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英语听力(2) 试题
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  Section One
  Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short dialogues. You will hear each one twice. At
the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question,
there will be four choices A, B, C and D. Decide which one is the best answer to the question.
  (20 points, 2 points each)
   Dialogue !
   A. A policeman. B. A shop assistant.
   C. A cleaner. D. A taxi driver.
   Dialogue 2
   A. Gensen. B. Jensen.
   C. Jinsin. D. Ginsin.
   Dialogue 3
   A. The man is leaving for Hong Kong.
   B. Tina is leaving for Hong Kong.
   C. The man wants to meet Tina on Saturday.
   D. Tina wants to meet the man in Hong Kong.
   Dialogue 4
   A. About 7:00. B. About 8:00.
   C. About 9:00. D. About 10:00.
   Dialogue .5
   A. Talkative. B. Easy to be with.
   C. Nice. D. Quiet.
   Dialogue 6
   A. In the closet. B. On the desk.
   C. She said she lost it. D. She couldn't remember exactly.
   Dialogue 7
   A. 30 minutes. B. 20 minutes.
   C. 15 minutes. D. 10 minutes.
   Dialogue 8
   A. Jim is at a meeting now.
   B. Jim's roommate is out.
   C. Jim has moved to another room.
   D. Jim is with his girl now.
   Dialogue 9
   A. In 1980. B. In 1981.
   C. In 1982. D. In 1983.
   Dialogue 10
   A. The secretary is a man.
   B. The secretary is married.
   C. The secretary is very efficient.
   D. The secretary has been working there very long.
  Section Two
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 5 dialogues. You will hear them only once. Listen to
  the dialogue and write "T" (true) or"F' (false) in the brackets for each of the following
  statements. (30 points, 2 points each)
  Dialogue A
   11. The man says that he has been to Thailand.
   12. The man went to China last year.
   13. The woman suggests that the two of them go and visit China and Thailand.
  Dialogue B
   14. Mary likes swimming, hiking and playing golf.
   15. George likes playing table tennis and walking a lot.
   16. Mary finds sports help her relax from her job.
  Dialogue C
   17. The man wants to buy a few cups.
   18. A size 58 cap fits the man well.
   19. The price of the cap is 360 yuan.
  30. How did Kathy feel when she saw her mum's car?
   A. Nervous B. Disappointed
   C. Angry
  Passage B
  31. Jim Taylor is
   A. an actor B. a TV maker
   C. a reporter
  32. He likes
   A. reading newspapers B. talking to different people
   C. making films
  33. He gets his stories
   A. by listening to his friends and talking with them
   B. by attending meetings and discussing with other people
   C. by stopping people and asking them some questions
  34. He stops people at any place except
   A. a theater B. a school
   C. a hospital
  35. If he asks people, he usually gets different answers.
   A. ten...two B. twelve ... two
   C. twelve '" twelve
  Passage C
  36. Mr. Grey was
   A. a salesman B. a waiter
   C. a manager
  37. Mr. Grey works in
   A. a factory B. a furniture company
   C. a small shop
  38. He always traveled once a month, and found many stores which were his
   company's furniture.
   A. willing to sell B. not satisfied with
   C. planning to use
  39. Mr. Grey was a man.
   A. rude B. shy
   C. polite
  40. He got along very well with people who
   A. had parents B. had children
   C. had photos
  Section Four
  Direction: In this section, you will hear a conversation twice. Listen carefully and fill in the
  blanks with the missing information. (10 points, 1 point each)
  Section Five
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage 4 times. Listen carefully and don't
  write during the first reading. During the second and third readings, try to write what you've
  heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time. (10 points)
   英语听力(2) 试题答案及评分标准
  Section One
  Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short dialogues. You will hear each one twice. At
the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question,
there will be four choices A, B, C and D. Decide which one is the best answer to the question.
  (20 points, 2 points each)
   Dialogue 1 D
   Dialogue 2 B
   Dialogue 3 A
   Dialogue 4 D
   Dialogue 5 A
   Dialogue 6 D
   Dialogue 7 C
   Dialogue 8 D
   Dialogue 9 C
   Dialogue 10 C
  Section Two
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 5 dialogues. You will hear them only once. Listen to
  the dialogue and write "T" (true) or "F" (false) in the brackets for each of the following
  statements. (30 points, 2 points each)
   Dialogue A 11. T 12. F 13. T
   Dialogue B 14. F 15. T 16. T
   Dialogue C 17. F 18. F 19. T
   Dialogue D 20. T 21. F 22. F
   Dialogue E 23. T 24. F 25. T
  Section Three
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 passages twice. After each passage, choose the best
  one from the three possible answers A, B, and C. (30 points, 2 points each)
  Passage A
   26. B 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. A
  Passage B
   31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. C
  Passage C
   36. C 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. B
  Section Four
  Direction: In this section, you will hear a conversation twice. Listen carefully and fill in the
  blanks with the missing information. (10 points, 1 point each)
   41. school 42. wrote 43. first
   44. 1961 45. wife 46. farm
   47. documentaries 48. 1975 49. second
   50. 1978
  Section Five
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage 4 times. Listen carefully and don't
  write during the first reading. During the second and third readings, try to write what you've
  heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time. (10 points)
   Cricket is not quite as popular as football, yet it is often called the English national
  sport. To many foreigners it appears a slow and rather boring game, but in fact it requires a
  lot of muscle and a quick eye. It started on village greens, and is still played there. There is
a great deal of amateur club cricket as well as professional county cricket.

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