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英语专业 综合英语(1) 试题
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I. Directions: (Vocabulary)
Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10points)
Example: The old couple--at last in finding a flat to rent.
A. managed B. did
C. finished D. succeeded
The sentence should read, "The old couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent." Therefore you should choose D.
1. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ---- he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever
C. whichever D. whenever
2. -- Have you seen----pen? I left it here this morning.
-- Is it----black one? I think i saw it somewhere.
A. a; the B. the; the
C. the; a D. a; a
3. She----his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.
A. looked up B. looked for
C. picked out D. picked up
4. The train leaves at 6:00 pm. So I have to be at the station----5:40 pm at the latest.
A. until B. after
C. by D. around
5. Wait till you are more ----. It's better to be sure than sorry.
A. inspired B. satisfied
C. calm D. certain
6. I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with
A. everything B. anything
C. s0mething D. nothing'
7. Do you suppose you can ---- get me a bilingual dictionary?
A. tempt B. try
C. attempt D. manage
8. I had no ---- of hurting her feelings.
A. purpose B. concept
C. mind D. intention
9. The dog has always been a faithful friend to Mrs. Brown and she really---- it.
A. counts for B. depends on
C. accounts on D. decides on
10. Lily has no brothers or sisters. She is the ------ child in her family.
A. one B. alone
C. single D. only
II. Directions: (Structure)
Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10points)
Example: --the airport, they waved again and again to us.
A. We left B. When leaving
C. They left D. Left
The sentence should read, "When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us. "There fore, you should choose B.
11. She is said ----English in a school for thirty years.
A. to have taught B. to be taught
C. teaching D. having taught
12. Frank plays tennis -- Alex.
A. a lot more better than B. very better than
C. a lot better than D. much better as
13. She is going to give me a call tonight, ----?
A. won't she B. isn't she
C. hasn't she D. doesn't she
14. Miller moved to Shanghai with his family and he--
A. doesn't live here no longer B. doesn't live here any longer
C. lives here no longer D. lives here any longer
15. I don't think we've met before. You are confusing me with--
A. some other B. someone else
C. other person D. one other
16. Did you notice the little boy ---- away?
A. took the candy and run B. taking the candy and run
17. Despite the increase in crime, punishments are still ---- than they are expected to be.
A. less strict B. stricter
C. more strict D. too strict
18. If we are attacked, we can not but ---- back in self-defense.
A. fighting B. fight
C. to fight D. only to fight
19. Could you tell me----。
A. how close the 2 be&room flat is to transportation
B. how close the 2 be&room flat to transportation is
C. how far it is for transportation
D. how is it far from the flat to transportation
20. X-rays are also called Rontgen rays ------ the discoverer.
A. at the cost of B. on behalf of
C. in spite of D. in honor of
Ⅲ. Directions:
Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation, using the sentences below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
Example: --Oh, look. Joni Mitchell is in town.
--What? She's one of the greatest folk singers in the world!
A. Who's that? I've never heard of her.
B. Sure, I'm in town.
C. Yes, I' m glad she' s coming.
Answer A is correct because the conversation should read,
"--Oh, look. Joni Mitchell is in town.
--Who's that? I've never heard of her.
--What? She's one of the greatest folk singers in the world!"
21. -- I've always wanted to go hiking in the Himalayas.
A. That's funny; I've always wanted to be in show business, too.
B. Really? You know, I've always wanted to travel, too.
C. You know, I've lived in Clinton my whole life.
  22. -- I hear you've got a new job.
A. Yes, I just started.
B. Yes, I just got back.
C. Yes, I .just saw it last night.
  23. -- Do you mind if I sit here?
A. No, this seat is taken.
B. No, I don't mind.
C. No, you've gone to so much trouble.
24. -- Could you tell me where the lettuce is?
A. It's on the bottom shelf,
B. Sure. Do you know where Yorkville Avenue is?
C. They're next to the tomatoes.
25. -- Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ian~s, won't he?
A. Oh, yeah, I forgot.
B. It's at 8 o'clock, isn't it?
C. Yeah, he's bringing his cousin, Sandy.
26. -- I'm back. Any messages?
A. He ran into Jane and Ted on his way home.
B. Nell called after you left. He wanted to know when you would be available.
C. Can you join us?
27. -- Tell me what Frank wanted.
A. Do you know how long they are going to be in town?
B. His uncle is coming to see him. He thought we might be able to come over.
C. What time does he want us to be there?
28. -- Northwestern Airlines. May 1 help you?
A. Yes, I'd like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit.
B. Can ! have two pints of beer, please.
C. Well, there% flight at 11:00 A. M. It's a nonstop flight.
29. -- Do you know where I can rent a bike?
A. I have already rented a bike.
B. It% cheap to rent a bike.
C. There% a bike shop around the street corner.
30. -- I borrowed these books from Jane. Could you give them back to her?
A. You are welcome.
B. It's very nice of you.
C. No problem.
IV. Directions:
Read the two columns of sentences. Choose one sentence from the right column to match each ofthe sentences in the left column. The two sentences will make up a dialogue. There are fourmore sentences than needed in the right column. Each sentence can only he used once. Writeyour answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

31. I see you're reading the new Stephen King novel. How do you like it?
A. I'm sorry. It's just that I've beenreally busy at my new job.

