ that food.
--Luckily he was sent to hospital immediately.
A. was warned; would not take
B. had been warned; would not have taken
C. would be warned; had not taken
D. would have been warned; had not taken
9. These new processes __________.
A. should be controlled
B. should control
C. should be controlling
D. should controlled
10. ________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.
A. When
B. So
C. While
D. Unless
11. Then she cheered ________ a lot when they got ________ the taxi.
A. up... over
B. of ...into
C. of ... over
D. up ... into
12. There are many cities ________ very fast.
A. expand
B. expanding
C. to expand
D. expanded
13. There is a lot of crime on television. ________ other issues are pushed out.
A. Therefore
B. However
C. But
D. Furthermore
14. He didn't want anything to drink because he ________ already drunk.
A. has
B. have
C. had
D. having
15. The food was ________ good, but not good enough for me to eat there again.
A. very
B. absolutely
C. quite
D. really

第三部分 完形填空(共计20分,每小题2分)

Passage 1

  The biggest adventure I've ever had was trekking in Thailand. We hired a guide ____16____ us to a village in the jungle. We didn't know that he ____17____ there before. ____18____ we reached the village, we wouldn't be able to find somewhere to sleep, ____19____ we wanted to get there in about 8 hours. After two hours we all realized we were lost. The ____20____ we walked, the more confused we became. Luckily after a further four hours we met some hunters. They didn't speak the same language as our guide, but we were able to ____21____that we were lost. They ____22____us towards the village. It was after dark when we arrived there. We had been walking ____23____ over 14 hours and we were ____24____ exhausted. We had been very lucky; if we ____25)))) the hunters, we would have had to sleep in the jungle.
16. A take B. for taking C. to take D. taken
17. A. has never been B. had never been C. never went D. didn't go
18. A. Unless B. If C. When D. As
19. A. so B. but C. in addition D. for
20. A. far B. furthest C. further D. more far
21. A. get at B. get around C. get by D. get across
22. A. misdirected B. redirected C. undirected D. disdirected
23. A. for B. since C. at D. in
24. A very B. absolutely C. fairly D. much
25. A had met B. haven't met C. have met D. hadn't met

第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分)

  Sura Elmer came to Shanghai last July from the Netherlands, and will remain here for the next couple of years. He worked at the Holiday Inn Hotel as a sales manager, "One important part of my job consists in staying in contact with consultant-generals here. With a white face, it is easier for me to persuade people," he said. Before working in Shanghai, he worked for a Holiday Inn Hotel in Amsterdam. He was transferred her by an arrangement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam.
  Asked to comment on the differences between working in China and Europe, he said: "If anything, Chinese colleagues tend to be more serious, while we Dutch like to crack jokes," he said. He also said that in Amsterdam everything goes faster and with less people. " In the Netherlands, we have to be efficient because salaries are high and companies cannot employ so many people as they do here in China," he said. He also said that he earned a bit more here than in the Netherlands, and accommodation and meals are freely available. "I like Shanghai. Before coming here I had no idea what China would be like. Now I have been here for nearly one year, I found people here friendly, though I dislike people spitting on the ground." He intended to work here for another two or three years, depending on the hotel.
25. From the passage, we know that Sura Elmer is ________.
A. A Dutch
B. working for a Holiday Inn Hotel in Amsterdam
C.one of the consultant-generals
D. going to stay in Shanghai forever
27. Sura Elmer came to Shanghai, ________.
A. as he signed a contract with Holiday Inn Hotel in Shanghai
B. because he wants to know something about China
C. for he likes Shanghai very much
D. according to an arrangement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam
28. Sura Elmer's impression on his Chinese colleagues is that they ________ than his colleagues in the Netherlands.
A. do everything faster
B. are more serious
C. are more efficient
D. earn a little more
29. In the second paragraph, the sentence, "... accommodation and meals are freely available" means ________.
A. accommodation and meals are offered in free time in the hotel
B. Sura Elmer eats and sleeps in the hotel free of charge
C. Sura Elmer can stay and eat in the hotel anytime he thinks necessary
D. except accommodation, meals are offered freely in the hotel
30. The thing that Sura Elmer dislikes in China is ________.
A. one soes not have to work hard to be efficient
B. salaries are lower than what people get in Amsterdam
C. people spit on the ground
D. there are more people doing les work

  "Are you the happiest man in the world?" When asked this question, most people would say no. They don't think they are the happiest of the people around them. They would point out that one of their neighbors is happier than any one of them, " Doctor Frank has a career himself. His wife is the most beautiful and well-educated lady in the community. No, I don't think I am happier than Doctor Frank. At least my career is not as successful as his."
  Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier - a relative, a close friend or, often, someone we even hardly know. I once met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their daughters, and of his joy at being a TV talk-show host. I remember thinking he was one of the lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Once we talked about the Internet, he is grateful for its existence. He told me, because he could look up information on diabetes (糖尿病) -the terrible disease that made his wife suffer and could possibly be passed down to his lovely children. When I heard this, I felt like a fool for taking it for granted that nothing unhappy existed in his life.
  This made me think a lot and I soon drew one of the most significant conclusions about happiness: there is little relation between the situations of people's lives and how happy they are. We all know people who are richer and have an easier life than others, yet they are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fault. As a bald man told me, " Whenever I enter a room, all I see is hair."
  It is hard for us to give up the image of "being perfect." As nothing is perfect, anyone can be unhappy. It takes no courage or effort to be unhappy. True happiness lies in struggling to be happy.
31. According to the author, most people would ________ they are the happiest in the world.
A. doubt whether
B. like to think that
C. thing about whether
D. not think that
32. The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with ________.
A. a close friend
B. a relative
C. anyone they think is happier
Someone they even hardly know
33. What is not true about the young man the author once met with?
A. He is a TV talk-show host.
B. Everything goes effortlessly right for him.
C. He loves his wife and their daughters.
D. He is very happy with his work and his life.
34. After talking with the young man about the Internet, the author realizes ________.
A. that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latter's life
B. how grateful the young man is for the existence of the Internet
C. how terribly the young man's wife suffer from the disease-diabetes
D. that there is a lot of information one can look up in the Internet
35. The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is that ________.
A. it is hard fro us to give up the image of "being perfect"
B. unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fualt
C. we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy
D. true happiness lies in struggling to be happy


  Many people in the UK have done parachute or bungee jumps for charity. People like to help charities and if they can have a bit of fun at the same time then everyone is happy. Usually the person doing the jump has responded to an advertisement in the paper asking for volunteers. The person receives a sponsorship form from the charity, which they complete with the names of friends, relatives and colleagues who promise to give money to the charity if the person does the jump. Once the person has enough sponsorship, he or she will do the jump and usually receives a certificate to show their sponsors. The sponsors then pay their money to the charity.
36. If you want to do parachute or bungee jumps in the UK you must do it for a charity.
37. People like to have fun and help charities.
38. A lot of sponsorship is needed before you can do a jump.
39. People always receive two certificates after doing a parachute or bungee jump.
40. The sponsors pay their money after the person has done the jump.

第五部分 书面表达(20)

Directios: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a story about what happened to you or to someone else. You should write at least 80 words and base your story on the Chinese outline below:

1. 事件发生得事件和地点
2. 人物
3. 事件得经过

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