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英语(商)专业 商务英语写作 试题
注 意 事 项
  I. Complete the letters with the words given. (10 points)
   requests, appreciate, overdue, appoint, confidential, remain, further to,
  explanation, regarding, confidence
  Dear Ms. Waif
   1 your letter of 26 April, I am happy to provide the information you requested
   2 Arnold Stevens, witb the understanding that this information will be kept 3 .
   I can recommend Mr. Stevens with every 4 . He has been a stock clerk and then a
  sales assistant in my store since September 1996. He has always been willing to work odd
  hours, including weekends and holidays, and has proven to be a hardworking and
  trustworthy employee.
   If you were to 5 Mr. Stevens to tile post, we should find il very difficult to replace
  him. However, we 6 that it may be time for Mr. Stevens to move on.
   Sincerely yours
  Dear Sir
   We are very much surprised that we have received no reply to the further letter we sent
  you on 28th July regarding the long 7 payment of $ 95.67 on your account. Our relations in the past have always been good. Even so, we cannot allow tbe amount to 8 unpaid indefinitely, and as we have received no replies to any of our several 9 for payment, we are now reluctantly compelled to have recourse to law, unless the amount due is paid or a
  satisfactory 10 received by the end of this month.
   Yours faithfully
  II. Choose the best answer for each sentence. (10 points)
   11. I am writing lo find out tile facts to your recent insurance claim.
   A. be related B. relate
   C. relating
  12. Please examine the matter and send us the __ of the missing three boxes by air parcel.
   A. payment B. replacement
   C. adjustment
  13. It is essential that our suppliers both competitive in terms of price, and
  extremely reliable.
   A. be B. would be
   C. will be
   14. With regard to the loss in weight, we are enclosing a surveyor's report in order to
  prove to you that the loss __ only __ in transit.
   A. could.., occur B. could.., have occurred
   C. cai1,., occur
  15. We are sorry to have to complain of the quality of the shipment of wheat, but it is far
   the sample you sent us.
   A. superior to B. inferior to
   C. prior to
  16. The policy and should reach you by the end of next month.
   A. is being prepared B. is being preparing
   C. is preparing
  17. lhat you no longer require our services was a great disappointment to me.
   A. To learn B. Learning
   C. Have learned
  18. Mari]yn [lad to leave for Mexico City; , she will not be available for nexl
  week' s meeting.
   A. consequently B. nevertheless
   C. moreover
  19. I am afraid customers are expected to check that goods are satisfactory on __
   A. shipment B. dispatch
   C. delivery
  20. __ your urgent need of the goods, we have decided to accept your order despite
  the current tight supply position.
   A. In terms of
   B. In spite of
   C. In view of
  1II. Mateh. (10 points)
  A. In the following, 21--25 describe the problems, and a--e give the solutions. Please match
   21. Recently, you have started to deliver later than agreed. This results in our failing to
  meet our own deadlines.
   22. Having checked with our suppliers, it is clear that they mistakenly sent us a
  consignment of faulty disks.
   23. Bale 3 doesn't appear to have been packed in waterproof material and has become
  very sodden in transit.
   24. We are willing to accept the goods sent if you are able to make a substantial
  reduction in the price.
   25. I cannot possibly use the camera you sent me hecause it has problems working.
   a. We are asking our Agents to inspect this bale, and, subject to their reports, we will
  replace the unsaleable parr.
   b. I shall arrange for a replacement to be sent to you immediately, and would be
  grateful if you could return the faulty camera.
   e. I can assure you that we are currently considering switching transport company to
  avoid this type of error occurring again.
   d. With this in mind, we are more than happy to replace the fauhy disks.
   e. We appreciate your offer to keep the goods wrongly delivered, and we are ready to
  allow 14% off the invoice price.
  B. Choose from f--j to mateh 26 30.
   26. Could you send us a price list regarding your chromium plated domestic products?
   27. I appreciate your advice on some problems we are experiencing with the equipment we ordered from you 3 months ago.
   28. Would it be possible for you to arrange for us to see your products sometime this
   29. Mr Nick Adams of Aiko Corporation has referred us to you for information
  concerning his standing.
   30. The Stenogram is efficient, dependable, timesaving and economical.
   f. Excessive humidity can seriously affect the operation of our equipment.
   g. If it is possible, we should like to arrange a demonstration by the end of this month.
   h. For fifty-two weeks in the year it works hard for you, without lunch breaks or
   i. We welcome the opportunity to report favorably on his eompany.
   j. Prices quoted are inclusive of transportation costs.
  IV. Translate the following into Chinese. (20 points)
   31. Gentlemen
   As your name and address were listed in The Business, we are writing to you with a
  desire to open an account with you.
   We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese silk goods and are enjoying an excellent repuTation through fifty years' business experience. We are sure that you will be quite
  satisfied with our services and the excellent qualities of our goods.
   If you need more objective information concerning our credit, please direct all inquires to the Bank of China.
   We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply.
   Yours truly
  V. Writing. (50 points)
   32. Write a letter for the following sitoation.
   You have just received a Petter pressing for overdue paymem. Write a letter of payment to include the following particulars.
   1) Explain that payment was delayed because your accounting department made an
  oversigbt in making remittance.
   2) Inform the seller that the sam has been sent to him by Telegrapbie Transfer today.
   33, Write a reply to the following letter.
  Dear Mr Perkins
   According to Contract No. 192 covering 150 cases of recorder components, the shipment is to be made in September, But yesterday our customers informed us that they needed the components urgently to fulfill the orders with their buyers, so we find ourselves under the
  necessity of requesting your cooperation to advance shipment to August.
   We can imagine the inconvenience which our request may cause you, but we dr) hope our
  old pleasant relations will offset them.
   Thank you for your cooperation in this respect.
   Yours truly
   (hints: show your consideration, manufactures are busy and persuaded to deliver 50
  cases in August and the remaining in September, ask to amend credit and confirm )
   英语(商)专业 商务英语写作 试题答案及评分标准
  I Complete the letters with the words given. ( l 0 points)
   1. Further to 2. regarding 3. confidential 4. confidence 5. appoint
  6. appreciate 7. overdue 8. remain 9. requests 10. explanation
  II. Choose the best answer for each sentence. (10 points)
  ll.C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B
  16, A 17. B I8. A 19. C 20. C
  II. Match. (10 points)
   A. 21. c 22. d 23. a 24. e 25. b
   B. 26, j 27. f 28. g 29. i 30. h
  IV. Translate the following into Chinese, (20 points)
   我公司是中国丝绸产品大出口商之一,具有50 年商贸经验,享誉中外。我方的服务和产品质量-定会令贵方满意。
  V. Writing. (50 points)
   32, Write a letter for the following situatiion. (20 points)
   33. Write a reply to the following letter. (30 points)

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