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英语教学法 试题
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  I. Choose the best answer (40%)
  Directions: In this part, you are given twenty questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B,
  C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the question. (40 points,2 points each)
  1. What type of learners can benefit most from touching real objects during the
   A. Individual learners. B. Tactile learners.
   C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners.
  2. What type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for?
   A. Interpersonal intelligenee. B. Intrapersonal intelligence.
   C. Logical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence.
  3. Which of the following activities can be best done with group work?
   A. Guessing game. B. Story telling.
   C. Information-gap. D. Drama performance.
  4. What is the following seating arrangement most suitable for?
   A. whole class discussion B. pair work
   C. individual work D. small group discussion
  5. Which of the following activities is most appealing to children's characteristics?
   A. Cross-word puzzle. B. Formal grammar instruction.
   C. Reciting texts. D. Role-play.
  6. Which of the following is a communication game?
   A. Bingo games. B. Word chain games.
   C. Rearranging and describing. D. Cross-word puzzle.
  7. What learning strategy does the following activity help to train?
   Put the words in the relevant columns
   sandwich, hotdog, dogs, sheep, oranges,
   A. Grouping. B. Collocation.
   C. Association. D. Imagery.
  8. Which of the following can train listening?
   A. Sequencing the pictures.
   B. Writing captions for pictures.
   C. Total Physical Response.
   D. Matching titles with different paragraphs.
  9. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?
   S: I watch a very good football match on TV yesterday.
   T: You WATCHED a very good football match yesterday.
   A. Helping correct the mistake.
   B. Giving a hint that the student has used the wrong tense.
   C. Asking the student, to correct the mistake himself.
   D. Asking the student whether he really saw the film.
  10. What should we teachers do when considering children's short attention span?
   A. We should not make any activity too long.
   B. We should not waste time explaining complicated language rules.
   C. We should provide good models for children to imitate.
   D. We should select those topics relevant to students'experience.
  11. Which of the following activities falls into the category of projects?
   A. Guessing "what is he eating?"
   B. Creating a poster.
   C. Listening and identifying.
   D. Information gap.
  12. What is the teacher doing in the following part of instruction?
   T: All right, I think it is the time.
   A. Introducing the activity.
   B. Giving a start.
   C. Checking understanding.
   D. Concluding an activity.
  13. Which of the following is suitable for speaking?
   A. TPR actions.
   B. Recognizing pictures.
   C. Information-gap.
   D. Matching pictures with descriptions.
  14. Which of the following is true of children in learning English?
   A. Good at conceptualizing.
   B. Good at imitating.
   C. Good at planning and monitoring.
   D. Good at thinking deeply.
  15. What does the following help to train?
A. elision B. liaison
C. intonation D. Rhythm
16. What aspects of vocabulary does realia help to present and practice?
A. word information
B. word grammar
C. word meaning
D. word collocation
17. According to the textbook, which of the following activities helps to "settle" the
A. whole class work to copy the text
I3. group work to prepare for a picnic
C. animal guessing games
D. role play
18. Which of the following helps to assess language performance?
A. asking the students to do a quiz at the end of the lesson
B. asking students to reflect on what activities attract them most
C. asking students about their attitudes towards a certain game
D. asking students whether they like the English class
19. Which of the following involves reading?
A. Labeling pictures.
B. Listening and identifying.
C. Drawing according to the given instructions.
D. Total Physical Response.
20. Which of the following best expresses the feature of children in learning a foreign
A. Short attention span.
B. Analytical learning.
C. Clear purpose.
D. Self-discipline.
II. Matching (20 % )
Directions: In this part, you are given five questions. Each question is followed by two columns
of options. You are to match the options on the left marked 1), 2), 3), 4) with relevant
options on the right marked A, B, C and D, and write the answers on the answer sheet. Make
sure each option can only match with one another.
1. Match the activity type on the left with the most suitable seating arrangements on the
1) group presentation
2) pair work
3) whole class discussion
4) group discussion of 3--6 students
2. Match the teacher's purpose on the left with the corresponding instruction on the
1) getting feedback A. Who wants to have a try?
2) checking understanding B. Did I make myself clear?
3) assigning roles C. One of you play father and the other play
child, please.
4) encouraging volunteers D. Will you please tell us how you will send it
3. Match the type of learning styles on the left with the descriptions on the right.
1) Reflective learners A. I like to work with others. I learn best
within groups.
2) Individual learners B. I like to think by myself. I like to have more
options to choose from.
3) Authority-oriented learners C. I prefer to study by myself. I do not like
others to interrupt me.
4) Group learners D. I prefer to listen to the teacher.
4. Match the type of the intelligence on the left with the description on the right.
1) Intrapersonal intelligence A. The ability to use words effectively
2) Verbal intelligence B. The ability to understand yourself, your
strengths, weakness, and intentions.
3) Kinesthetic intelligence C. The ability to use numbers effectively and
reason well.
4)Math and logical intelligence D. The ability to use body to express ideas.
5. Match children's characteristics on the left with the implication for the teacher on the
1) Difficult to understand verbal A. Give children opportunities to be imaginative
instructions and creative.
2) Short attention span. B. Don't explain complicated grammar rules to
3) Not good at analyzing language C. Use many short activities instead of a
rules long one.
4) Imaginative and creative D. Keep the instructions simple and support
them with body language.
III. Multiple choice questions ( 10 % )
Directions: In this part, you are given five questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A,
B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and make your choices. You may have more than one
answer to each question. (10 Points, 2 points each)
l. Which of the following roles do the primary school teachers play?
A. A motivator
B. An organizer
C. A participant
D. an evaluator
2. Which of the following activities usually stir a class?
A. competitions B. guessing games
C. TPR activities D. singing songs
3. Which of the following help to assess the process of learning?
A. formal tests at the end of the term
B. observation of students' performance in role-plays
C. students' drawings and homework
D. small quizzes during the term
4. Which of the following qualities does the primary school teacher of English have to
A. Need to understand how children think and learn.
B. Care for the whole child instead of just caring for the language that you teach.
C. Need to help children develop in an all-round way.
D. Guide students in mastering learning strategies, in learning how to learn.
5. What should teachers encourage when dealing with written errors?
A. Making a lot of red marks on children's exercise books.
B. Self-correction.
C. Peer-correction.
D. Ignoring all the errors.
IV. Activity Designing (30%)
Directions: In this part, you are to design a 10-minute listening activity according to the
material given. The activity should be based on the following material including the sentences
and pictures given. Make sure you include all the items of the activity described in the table
given. Make sure you give the assumed time for each step.