32. I just got back from London. I was there for two years.
B. Uh-huh. Have you been there yet?

3. Have you been to Japan?
C. I go hiking oncein a while. Whatabout you?

34. You've lived here for six months and you've never called me?
D. Thanks, it's really nice of you tosay that.

35. I'm in the mood to see a movie. Are there any ones in town?
E. I probably won' t have any prob- lem.. A lot of people speak Englishthere.

36. Will you be able to understand the people in Kenya?
F. Don't worry. I'll explain them to you.

37. Your English is really excellent. You hardly have an accent at all.
G. Thanks, I'm glad to.

38. Remember we were talking about the new restaurant?
H. Not yet. I'm saving money now soI can go next year.

39. I don't know how I'm ever going to learn how to use this sewing machine. I can't even figure out the instructions.
I. As soon as he gets back from lunch, I'll give the message to him.

40. Do you ever get any exercise?
J. Have you seen the latest Eddie Mur phy movie at ABC,?

K. I can't put it down. Have you read it?

L. Normally, I take buses to go to work.

M. There's a Russian Ballet Groupdowntown these days.

N. Really? I'd love to hear about it, but I've got to go.
V. Directions:
For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
When Mr. Finch retired, he bought a small cottage in a seaside village. The cottage was built 41 fifteen eight eight, but was in very good condition. Mr. Finch was looking forward 42 a quiet life, but in the summer holidays he got a shock. Hundreds of tourists came to the seaside village. Mr. Finches cottage was the 43 interesting building in the village and many of the tourists came to see it. From morning till night there were tourists outside the cottage. They kept 44 through windows and many of them even went into Mr. Finch's garden. This was too much for Mr. Finch. He decided to drive the unwelcome visitors 45 , so he put a notice in the window. The notice said: "If you wan to satisfy your.curiosity, come in and look roun& 46 ten pence. "Mr. Finch was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. The 47 of visitors increased and Mr. Finch spent every day showing them round his cottage. "I came here to 48 , not to work as a guide," he complained. In the end, he sold the cottage, 49 bought a small, modem house. It is an uninteresting little 50 and no one wants to seeit. But it is certainly quiet and peaceful!
41. A. In B. at C. on D. of
42. A. on B. at C. for D. to
. 43. A. more B. less C. most D. much
44. A. looked B. to look C. looking D. look
45. A. up B. off C. away D. out
46. A. Price B. Pay C. Money D. Expense
47. A. statistics B. digit C. numerals D. number
48. A. retire B. resting C. enjoy D. relaxing
49. A. and B. then C. so D. as
   50. A. place B. space C. point D. scene
VI. Directions:
Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answe~marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions, Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
Questions 51~55 are based on the following passage.
   George had stolen some money, but the police had caught him and he had been put in prison.Now iris trial was about to begin, and he felt sure that he would be found guilty and sent to prisonfor a long time.
    Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the members of the jury at his trial. Of course, he did not tell anybody, but he managed to see his friend secretly one day. He said to him, "Jim, I know that the jury will find me guilty of having stolen the money. I cannot hope to be found not guilty of taking it -- that would be too much to expect. But I should be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could persuade the other members of the jury to add a strong recon~nendation for mercy to their statement that they consider me guilty."
"Well, George," answered Jim. "I shall certainly try to do anything. The other eleven people on the jury look terribly strOng minded to me. '
George said that he would quite understand if Jim was not able to do anything for him, and thanked him warmly for agreehig to help.
The trial went on, and at last the time Came for the jury to decide whether George was guilty or not. It took them five hours, but in the end they found George guilty, with a strong recommen dation for mercy.
Of course, George was very pleased, but he didn't have a chance to see Jim for some time after the trail. At last, however, Jim visited him in prison, and George thanked him warn-Ay and asked him how he had managed to persuade the other members of the jury to recommend mercy.
"Well, George," Jim answered, "as I thought, those eleven men were very difficult to persuade, but 1 managed it in the end by tiring them out. Do you know, those fools had all wanted to find you not guilty!"
51. We are told that George expected Jim __
A. to help prove him innocent
B. to help him turn over a new leaf
C. to help lighten his punishment
D. to help him escape from prison
52. Which of the following is true about Jim? --
A. He covered up George's guilt.
B. He persuaded the jury to set George free.
C. He told the jury that George was indeed guilty.
D. He recommended severe punishment to give George a lesson.
53. The passage suggests that __
A. it was due to Jim that George was found guilty
B. Jim did not do exactly what George asked him to do
C. Jim asked his colleagues to recommend mercy
D. Jim persuaded the jury to lighten George's punishment
54. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned? __
A. Illegal or not?
B. Guilty or not?
C. Merciful or not?
D. Answerable or not?
55. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Jim was one of George's old friend.
B. George did not steal the money.
C. George did not expect to be found not guilty by the jury.
D. It took the jury five hours to decide that George was guilty.
Questions 56~60 are based on the following passage.
   The foreman (工头) on a building site received a warning that one of the laborers had a eriruie. al record.
