
时间:2024-04-27 20:44:57 5A范文网 浏览: 复习资料 我要投稿
  Section One
  Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a short passage; B. a short dialogue. Fill in the blanks as you listen to the recording. You will hear the recording only once. (20 points, 1 pointeach)
  A. When Jenny and Simon received a 1 from a woman who they thought was a 2
  aunt, they were happy that she had decided to spend the 3 of her life with them. They 4 she would leave them money in her 5 . When she arrived, Jenny and Simon gave her the 6 room in the house for her 7 , and cooked delicious meals for her. Un-fortunately, she was the kind of old woman who was 8 happy and always complaining.She made their lives miserable. It was not until she 9 that they found out she was not their aunt at all.
  B. M So, is English the most widely spoken language in the world?
  W Well, if we look at the languages that are spoken in the world today, of course Chi- nese is the 10 widely spoken because, well, there are so many people in China, over one billion. But the English language is spoken in so many parts of the world now, it's spoken by nearly one billion people as their first or 11 language. In many parts of Africa for example, people speak 12 English as their language of 13 or education but they might speak two or three other languages. I suppose that makes them the 14 linguists in the world, really. And, of course, many school children in London and New York are pretty 15 linguists, too. Do you know that 200% of London school children speak English at school and another lan-guage at home? We found about 16 different languages spoken by children in New York schools and 170 languages spoken by London school children.
  M I never 17 that.
  W It's amazing isn't tq But, you know, one problem with learning English is 18 . The Oxford English Dictionary contains about 500, 000 words and they say there are another 19 a million technical and scientific words that arc. not yet included in the dictionary.
  M Mmm.
  W When you think that 2,000 years ago, when Julius Caesar came from Rome to Brit- ain, the English language did not 20 .
   M Well quite.
   W No one in the world spoke English!
  Section Two
  Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a news story; B. a conversation. Decide whether
  the following statements are T (True) or F (False). You will hear the recording twice. (30points, 2 points each)
  A. Foreign Workers in the United States
   21. ( ) The US is a country with a high percentage of unemployment.
   22. ( ) Many American companies have problems finding skilled workers.
   23. ( ) Computer software companies sometimes employ foreign workers.
   24. ( ) The number of high-tech foreign workers is expected to reach 440,000 in the next ten years.
   25. ( ) In 1999, the number of foreign workers was the highest in 70 years.
   26. ( ) About 7 million foreign workers are illegal immigrants.
   27. ( ) Some immigrants do low-pay jobs such as cleaning hotel rooms.
  B. Talking About Television.
   28. ( ) The woman watched TV all night yesterday.
   29. ( ) Both the man and the woman like football game very much.
   30. ( ) The woman regretted that she hadn't switched the TV on earlier.
   31. ( ) The programme on foxes was great according to the woman.
   32. ( ) The woman missed the beginning of the News.
     33·( )England won the football game.
   34·( )England scored sIx goals in the gaine.
   35·( )The man thinks the footbaU game was very g00d.
  Section Thtee
  DirectiOnS:In this section,yoil w-Il hear A.a eonversatjon 811d B.a news story,Choose the best answer t0 each of the folIOWing statements.You w.IJ hear the recordjng only once.(20points,2 pOints each)
  A.MyCar's Been Stolell
   36·The woman was--when her car was St01en.
   A.doing 8hopping
   B.at home
   C.at herfrjend's hOITIt~
  37.The woman left the car in Henley Street for
   A.3 hours
   B.over 2 hours
   C.1essthan 2 hours
  38·Thewoman parked her car--0fthe shop.
   A.in the 10a ding area
   B.in the shop ping area
   C.in a"No Parking"area
  39.The woman~s car is now .
   A.at the back ofthe shop
    B.in a place where stolen cars are stored
   C.at the headquarters。f the mobile branth of the police
  40·TheWOlT~anWl'll--to goto get her car.
   A.take ataxi
   B.take a bus
   C.take atrain
  B.Teaehing Assistants
   41.Amerl'can COllege StUdents complain about .
   A.forel'gn graduate students~E"glish
   B.foreign classmates~English
   C.foreign teacher's behaviour
   42·Princeton Um。vers'lty requ'ires fore'tg"graduates t0--before they al-e perml'tte t0 teach.
