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英语专业 英语听力(1) 试题
注 意 事 项
  Section One
  Part A
  Directions: Listen to the following words. You will hear them only once. Tick (√) the right
  vowel in each word when you hear it. (10 points)
  Part B
  Directions: Now you will hear ten words, one from each group. You will hear them only once. Choose the word you hear from the four choices A, B, C and D in each group. (10 points)
   1. A. upper B. supper C. soup D. starter
   2. A. paper B. wipe C. pipe D. five
   3. A. borrow B. balloon C. blue D. blow
   4. A. heard B. hear C. had D. learned
   5. A. fale B. late C. hale D. ate
   6. A. harm B. fame C. farm D. arm
   7. A. night B. height C. light D. net
   8. A. cheap B. chip C. cheat D. heap
   9, A. wait B. quiet C. quit D. white
   10. A. cai B. marry C. Harry D. carry
Section Two
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. You will hear each one twice. When
 you hear a statement, read the three possible answers marked A, B and C. Decide which one is
  the closest in meaning to tile statement you have just heard. Then, write your answer on the
  Answer Sheet. (20 points)
   11. A. Mary doesn't like swimming.
   B. Mary and Jack like swimming.
   C. Mary and Mike like swimming.
   12. A. The population (人口)of Beijing is very big.
   B. Air pollution in Beijing is very serious.
   C. Air pollution ill China is very serious.
   13. A. I)o you know the teacher over there?
   B. Do you go to school with that girl?
   C. That girl is talking to our teacher. 1)o you know her?
   14. A. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
   B. I don't have any questions to ask.
   C. l don't mind answering your questions.
   15. A. Please buy an umbrella for me.
   B. 'Fake the umbrella when you go out.
   C, Please remember to phone me when you get home.
   16. A. You'll feel better in the hospital.
   B. We'll get to the hospital soon.
   C. There's no hospital around here.
   17. A. You've wasted too much money.
   B. You should stop washing up now.
   C. It's a waste of time watching too much TV.
   18. A. Taking pictures is not allowed in tbe museum,
   B. There are no pictures in this museum.
   C. You're not allowed to go to that museum.
    19. A. People usually have salary before Christmas.
   B. People usually celebrate the coming of Christmas.
   C. People have celebrations after Christmas.
   20. A. Many people enjoy their summer holidays.
   B. It's very cool at the seaside in summer.
   C. Many people go to the seaside in summer.
  Section Three
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short dialogues. You will hear each one only once.
After you hear a dialogue, write a T (True) or F (False) in the bracket for each of the following
statements on the Answer Sheet. (20 points)
Dialogue A
   21. Mary wants to see the man.
   22. Mary is in her car.
  Dialogue B
   23. The woman has seen the film.
   24. The woman likes the costumes (服装) in tbe film.
  Dialogue C
   25. Mary is looking for a new house.
   26. She is living with her parents.
  Dialogue D
   27. The woman is unhappy with the drink.
   28. The woman wants to have some fruils.
  Dialogue E
   29. The jacket costs 60 pounds.
   30. The man won't buy the jacket.
  Dialogue F
   31. The man doesn't feel well.
   32. The man can't find his medicine.
  Dialogue G
   33. The man is waiting for Jane.
   34. The man is going to talk to Jane about homework.
  Dialogue 1t
   35. The man wants to work in a bank.
   36. The woman is a writer.
  Dialogue I
   37. The fasbion show was interesting.
   38. The woman didn't buy anything.
  Dialogue J
   39. The man is reserving a room for 2 nights.
   40. The man wants a room more than $ 50.
  Section Four
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 passages twice. After each passage, choose the best
one from the three possible answers A, B and C for each item. (20 points)
Passage A
   41. Americans __ to celebrate the coming of the New Year.
   A. spend hours watching TV B. drink and eat
   C. sing and dance
   42. There are time zones in the US.
   A. 4 B. 5 C. 3
   43. When people in New York began celebrating, people in l,os Angeles
   A. are still having hmcb with families
   B. have to wait about 3 hours for the New Year to come
   C. have already finished celebrating
  Passage B
   44. The dogs polled the sledges and the __ carried the equipment.
   A. men B. sledges C. ice
   45. They stopped tbeir journey when
   A. they reached the North Pole B. they were too tired to walk
   C. the ice melted in tim summer
   46. They reached the North Pole in
   A. 1968 B. 1969 C. 1986
  Passage C
   47. Mary spent this year's in Africa.
   A. summer holiday B. winter holiday C. study time
   48. Mary came to Africa to between two towns.
   A. build a bridge B. study the forest C. makea road
    49. One of the difficulties she met was ....... .
   A. no drinking water B. nowbere to sleep C. no medicine
   50. Mary back here to work after 6 weeks hard work.
   A. would never come B. hopes 1o come
   C. doesn't know if she will come
  Section Five
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage twice. Listen carefully and fill in tile blanks
with the missing information. (10 points)
   Jane and Caroline were school friends,
   Caroline was (51) __ and very beautiful, and Jane was (52) ___ and pretty.
   Caroline was very intelligent, too, and was often first in the (53)
   Jane was usually the 5th or 6th.
   Caroline's handwriting was excellent. Jane's was good, but (5,t) excetlent.
   Jane and Caroline both applied for a job in a local (55)
   The advertisement said: "Wanted: Young secretary for (56) of riot. Must be
intelligent and polite, and have (57) handwriting."
in the interview, Caroline answered all the questions and (58) ' she was very intelligent.
   In her interview, Jane answered all the questions and was very polite.
   Jane (59) the job.
  "Sometimes," the office manager said, "politeness is more (60) than intelligence."
  Section Six
Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage four times. Listen carefully and don"t write during the first reading. During the second and third rending, try to write what you've heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time.( 10 points)

英语专业 英语听力(1) 试题答案及评分标准

SectiOn One
Part A
(10 points,1 point each)

Part B
(10 pOints,l pO{nt each)
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C
6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B
SectiOn Two
(20 points,2 pOints each)
11.C 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B
  16.A 17,C 18.A 19.B 20.C
Section Three
  (20 points, 1 point each)
   21. F 22. T 23. T 24. T 25. T
   26. F 27. F 28. T 29. F 30. F
   31. T 32. T 33. F 34. F 35. F
   36. T 37. T 38. T 39. T 40. F
  Section Four
  (20 points, 2 points each)
   41. B 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. C
   46. B 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. B
  Section Five
  (10 points, I point each)
   (51) tall (52) short (53) exams (54) not (55) office
   (56) busy (57) good (58) showed (59) got (60) important
  Section Six
  ( 10 points)
It's Sunday tomorrow. I usually sit around and do nothing on Sunday. But tomorrow
I'm going to make a special effort. I'll go to the market place to buy some vegetables, meat,
fish and fruit for my wife. Usually it is my wife who goes shopping every morning. But
tomorrow is a special day. It is the 50th anniversary of our wedding.
评分标准:将10分平均分布到每个句子( 一般以句号为句子结束标志),阅卷人根据拼写

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