   "He's been in prison several times," the informant told him, "and he's stolen from everyone for whom he's ever worked. [ advise you to watch him carefully."
The foreman decided to take the informant's advice. He positioned himself at the gate, and whenever the laborer approached, pushing his wheelbarrow, he made him stand still while he searched him.
He looked in the wheelbarrow to make sure nothing was hidden in lt.
He felt in all the laborer's pockets.
He make the laborer remove his shirt and hat.
He did this every day for a month, but he never found anything.
"I think you must be wrong about the man," be told his informant. "Perhaps he's decided not to steal any more."
"Nonsense," the informant said, "he'll never change. The man's a thief and ha'Il always be a thief. Believe me."
Days passed, and every day the foreman searched the laborer but he never found anything. At last the building was complete and all the workers Went away to work at other jobs. A few weeks later, the foreman met the laborer in a bar.
"Listen," he said. "you don't work for me anymore, and I give you my word, whatever you say will be a secret between you and me. Tell me, please, did you steal anything form the building site?"
The laborer smiled and nodded- "Yes," be said. "I stole something almost every day," "Then tell me or I'll never rest," the foreman said"What were you stealing? Supplies? Building materials? Money?"
"No, none of these things."
    "What then?" the foreman asked.
    "Wheelbarrows, of course. ' The laborer told him
56. Who had been in prison? __
A. The foremar,
B. The informant.
C. The laborer.
D. No one.
57. What did the foreman do?
A. He checked the laborer thoroughly.
B. He gave the informant some advice
C. He helped the informant push his wheelbarrow.
D. He watched the informant carefully.
58. The foreman came to the conclusion that
A. the laborer was lazy
B. the laborer was a hardworking employee
C. the informant had been correct
D. the man had given up stealing
59. When the foreman saw the laborer later he asked him
A. if he had stolen anything
B. if he could keep secrets
C. if he trusted the foreman
D. if he had ever gone to prison
60. In fact, the laborer
A. was completely trustworthy
B. was insulted by the suggestion that he was a thief
C. admitted to stealing
D. got along well with the foreman
Ⅶ. Directions:
Read the passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Then answer the questions or completethe statements in as few words as passible. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
Japan is an unusual mixture of traditional and ultra-modem(超现代). This can be confusing for the visitor because, although it looks quite Western, Japan is still in many ways very oriental (东方的). Whenever you go into a house you must take off your shoes. Sometimes your host will provide you with slippers; if not, you walk round in your socks. A visitor should also expect in more traditional houses, hotels and restaurants to eat kneeling down on the floor on a cushion (垫子) in front of a low table. It is a good idea to get used to eating with chopsticks but, if you can't manage, ask for a knife and fork. The Japanese are extremely polite and friendly: you can nearly always find someone who speaks English. In summer the country is very hot and humid so anyone planning a trip then ought to take light, comfortable clothes with them.
The majority of tourists head for Tokyo but you ought not to miss the chance of visiting the old capital cities of Kyoto and Nara. From Tokyo you can get to Kyoto in 3 hours on the 'Shinkansen' super-express (超级快车). If you are driving, it is important to remember that in Japan you have to drive on the left-hand side of the road.
61. What is the purpose of the author in writing tile passage?
The author aims to give____________________________.
62. What is the traditional way to sit for a meal?
When having a meal, people____________________________.
63. What are people advised to do during their visit to Japan in summer?
Visitors ought to____________________________.
64. What is unusual about driving in Japan?
People in Japan drive____________________________.
65. How does Japan differ from most Western countries, according to the author?
It is still____________________________.
Ⅷ. Directions:
Put each of the following sentences into English or chinese, using the word givea in the bracket if any.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
   66. Many scientists believe that the ancestors of these people migrated to America from Asia about 11,500 years ago.
   67. This means that that it is a good idea to try to learn the customs of the place you are visiting, and then behave in a similar fashion.
68. You must know the industry standard for your job and where you fall on the salary scale atyour company.

I. ( 10 %, 1 point for each item. )
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D
II, (10%, 1 point for each item.)
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. B
16. C 17. A 18. B 19. A g0. D
III. (10%, 1 point for each item. )
21. B 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. C
26. B 27. B g8. A 29. C 30. C
IV. (I5%, 1.5 points for each item. )
31. K 32. N 33. H 34. A 35. J
36. E 37. D 38. B 39. F 40. C
V. (10%, 1 point for each item. )
41. A 42. D 43. C 44. C 45. C
46. A 47. D 48. A 49. A 50. A
VI. (20%, 2 points for each item. )
51. C 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. B
56. C 57. A 58. D 59. A 60. C
Ⅶ. (10%, 2 points for each item. )
   61. advice for visitors to Japan
62. kneel down on the floor (on the cushion in front of a low table)
63. bring light, condonable clothes
64. on the lek-hand side of the road.
65. very (traditional and) oriental
Ⅷ. (15%, 3 points for each item. )
69. If there are a number of utensils, those farthest from the plate are supposed to be used first.
70. It is impossible to estimate the exact number of homeless people because the conditions of homelessness vary.

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