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2004 ~ 1
In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and u~e
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the ewaminer as your conversation partner.
Part i Read aloud the part between the stars and then answer the questions the examiner asks you.
* My son Feifei is 3 years old now. My parents, who have retired, take care of him.
As Feifei is their only grandson, you can imagine how much they love him. But I find Feifei
has gradually grown to be very wilful and spoilt. When my mother suggested having a big
birthday party for Feifei last weekend and planned to spend a lot of money on buying gifts, I
decided to put a stop to all this fuss and felt it was time to take the child's discipline into
serious consideration. *
I had a discussion with my wife and we decided to sead him to the nursery after his
birthday so that he could be with other children and learn to be more independent and well-
behaved. It took some time for my mother to agree that her darling grandson should go to a
nursery. I' sure you will agree with me that 'the four-two-one Complex'oblem really
needs to be solved.

2004 ~ ]
Directions :
In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into ~hree parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task ~ith the ezaminer as your con~rsation partner.
Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars and then answer the questions the examiner asks you.
There are many kinds of hobbies, both for indoors and outdoors. One of the most
popular hobbies is collecting things. People can collect almost anything, such as stamps,
postcards, coins, bottl~eaps, etc.
* When people are asked why they take up a hobby, they often give different reasons.Some say that they feel they ought to do something useful in their spare time. Others talk about self-improvement and the importance of learning something new. Many people say that a hobby gives one an opportunity to do something completely different from one's usual work. Another reason for taking up a hobby, especially an outdoor hobby, is that it gives one a chance to meet people arid make friends. Perhaps the most convlneing reason given for taking up a hobby is simply for the pleasure it gives in one's free hours. *
Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes.
 What changes have taken place in telecommunication today? What are the advantages and disadvantages of emails?
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with your teacher. Your conversation should last 3-4minutes.
 A meets B, a teacher of the Foreign Languages Department on the campus.You are A. You start the conversation with B. The following is the procedure you should follow.
 ~ Exchanges greetings with B.
 ~ Complain about the constant rainfalls of the month.
 ~ Blame the weather for your lack of practice in playing basketball.
 ~ Express your disappointment that your team has missed many opportunities to play.
  2004 ~ 1
 In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand
 and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
 Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions;
 Part 2 Speak on a topic;
 Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner
 Part 1
  Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.
  There are many kinds of hobbies, both for indoors and outdoors. One of the most
 popular hobbies is collecting things. People can collect almost anything, such as stamps,
 postcards, coins, bottleeaps, etc.
  * When people are asked why they take up a hobby, they often give different reasons.Some say that they feel they ought to do something useful in their spare time. Others talkabout self-improvement and the importance of learning something new. Many people say that a hobby gives one an opportunity to do something completely different from one's usual work. Another reason for taking up a hobby,one a chance to meet people and make friends.taking up a hobby is simply for the pleasure it especially an outdoor hobby, is that it gives Perhaps the most convincing reason given for gives in one's free hours.
 Section B Ask the student the following questions
1. 1. How are hobbies classified in this passage?

In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use
spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner
Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars and then answer the questions the examiner asks
you..E-mails have caused a revolutionary change in communication. People don't need to go
to the post office to post letters. They don't need to make long distance calls. Messages can
be sent through e mail in just a few seconds. It makes work easier for people. In offices or at
home, all you need to do is set your PC.
* Travelling businessmen carry laptop computers or go to business eentres equipped
with computers and they can communicate with companies world over. It is much cheaper
than the telephone. It is also very reliable and quick. It is a miracle of the century.
Though it is very useful, people still feel that it can never replace the letter or the phone
call, which is much more personal and warm.
Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes.
Comment on the one child policy. Is the one child always a spoilt child?
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with your teacher. Your conversation should last 3-4minutes.
A meets B, a teacher of the Foreign Languages Department on the campus.You are A. You start the conversation with B. The following is the procedure you should follow.
~ Exchanges greetings with B.
~ Talk about your plans for the holiday: taking a part time teaehing job during that time.
~ Say you are greatly encouraged by the teacher's support. Give your opinion on gaining teaching experience.
~ Express your wish to be independent.
2004 ~ 1 fi]
In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand
and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions ;
Part 2 Speak on a topic;
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner.
Part 1
Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.
E-mails have caused a revolutionary change in communcation. People don't need to go to the post office to post letters. They don't need to make long distance calls. Messages can be sent through e-mall in just a few seconds. It makes work easier for people. In offices or at home, all you need to do is set your PC.
* Travelling businessmen carry laptop computers or go to business centres equipped
with computers and they can communicate with companies world over. It is much cheaper
than the telephone. It is also very reliable and quick. It is a miracle of the century.
Though it is very useful, people still feel that it can never replace the letter or the phone
call, which is much more personal and warm. *
Section B Ask the student the following questions.
1. What change has email caused in communication?
2. In what way is email convenient?
2. 2. What are the two kinds of computers mentioned in this passage?

成 绩 单

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