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英语口语(1) 口试题签
Directions: In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability T0
understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part i Read a short passage aloud and answer the questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner us the conversation partner.
Part 1
Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.
Mr Dodds works in a bank, and lives on his own. The only family he has is in the
next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr Dodds does not'
see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards,
and he has not forgotten one of Mark's seventeen birthdays.
Last week Mr Dodds had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual
time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast; he parked his car where he always parked it,
out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. * Then there
was a knock at the door. Mr Dodds opened the door to find a policeman standing on the do0r-
step "What have I done wrong?" Mr Dodds asked himself. "Have I driven on the wrong side
of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important
   "Hello, Uncle," said the policeman, "My name's Mark."
   Part 2 speak on the following topic for about 2mintutes
   What are the cultural mistake Chinese people sometimes make at a western dinner party?
   Part3 complete a role play task with your examiner your conversation should last about 4 minutes A is fist year student majoring in English b is miss Robinsion the American teacher A meets B on campus They talk about Wang Lei who is ill in hospital
   You Are A you start a conversation with B The following is the procedure you should follow
   1exchange greeting
   2.Express concern on hearing Wang lei is ill in hospital
   3.Suggest helping Wang Lei to catch up on studies
   4.Express thanks for B's support
   英语口语(1) 口试题签
   Directions: In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to
   understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
   Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer the questions.
   Part 2 Speak on a topic.
   Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner.
   Part 1
   Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.
    * Mr Dodds works in a bank, and lives on his own. The only family he has is in the
   next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr Dodds does not
   see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards,
   and he has not forgotten one of Mark's seventeen birthdays.
Last week Mr Dodds had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast; he parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. * Then there was a knock at the door. Mr Dodds opened the door to find a policeman standing on the door-step."What have I done wrong?" Mr Dodds asked himself. "Have I driven on the wrong sideof the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an importan!bill?""Hello, Uncle," said the policeman, "My name's Mark."
   Section B Ask the student the following questions.
    1. Does Mr Dodds live with his family7
    2. How often does he visit his sister% family?
    3. What did Mr Dodds think when he saw a policeman standing on the door-step?
    4. Why was the policeman there?
   Part 2 Ask the student to speak on the following topic.
What are the common cultural mistakes Chinese people sometimes make at a Western dinner party?
   Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the student. The conversation should last about 4
minutes. A is a first year student majoring in English. B is Miss Robinson, the American teacher. A meets B on eampus. They take about Wang Lei who is ill in hospital.
    英语口语(1) 口试题签
   Directions: In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand
   and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
   Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.
   Part 2 Speak on a topic.
   Part 3 Complete a role-play tusk with the examiner as your conversation partner.
   Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars and then answer the questions the examiner asks
    Old Mr Black loved shooting bears, but his eyes were not good any more. Several times
   he nearly shot people instead of bears, so his friends were always very careful when they
   went out shooting with him.
    * One day a young friend of his wanted to have a joke, so he got a big piece of white
   paper and wrote on it in very big letters "I AM NOT A BEAR." Then he tied it to his back
   and went off. His friend saw it and laughed a lot.
    But it did not save him. After a few minutes Mr Black shot at him and knocked his hat
   off. The young man was frightened and angry. "Didn't you see this piece of paper? he
   shouted to Mr Black. "Yes, I did," said Mr Black. Then he went nearer, looked careful[yat
   the paper and said, "Oh, I am very sorry. I didn't see the word NOT. ' *
   Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes.
    What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?
   Part 3 Complete a role-play task with your examiner. Your conversation should last about 4
    A is about to graduate from university. He/She is looking for a job. B (Mr/Mrs Jones)
   is the assistant manager of a small joint venture company. B is interviewing A.
    You are A. You start a conversation with B. The following is the procedure you should
   ● Exchange greetings with your interviewer.
   ● Introduce yourself, providing details of your education and work experiences.
   ● Describe your hobbies.
● ● Say goodbye.
英语口语(1) 口试题签
Directions: In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability t0
understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer the questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner.
Part 1
Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.
Old Mr Black loved shooting bears, but his eyes were not good any more. Several times
he nearly shot people instead of bears, so his friends were always very careful when they
went out shooting with him.
One day a young friend o his wanted to have a joke, so he got a big piece of white
paper and wrote on it in very big letters "I AM NOT A BEAR." Then he tied it to his back
and went oil. His ~riend saw it and laughed a lot.
But it did not save him. Alter a few minutes Mr Black shot at him and knocked his hat
off. The young man was frightened and angry. "Didn't you see this piece of paper? he
shouted to Mr Black. "Yes, I did," said Mr Black. Then he went nearer, looked carefully at
the paper and said, "Oh, I am very sorry. I didn't see the word NOT." *
Section B Ask the student the following questions.
1. What did Mr Black love.?
2. Why were his friends always very careful when they went out shooting ,with him?
3. What did one of his friends do one day?
4. What do you think of Mr Black's eyesight?
Part 2 Ask the student to speak on the following topic.
What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the student. The conversation should last about 4
A is about to graduate from university. He/She is looking for a job. B (Mr/Mrs Jones)
is the assistant manager of a small joint venture company. B is interviewing A.
You are B. Talk only when necessary. The following notes are for your reference.

