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英语专业 英语听力(1) 试题
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Section One
Part A
Directions: Listen to the following words. You will hear them only once. Tick {-./ } the right
vowel in each word when you hear it. ( 10 points)

Part B
Directions: Now you will hear ten words, one from each group. You will hear them only once.
Choose the word you hear from the four choices A, B, C and D in each group. (10 points)
1. A. lid B. rider C. leader D. ladder
2. A. sixty B. city C. thirsty D. seat
3. A. help B. hope C. heart D. half
4. A, press B. breath C. bright D. please
5. A. pot B. bought C. port D. cold
6. A. bright B. back C. black D, pack
7. A. school B. moon C. soon D. spoon
8. A. idle B. clear C. dare D, idea
9. A. swear B. sell C. stare D. square
10. A. leather B. neither C. feather D. measure
Section Two
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. You will hear each one twice. When
you hear a statement, read the three possible answers marked A, B and C. Decide which one is
the closest in meaning to the statement you have just heard. Then, write your answer on the
Answer Sheet. (20 points)
11. A. Richard wants to borrow a book from Tom.
B. Richard wants to give Tom a book as a present.
C. Tom has bought a birthday present for Richard.
12. A. I will be back at 1 o'clock.
B. I won't be back at 3 o'clock.
C. I will be back around 2 o'clock.
13. A. Please open the window for me.
B. I want to open the window.
C. The window is open.
14. A. I'm very busy recently.
B. I've seen a really good film recently.
(3. I want to see a film with you.
15. A. John's ill and his mother will come to see him.
B. John's mother is worried about John.
C. John is worried about his mother,
16. A. She would phone me when she got home.
B. She said she was pleased to see me again.
C: She said she would never call me again.
17. A. Please say something about your sister.
B. I' d like to know something about you.
C. Can I ask what your name is?
18. A, Everybody liked this shop.
B. The shop gave everybody a surprise.
C. The shop was robbed.
19. A. He always worked very hard.
B. He was a very helpful person.
C. He never shared anything with others.
20. A. Because of her lung problem, she doesn't sing much.
B. She doesn't sing very well.
C. She will have lung trouble if she sings too much.
Section Three
Directions: In this section, you will hear I0 short dialogues. You will hear each one only once.
After you hear a dialogue, write a T (True} or F {False) in the bracket for each of the following
statements on the Answer Sheet. (20 points)
Dialogue A
21. The woman will finish her work in 2 hours.
22. The football match will start in an hour.
Dialogue B
23. The man left the tickets at home.
24. Molly is always late.
Dialogue C
25. The man is booking a table for 8. 20.
26. Four people will come to the restaurant.
Dialogue D
27. The man has to go to the airport.
28. The woman's car is broken.
Dialogue E
29. The man has finished his work.
30. The man will get some sugar at the butcher's for the woman.
Dialogue F
31. Mary is looking for places to live these days.
32. Mary is living'with her parents now.
Dialogue G
33. The conversation most likely takes place in a library.
34. The man is looking for a book on computer science.
Dialogue H
35. The woman has just read a book about Canada.
36. The man thinks the book is great.
Dialogue I
37. Max cleaned the kitchen for just 2 hours.
38. Doris had a very nice weekend.
Dialogue J
39. The woman needs to cross the street and turn right.
40. The bookshop is next to the supermarket.
Section Four
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 passages twice. After each passage, choose the best
one from the three possible answers A, B and C for each item. (20 points}
Passage A
41. John Baird, a (an) inventor, found a way to send pictures by wireless.
A. Swedish
B. British
C. American
42. The year __ was the beginning of television.
A. 1935
B. 1915
C. 1925
43. Few families m that do not have TV sets.
A. big cities
B. the world
C. Europe
Passage B
44. It's important not to make your guests feel __
A. lonely
B. frightened
C. uncomfortable
45. One of the guests ate peas with
A. a knife
B. a spoon
C. his hands
46. The rich nobleman __
A; was shocked by what the guest did
B. told the guest to change his way of eating
C. began to eat peas in the same way as the guest did
Passage C
47. Mary Daniels had an interesting summer holiday in
A. Africa
B. South America
C. Asia
48. She and other people helped two big towns.
A. to build a bridge between
B. to get drinking water for
C. to make a road between
49. Mary said it was __ in the mountains.
A. hot and wet
B. cold and wet
C. cold and windy
50. Mary worked in the mountains for .--
A. 6 weeks
B. 6 months
C. 3 weeks
Section Five
Directions: In this section, you will bear a passage twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks
with the missing information. ( 10 points)

Section Five
Directions: In this section, you will bear a passage twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks
with the missing information. { 10 points}
Section Six
Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage four times. Listen carefully and don't
write during the first reading. During the second and third reading, try to write what you' ye
heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time~ (10

英语专业 英语听力(1) 试题答案及评分标准

Section One
Part A
Directions: Listen to the following words. You will hear them only once. Tick (./) the right
vowel in each word when you hear it. (10 points)

Part B
Directions: Now you will hear ten words, one from each group. You will hear them only once.
Choose the word you hear from the four choices A, B, C and D in each group. (10 points)
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. C 7. D 8. D 9. D iO.B
Section Two
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. You will hear each one twice. When
you hear a statement, read the three possible answers marked A, B and C. Decide which one is
the closest in meaning to the statement you have just heard. Then, write your answer on the
Answer Sheet. (20 points)
ii. B 12. C 13. B t4. A 15. C
16. A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A
Section Three
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short dialogues. You will hear each one only once.
After you hear a dialogue, write a T (True) or F (False) in the bracket for each of the following
statements on the Answer Sheet. (20 points)
21. F 22. T 23. F 24. T 25. F
26. T 27. T 28. F 29. F 30. F
31. T 32. F 33. T 34. F 35. F
36. T 37. F 38. F 39. F 40. T
Section Four
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3'passages twice. After each passage, choose the best
one from the three possible answers A, B and C for each item. (20 points)
41. B 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. A
46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. A
Section Five
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks
with the missing information. (/0 points)
51. Salads 52. weight 53., sugar 54. salt 55. meat
56. lunch 57. family 58. popular 59. available 60. same
Section Six
Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage four limes. Listen carefully and don't
write daring the first reading. During the second and third reading, try to write what you' ve
heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time. (10
My uncle was the headmaster of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and
eighteen. I still remember when I was a kid, he gave me presents on my birthday, and let me
sit on his knees while telling me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid Of
him, because he was strict with them.

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