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英语(教、商)专业 英语阅读(2) 试题
Part I
Passage 1
A. Look quickly through this story and then write brief answers to Quesions lt5. ( 15 Points)
On 28 February 1824, a tightrope walker called Andre Gravelet registered the birtl~ of
his son Jean Francois at the Mayor's office in Hesdin, France. At an early age, Jean
Francois decided to try a little tightrope walking himself. He put a rope between two chairs
and made his first attempt. Inevitably, he was soon on the floor but he had learned his first
Jean Francois was not discouraged by this failure and, soon, helped by an old family
friend, he was practising regularly on a rope tied between the trees in the wood near bis
house. When his parents realized how expert he was becoming ,they sent him to the Ecole de
Gymnase in Lyons where he could get proper training. By the age of six, he had made his
first professional appearance.
By the time Jean Francois was ten, both his parents had died and he had to support
himself financially by performing in public. He had been known until then as 'The Little
Wonder' but he decided to call himself 'Blondin', which was the nickname his father had
been given when he was in the army because of his light coloured hair.
For the next eighteen years, Blondin performed in circuses all over Europe before going
to America to work with the famous Barnum Circus.
1. Why did Andre Gravelet go to the Mayor's office ill Hesdin on 28 February, 1824 ?
2. When did Jean Francois decide to try a little tightro[~e walking himself?
3. Did Jean stay long on the rope?
4. Why did Jean's parents send him to tile Ecole de (;ymnase in Lyons?
5. What did Jean do after 18 years of performing in circuses?
B. Reengnize the incorrect port of each sentence of 6---10 and then write the correct
information. ( 15 points)
Example: On 28 February 1824, a lightrope walker called Andre Gravelet regist~.re(I ;he
birth of his son Jean Francois.
lightrope -- tightrope
6. At an early age, Jean Francois decided to try a little tightrope walking herself.
7. He put a rope between two chairs and made his first tempt.
8. Jean Francois was not encouraged by this failure.
9. He had been known until then as "The Little Wander. '
10. For the next eighty years, Blondin performed in circuses all over Europe before going to
America to work with th, famous Barnum Circus.
Part II Multiple Choices
Questions 11-20: There are 2 passages in this part that are followed by 10 questions. For each
question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully
and then choose the best answer tn each of the questions. Write your answers on the Answer
Sheet. (30 points, 3 points each}
Passage 2
CHINA'S computer market recorded a 39. I per cent increase in the first half of the
year, making the country the world's fastest growing consumer of personal computers.
China grabbed 9.3 per cent of PC sales in the Asia-Pacific region, with the exception of
Japan, between January and June. This represents the largest buying force in the region, a
survey report from Dataquest, an internationally renowned US-based market survey firm,
Meanwhile, the Legend Group, the biggest PC seller in China, ranked eighth among the
:egion's top 10 computer makers, holding 5'. 45 per cent of the market share.
Attracted by the market's high growth and profitability, more new firms, mainly from
the domestic industrial sector, jumped on the bandwagon in spite of increasingly stiff
The Heguang Group, a leading computer agent in China, unveiled its own PC brand at
the end of August in Beijing. Shanghai and three other Chinese cities. Tbe company opt'ned
more than 30 specialty shops and seven maintenance centres across China.
Xu l.ingyu, Vice-President of Heguang, said the Group's production capacity is
200,000 PCs annually. The firm has one of tile strongest sales networks in China and is
prepared to compete head to head with any PC giant.
Earlier, a new round of competition swept the marketplace, with the participation of
several big-sized electronics firms, ineluding HiSense, one of China's largest household
electronic appliance manufacturers, and the Shida Group in Fujian.
Joel Stead, Vice-President of Seagate, the world's largest supplier of hard discs, said
about 3 million PCs will be sold on the Chinese mainland this year, providing a great
business opportunity for most computer makers.
The company spent $ 25 million on its production base in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, last
year, and Seagate's investment will reach $ 200 million in the Chinese market this year, he