   A.pass a driVlng test
   B.pass 812 English teaching test
   C.pass all English speaking test
   43.Boston University's training class teaches .
   A.E"glish teaching techn010gies
   B.CUltural d|f壬erences and speaking of English
   C.communication in the classroom
   44·PennsylV~'/YIia State University has classes in which .
   A.studellts learn about how to answer quest'ions
   B.students act as teachers
   C.studerlts are giyen TOEFL tests
   45-Students can nnd Out i。nformatl'on abOut English classes--in the US.
   A.when they first seek information about attending COllege
   B.when they start studying i'n the college 、
   C.when they graduate froIll secondary sch001s
  SectiOll Four
  Directioiis:In this se~tion,you will hear a~ollversatioil.Complete the folIowing tahle as you
  Iistell t0 the recording.YOO wil_hear the recordiⅡg twice.(20 points,2 points eaeh).Two people,Usha and Spiro,are talking about the weather,food,people and the way of life in Britain.
  试卷代号:2151 座位号[口
   Section One
  Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a short passage; B. a short dialogue. Fill in the
  blanks as you listen to the recording. You will hear the recording only once. (20 points, 1 point
   1. 2. 3. 4.
   6. 7. 8. 9.
   10. 11. 12.
   13. 14. 15.
   16, 17. 18.
19. 19. 20.
Directious:In this seetion,you will hear A.the foHowing statements are T(Trile)or F points,2 points each)
A. 21. 22.
25. 26.
B. 28. 29.
32. 33.
Seetion Thlee
a news story;B.a conversation.Decide whether (FaIse).You wilI heanhe recording twice.(30)
Directioils:In thjs seetion,you wiIl hear A.a conversation and B.a news story.Choose the best answer to each 0fthe following statements.You wilJ hear therecording only once.(20 pojnts,2points seach)
A.36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
B.41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Section Four
DiteetiOils:In this section,yoa wiIl hear a conversation.CompIete the foIIowing table as you Iistell t0 the recording.(20 points,2 points eaeh).
46. 47.
48. 49.
50. 51.
52. 53.
54. 54. 55
Sectioil Five
D.rectiOIls:In this section,you w.Il hear a short passage fotw tiIlles.Listen carefuIly and don't write dtwing the first reading,during the second find third reading,try t0 write what yOtl've heard Oll your AIlswer Sheet.Check your writing when the passage is read the fotwth time·(10points)
Section One
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a short passage; B. a short dialogue. Fill in the blanks as you listen to the recording. You will hear the recording only once. (20 points, 1 point each)
A. l. letter 2. rich 3. rest
4. sure 5. will 6. best
7. bedroom 8. never 9. died
B. 10. most 11. second 12. fluent
13. business 14. best 15. good
16. 150 17. knew 18. vocabulary
19. half 20. exist
Section Two
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a news story; B. a conversation. Decide whether the following statements are T (True) or F (False). You will hear the recording twice. (30points, 2 points each)
A. 21. F 22. T 23. T 24. F
25. T 26. F 27. T
B. 28. F 29. F 30. T 31. T
32. F 33. T 34. T 35. T
Section Three
Directions:In this seetiOilt you will hear A.a conversation and B.a news story.Choose the
best answer to each of the follOWing statements.YOU wilI hear the recordiⅡg only once. (20
points,2 points eaeh)
A.36.A 37.B 38.C 39.C 40.B
B.41.A 42.C 43.B 44.B 45.A
Section Foar
DirectiOItS:In this sectiOn,you will hear a conversatiOn.CompIete the followi table as y0Ⅱlisten t0 the recording-(20 points,2 points each).
46.OK 47.healthy
48.frjleadly 49.fast
50.countryside 51.10ng
52.pleasant 53.(very)limited
54.frjleD.dly 55.tiring
Section Five
Directions:In this seetjon you w.1I hear a short passage foar tilnes.Listen carefuIly and don yt write daring the first readiⅡg,dur.mg the seeond and third reading,try tO wrjte what yon~ve heard Oil your Answer Shect.Check your writing when the passage is lead the foarth time.(10points)
one way to think about time is to imagine a world withOut time.There could be no movement,becfluse time aNd movement cal3not be separated.
A world without time could exist only as long as there were no changes.For t'llne and
change are linked. We know that time has passed when somethi"g changes.

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