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英语专业 英语口语(1) 口试题签
Directions: In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner.

Part 1 Read aloud the following passage and then answer the questions the examiner asks you.
I work with a woman who has a happy marriage. She would do anything for her
husband. On this occasion she had organized a surprise party for him and invited lots of
people. We were ali ready and waiting for him before he got home. My colleague told us to
find a place lo hide because her husband was on bis way home. I opened a cupboard door and
saw that there was just room for me lo clime in.
When the husband arrived, this was the time lo jump out and shout 'surprise'. I
pushed the door, but nothing happened. I pushed hard and got very worried. Then I shouted
"Help!" My friend, her husband and another colleague had to help me out. I won't do
anything like that again!

Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes.
What interesting event has developed from Halloween to make this holiday serve a
worthy cause?

Part 3 Complete a role-play task with your examiner. Your conversation should last about 4 minutes.

B is going shopping. A asks B to do some shopping for him/her.
You are A. You start a conversation witb B. The following is the procedure you shouht
Exchange greetings with B.
Ask B to do you a favour.
Tell B that you are too busy to go shopping. Ask B to get you some bread and sausages.
Express your preference for brown bread, Ask B to suggest what brand sausages to
Agree to B's choice and give the amount needed. Also thank B for offering help.

英语专业 英语口语(1) 口试题签
Directions: In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.
Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.
Part 2 Speak on a topic.
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner.

Part 1
Section A Ask the student to read aloud the following passage.
I work with a woman who has a happy marriage. She would do anything for her
husband. On this occasion she had organized a surprise party for him and invited lots of
people. We were ali ready and waiting for him before he got home. My colleague told us to
find a place lo hide because her husband was on bis way home. I opened a cupboard door and
saw that there was just room for me lo clime in.
When the husband arrived, this was the time lo jump out and shout 'surprise'. I
pushed the door, but nothing happened. I pushed hard and got very worried. Then I shouted
"Help!" My friend, her husband and another colleague had to help me out. I won't do
anything like that again!
Sectiou B Ask the student the following questions.
1. Why would the woman do anything for her husband?
2. What did she do for him on one occasion?
3. Where did the writer bide at the party?
4. What happened when she was supposed lo jump out?
Part 2 Ask the student to speak on the following topic.
What interesting event has developed from Halloween to make this holiday serve a
worthy cause?
Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the student. The conversation should last about 4 minutes.
B is going shopping. A asks B to do some shopping for him/her.
You are B. Talk only when necessary. The following notes are for your reference.
The student is AYou are BBack-up cuesGreetings.Respond to greetings.I'm fine, thanks.Ask B to do him/her a
favour.Agree to help.Certainly.
Of course.Tell B that he/she is too
busy to go shopping. Ask B
to get him/her some bread
and sausages.Ask A what preference
there is.Could you tell me what you
prefer?Express his/her preference
for brown bread. Ask B to
suggest what brand sausages to buy.Suggest a popular Brand "Yu Li".What about "Yu Li" brand?
It is very good,Agree to B's suggestion
and give the amount needed. Also thank B for offering help.Express pleasure.My pleasure.

英语专业 英语口语(1) 口试评分标准
得 分朗渎短文/回答问题连贯发言简单交谈 100-90· 语音、语调正确;
· 朗读流畅,语流自然、标准;
· 能在规定时间内正确回答4个问题,表达准确,用词恰当。· 能紧扣所给的话题有条理地组织自己的讲话;
· 语言流畅,内容充实。· 能够根据所规定的情景和角色进行有效交际;
· 语言得体、流畅:
· 能恰当地进行应答和导入话题,能主动地展开话题。89-80· 语音、语调正确;
· 朗读流畅,语流自然;
· 能在规定时间内正确回答4个问题。·能就所给的话题有条理地组织自己的讲话;
·能较主动地展开话题。79-70· 语音、语调正确;
· 朗读基本流畅;
· 能在规定时间内正确回答3个问题。·基本能就所给的话题组织自己的讲话;
·不能主动地展开话题。69-60· 语音、语调有一些错误;
· 朗读基本流畅;
· 能在规定时间内正
·基本能根据所规定的情景和角色进行交谈。59-0· 语音、语调错误严重;
· 朗读不流畅;
· 2个(含2个)以上问题回答不正确,答非所问。不能就所给的话题组织自己的讲话;

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