英语口语(1) 口试题签
Directions: In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand
and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part I Read a short page aloud and answer questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner.
Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars and then answer the questions the examiner asks
* Jack Manning is a good-looking man, medium height. He was born in the twenties
He's got gray hair, a long nose and wears giasses. He never wears suits. He is very nice and
very friendly.
He's happily married. He lives and works in London. His wife, Diana, is a teacher
They've got a son, John. John is also a teacher.
Jack was in the army at the end of the war. Then he went to University. After that he
worked for the Daily News and then he became a civil servant. He was a civil servant for a
long time, but he did not like his job. So he left the job and joined the Daily News again.
Jack is very interested in politics. He has written a few books on politics. One of them
is called Left and Right. It's a very interesting book. He is also interested in other things
He plays tennis well. He loves music and enjoys talking to people.

Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes.
What rules should we observe when making an appointment?
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with your examiner. Your conversation should last about 4
A is a first year student majoring in English. B (Mr / Mrs Jones ) is an English
language teacher from New York, who is very interested in Chinese language and Chinese
culture. It's the end of the term. A and B meet in front of a dining hall on campus.
You are A. You start a conversation with B. The following is the procedure you should
● Exchange greetings with your teacher.
● Find out how your teacher is getting on with his/her Chinese.
● Offer to teach your teacher Chinese in exchange for lessons in English.
● ● Confirm the time and meeting place.
英语口语(1) 口试题签
Directions: In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability l0
understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part I Read a short passage aloud and answer the questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic,
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner.
Part 1
Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.
* Jack Manning is a good-looking man, medium height. He was born in the twenties.
He's got gray hair, a long nose and wears glasses. He never wears suits, lie is very nice and
very friendly. .
He's happily married, lie lives and works in London. His wife, Diana, is a teacher.
They've got a son, John. John is also a teacher.
Jack was in the army at the end of the war. Then he went to University. After that he
worked for the Daily News and then he became a civil servant. He was a civil servant for a
long time, but he did not like his job. So he left the job and joined the Daily News again.
Jack is very interested in politics. He has written a few books on politics. One of them
is called Left and Right. It's a very interesting book. He is also interested in other things.
He plays tennis well. He loves music and enjoys talking to people.
Section B Ask the student the following questions.
I. What does Jack Manning look like?
   2. What does his son do?
   3. How did he like his job as a civil servant?
    4. What is the title of one of the books he's written?
   Part 2 Ask the student to speak on the following topic.
    What rules should we observe when making an appointment?
   Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the student. The conversation should last about 4
    A is a first year student majoring in English. B is an English language teacher from New
   York, who is very interested in Chinese language and Chinese culture. It's the end of the
   term. A and B meet in front of a dining hall on campus.
    You are B. Talk only when necessary. The following notes are for your reference.
    英语口语(1) 口试评分标准

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