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英语口语(3) 口试题签
   In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
   spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
   Part 1 Questions and Answers.
   Part 2 Role-play.
   Part 3 Mini-talk.
   Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you.
   Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information
   provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part.
Student A and Student B are close friends. Student A catches cold very often. Student B
   is giving some advice.
   The following is the procedure you should follow.
● Tell B that you have a cold again (giving detailed description)
● Agree but express dislike in exercising (boredom)
● Express interest only if the weather is fine (condition)
● ● Accept B's advice and thank B.
   Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by plane with those by train.

英语口语(3) 口试题签
In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Questions and Answers.
Part 2 Role-play.
Part 3 Mini-talk.
Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you.
Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information
provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part.
Student A and Student B are close friends. Student A catches cold very often. Student B is giving some advice.
The following is the procedure you should follow.
   Advise A to take more exercise (persuading);
│Explain vaious ways to exercise, such as jogging, playing table tennis, etc. (exemplif- │
│Urge A to take moreexercise regularly regardless of the weather conditions (urging);
│Respond to A's remarks.
Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
What are the customs inspector's responsibilities? Would you like to be a customs
inspector? Why or why not?

英语口语(3) 口试题签
In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use.
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Questions and Answers.
Part 2 Role-play
Part 3 Mini-talk
Part 1 Ask each student two different questions from the following list. Each student has
about i. 5 minutes.
1. If you had the time and money, where would you like to go for a Weekend stay-a
large modern city or a small far-away village? Why?
2. If you could live anywhere in China, where would you choose to live in? Why?
3. Do you have friends or relatives that work in a business company? Would you like t0 work there? Why or why not?
4. Who is the person that has influenced your life most? In what way and why?
Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task. Their conversation should last 4
minutes. Student A and Student B are close friends. Student A catches colds very often, Student
B is giving some advice.
The following is the procedure the students should follow.

Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics. Each student should talk for 2-3ninutes.
Topic for Student A
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by plane with those by train.
Topic for Student B
What are the customs inspector's responsibilities? Would you like to be a customs
inspector? Why or why not?

英语口语(3) 口试题签
In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Questions and Answers.
Part 2 Role-play.
Part 3 Mini-talk.
Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you.
Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information
provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part.
Student A and Student B are classmates. Student A is telling Student B about a car
accident that happened the previous day.
The following is the procedure you should follow.

Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
What are the differences between British English and American English? Give examples to show the differences in vocabulary or pronunciation.

英语口语(3) 口试题签
In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Questions and Answers.
Part 2 Role-play.
Part 3 Mini-talk.
tart 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you.
Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information
provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part.
Student A and Student B are classmates. Student A is telling Student B about a car
accident that happened the previous day.
The following is the procedure you should follow.

Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
When traveling, do you think inspection o{ luggage is important? Have you had any
trouble with luggage inspection? If so, describe the experience. If not, what problems do
you think there are in luggage inspection?

英语口语(3) 口试题签
In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Questions and Answers.
Part 2 Role-play.
Part 3 Mini-talk.
Part 1 Ask each student two different questions from the following list. Each student has
about 1.5 minutes.
1. 1. When you travel, where do you Usually stay? What forms of transportation do
you usually use? Why? (If the student says that he never travels, ask him/her whether he/she
would like to travel if he/she could afford the time and money.
2. If you were offered a free one-week long trip to any country in Asia, where would you like to go? How would you like to go there? Why?
3. Where are you from? How do you like your hometown? Why?
4. Talk about some recent changes in your hometown that you like or dislike.
Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task. Their conversation should last 4
Student A and Student B are classmates. Student A is telling Student B about a car
accident that happened the previous day.
The following is the procedure the students should follow.

Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics. Each student should talk for 2-3minutes.
Topic for Student A
What are the differences between British English and American English? Give examples
to show the differences in vocabulary or pronunciation.
Topic for Student B
When traveling, do you think inspection of luggage is important? Have you had any
trouble with luggage inspection? If so, describe the experience. If not, what problems do
you think there are in luggage inspection?

英语口语(3) 口试题签
In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
 Part 1 Questions and Answers.
 Part 2 Role-play.
 Part 3 Mini-talk.
 Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you.
 Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information
 provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part.
Student A is telling Student B (a foreign student) about a concert he/she attended.
 The following is the procedure you should follow.

 Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
If you were offered a free trip to the UK for a week, where and how would you like to
 go there? Why?

英语口语(3) 口试题签
 In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
 spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
 Part I Questions and Answers.
; Part 2 Role-play.
 :Part 3 Mini-talk.
 Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you.
 Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner, using the information
 provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part.
Student A is telling Student B (a foreign student) about a concert he/she attended.
 The following is the procedure you should follow.

 Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
If you were offered a free trip in the USA for a week, which three places you would like
 o go? Why? How would you like to go there and why?
英语口语(3) 口试题签
 In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
 spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
 Part 1 Questions and Answers.
 Part 2 Role-play.
 Part 3 Mini-talk.
 Part 1 Ask each student two different questions from the following list. Each student has
 about 1.5 minutes.
1. Do you like background music in shops? Why or why not?
2. Do you like watching or reading advertisements? Why or why not?
3. How do you usually spend your weekends? What would you like to do this weekend?
4. With whom do you prefer to spend your holidays, your family or your friends? Why?
 Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task. Their conversation should last 4
Student A is telling Student B( a foreign student)about a concert he/she attended.
The following is the procedure the students should follow.

Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics. Each student should talk for 2-3minutes.
Topic for Student A
If you were offered a free trip to the UK for a week, where and how would you like to
go there? Why?
Topic for Student B
If you were offered a free trip in the USA for a week, which three places you would like to go?. Why.'? How would you like to go there and why?
英语口语(3) 口试评分标准

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