11. According to the article, the computer market in China
A. is selling the fastest computers in the world
B. has seen a record growth of 39. lX in the first half of the year
C. has grown to be the biggest buyer in the Asian-Pacific region
D. has grabbed 23~ of the Asian-Pacific region's PC sales from Japan
12. The Legend Group from China
A. has topped the 10 biggest computer makers in the Asian-Pacific area
B. holds 2.45~ of the company's share in the stock market
C. has become one of the major producers of PCs in Asia
D . is engaged in selling big PCs in the market
13. Many new companies have joined the PC market
A. as they see the opportunity for high profils in it
B. because there is much harder competition in other areas
C. after they have set up sales networks in China
D because the old, big electronic firms are moving into other markets
14. The Heguang Group is best known in China.
A. as a leading computer agent
B. for its PC production capacity
C. as the largest supplier of hard discs
D. for its high-quality maintenance services
15. By mentioning that 3 million PCs will be sold in China this year, Joel Stead indicates that
A. there will be harder competition for PC companies to make a profit
B. big companies can invest large amounts of money and profit from it
C. it can be a wonderful opportunity for PC companies to make a profit
D. his company is satisfied with the ~elling record it has set
Passage 3
Britain's Princess Diana, 36, died yesterday after a car crash in Paris as she was being
chased by photographers, sparking a worldwide wave of mourning for a 'people's princess'
whose life veered from fairytale to tragedy.
The most photographed woman in the world and divorced wife of the heir to the British
throne, Diana died with her millionaire companion Dodi Al Fayed when their driver
apparently lost control and hit a concrete post by the River Seine.
Parisians laid red roses at the spot where the car crashed just after midnight as tributes
to the glamorous princess poured in from monarchs, presidents and politicians around the
Prince Charles, whose 15-year marriage to Diana ended in divorce last year, was flying
to Paris to pick up the body of his former wife and fly it back to Britain. French surgeons
battled for hours to save the 36-year-old princess, cutting open her shattered chest, sewing
up a rupttlred vein and massaging the heart in a failed effort to make it pump.
Three and a half hours after the crash they conceded defeat and Diana died at 0200
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles were said to be deeply shocked and distressed.
Charles, in Scotland, broke the news to their sons, Princes William, 15, and Harry, 12.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair called her 'the people's princess. '
US President Bill Clinton, who heard the news while on vacation at Martha's Vineyard,
said he and his wife Hilary were 'profoundly saddened. '
Four press photographers on the scene were taken into custody for questioning. Police
said they had seized film and cameras and were investigating the crash as a possible case of
The black Mercedes Benz in which Diana and Harrods heir Al Fayed, 41,were ridiug
after dinner at the Fayed-owned Ritz Hotel, smashed into a pillar in a road tunnel under the
Place de I 'Alma across the River Seine from the Eiffel Tower.
16. Princess Diana died in a tragic accident after
A. she refused to have her photo taken
B. her car ran into a concrete post
C. her car slipped into the River Seine
D. she lost control of the car
17. Diana was called ' the People's Princess' because
A. she was the most photographed woman in the world
13. she was well liked by the British people
C. she was divorced from Prince Charles
D. she was given the title by the Queen
18. What did the French surgeons do in their last effort to save Diana?
A. They gave her heart massage.
!:1. They spent several hours sewing up her shattered chest.
C. They tried all possible ways to make her heart pump again.
D. They asked for help from politicians and monarchs all over the world.
19. Who told the sad news to Diana's two sons?
A. The British Prime Minister.
B. The Queen.
C. President Clinton.
D. Prince Charles.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair called her 'the people's princess. '
US President Bill Clinton, who heard the news while on vacation at Martha's Vineyard,
said he and his wife Hilary were 'profoundly saddened. '
Four press photographers on the scene were taken into custody for questioning. Police
said they had seized film and cameras and were investigating the crash as a possible case of
The black Mercedes Benz in which Diana and Harrods heir Al Fayed, 41,were ridiug
after dinner at the Fayed-owned Ritz Hotel, smashed into a pillar in a road tunnel under the
Place de I 'Alma across the River Seine from the Eiffel Tower.
16. Princess Diana died in a tragic accident after
A. she refused to have her photo taken
B. her car ran into a concrete post
C. her car slipped into the River Seine
D. she lost control of the car
17. Diana was called ' the People's Princess' because
A. she was the most photographed woman in the world
B. she was well liked by the British people
C. she was divorced from Prince Charles
D. she was given the title by the Queen
18. What did the French surgeons do in their last effort to save Diana?
A. They gave her heart massage.
B. They spent several hours sewing up her shattered chest.
C. They tried all possible ways to make her heart pump again.
D. They asked for help from politicians and monarchs all over the world.
19. Who told the sad news to Diana's two sons?
A. The British Prime Minister.
B. The Queen.
C. President Clinton.
D. Prince Charles.
another waiter coming in! You can't imagine the mess -- eggs, bacon and orange juice all
over Ihe floor, the door, the waiter and me. The other waiter thought it was quite funny,
but the head waiter was furious and made me clear everything up straight away in case
someone slipped and fell.