英语教学法 试题答案及评分标准
工.Choose the best answer
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D
6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.A
11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.B
16.C 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.A
1. 1)一B 2)一A 3)一D 4)一C
2.1)一D 2)一B 3)一C 4)一A
3.1)一B 2)一C 3)一D 4)一A
4.1)一B 2)一A 3)一D 4)一C
5.1)一D 2)一C 3)一B 4)一A
Ⅲ.Multiple choice questions
Objectives: to enable students to identify specific information about favorite toys
in listening
Classroom organization: whole-class work to pair work
Assumed time: 10'
Teaching aid: Pictures, multi-media, record player
1. Micro-listening (2 ' )
Before listening to the recording, let the students listen and number the toys. In this
way, the teacher can get to know whether the students already, know the pronunciation of the
words. If they do not, it is necessary to practice reading.
● Teacher's instruction:
First the teacher can assess whether the pupils can identify the following toys to make
sure they can associate the sound with the objects before playing the recording.
T:"Now, boys and girls. Do you know these toys? First listen and number the toys
according to the recording"

● Student act:
Students listen to the recording and number the pictures according to the sequence in the
2. Listen and match. (4')
Ask the students to listen to the recording and match the portraits with their favorite
toys. It is necessary to adapt the given picture like the following.
● Teacher' s instruction
"Amy, Sam, Tom, Daming and Lingling are talking about their favorite toys. Now,
listen and match."

● Students'act
Students listen to the recording and match the objects with the portraits.
3. Pair work to check (2')
Arrange the students into pairs to check their answer. While the students are working,
the teacher should walk around to see how the students understand.
● Teacher' s instruction:
"All right, boys and girls, please stop. Now, can you compare your answer with your
● Students'act
Students work in pairs to compare their answers.
4. Feedback (2')
The teacher calls on students by pair to assess the listening. There is no need to call on
all pairs to answer. When one pair has given the answer, ask other pairs to add if they have
different ideas.
● Teacher's instruction.
"Ok, can you tell us your answer now? Mary, what about your pair?..."
● Students'act
Each pair reports about the answers they get from pair checking.
Predicted problems:
1. The pupils may have difficulty numbering the toys at the first step.
2. Some pairs may not be able to finish the matching if listening only once.
1. This shows that the words are new to the pupils or they know the words, but cannot
associate the sound with the meaning. In this case, add some reading practice to make sure
students can identify the words in listening before moving on to listening to the whole
2. If this happens, play the recording again for the pupils to listen for a second or third
time. This is listening practice. Usually the pupils need to listen several times.
   1 Objective,2分,要求活动目的描述清楚,与活动相适应,不符合活动要求不得分。
   2 Classroomorganization,2分,活动组织形式与活动相适应,否则不得分。
   3 Teachingaids,1分,要求教具的使用有助于活动的开展,否则不得分。
4 Assumedtime,2分,活动每一阶段的活动时间,时间分配合理,且与活动总体时间相
5 Predictedproblems,2分,预测问题符合小学生的具体情况,符合活动的特点,否则不得分。
6 Possible solutions,2分,要求解决方式适合问题类型。
  7 Procedure部分,共19分,其中,

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