After serving breakfast, at about ten o'clock, we had our own breakfast. ] was starving
by then, and just wanted to sit down and eat quietly. But some of the waiters started making
fun of my English accent -- they were all Scottish. I thought they were just trying to cheer
me up and have a joke, but ] was so upset and hungry that I just rushed off to the bathroom
in tears! ] thought everybody hated me! By the time I came back, they had cleared up all the
breakfast things, and ] hadn't had a chance to eat anything!
Well, straight away we started getting the dining room ready for lunch -- cleaning the
silver, setting the tables, hovering the floor. The room had a beautiful view over a river
with the mountains behind, but of course, as soon as I stopped work to have a look out of
the window, the head waiter spotted me and told me off again.
I didn't make too bad a job of serving lunch -- one of the waiters looked after me and
showed me how to do things. ()ne of the customers ordered some expensive white wine. and
I gave him a bottle from the cupboard, not from the [ridge. so it wasn't cold enough. But
fortunately the other waiters hid the bottle I'd opened wrongly and f gave him another bottle
from the [ridge so the head. waiter didn't find out. I would have been quite happy, but I had
another problem, which was that l'd got up in such a hurry I just put on the shoes I'd been
wearing the night before. Well, these shoes looked quite smart but they had really high
heels, and after a few hours on my feet I was in agony and there was nothing I could do
about it, there was certainly no time to go and change them. I can tell you I never wore those
shoes to work again!
Anyway, after lunch we had our own lunch - I managed to get something to eat this
lime, and we were free in the ahernoon. I went for a walk with one of the other girls and we
got a bit lost so ] didn't have time for any resl before we went back to work at six. By the
time we finished serving dinner at about ten thirty I was completely exhausted. I'd never
worked so hard in my life. I think. Of course. I stayed up chatting with the other girls that
night too. and most of the other nights I was there. [ fell into bed at night and out of it at
seven the next morning, but I loved the job after a while, believe it or not. and I even went
back to work there the next year! I never got on very well with the head waiter, though.
21. She had a big breakfast that morning.
22. She couldn't hear being laughed at so she burst into tears.
23. Together with others, she started getting the dining room ready for lunch, having little
time to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window.
24. She started doing everything all by herself.
25. The head waiter found out she had opened a bottle of wine wrongly.
26. Her shoes looked smart and were very comfortable.
27. In the afternoon she didn't take much rest even though she was free.
28. She hated her job and never did it again.
29, Actually she got on quite well with the head waiter.
30, She worked very hard and was exhausted that day.
Part IV Short Answer
Questions 31- 3,5: Read the passage below and then answer the questions after the passage
briefly. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20 points, 4 points each}
Passage .5
As researchers learn more about Imw children' s intelligence develops, they art,
increasingly surprised by the power of parents. The power of the school has been replaced by
the home. To begin with all the factors which are part of intelligence the child's
understanding of language learning patterns curiosity arc established well before tile child
enters school at the age of six. Study after study has shown that even after school begins
children's achievements have been far more influenced hy parents than by teachers. This is
particularly true about learning that is language-related. The school rather than tile home is
given credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science.
In view of their power it's ~d to see so many parents not making the most of their
child's intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them
not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated
only at school and parents are being asked to contribute both before and after the child enters
Parents have been particularly afraid to teach reading at home. Of course children
shouldn't be pushed to read by their parents but educators have discovered that reading is
best taught individually-- and the easiest place to do this is at home. Many four and
five-year-old who have been shown a few letters and taught their sounds will compose single
words of their own with them even before they have been taught to read.
31. What have researchers iound out about the influence of parents and the school on
children's intelligence?
32, What do researchers conclude about children's learning patterns?
33. In what areas may schools play a more important role?
34. Why did many parents fail to make the most of their children's intelligence?
35. What should parents be encouraged to do as the author suggests in the last paragraph?

英语(教、商)专业 英语阅读(2) 试题答案及评分标准
Part ! (30 points, 3 points each)
1. To register the birth of his son Jean Francois.
2. At an early age.
3. No, he was soon on the floor.
4. He could get proper training there.
5. He went to America to work with the famous Barnum Circus.
6. herself- himself
7. tempt--attempt
8. encouraged- discouraged
9. wander~' wonder
10. eighty-- eighteen
Part 11 (30 points, 3 points each)
11. B 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C
16. B 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. C
Part III (20 points. 2 points each)
21. F 22. T 23. T 24. F 25. F
26. F 27. T 28. F 29. F 30. T
Part IV (20 points, 4 points each)
31. Parents have greater influence than the school. / Parents' influence is greater than
the school's.
32. They are established well before the age of six.
33. In science subjects.
34. They were told not to educate their children.
35. They should teach reading at home.

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