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英语专业 英语阅读(2)试题
2004年7 月
一. 将你的准考证号,学生证号,姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。
二. 仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。
三. 用蓝,黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。
Part 1
Questions 1-10 are based on passage 1
Passage 1
  The crossword is the most popular word game in the world, but it has quite a short history. We know that Romans wrote word squares and some people say that the Chinese had something like crossword puzzles eight thousand years ago, but it is generally believed that the modern crossword puzzle did not begin until 1913. In that year, a man called the "New York World." In fact, his crossword was not in the usual square shape. It was diamond-shaped.
  People who read the newspaper liked the crossword and so it became a regular feature of the paper.
  Then, in 1924, an American publisher, Simon and Schuster, decided to publish a whole book of crosswords, although they were not sure whether anyone would want to buy a copy. To increase sales, they gave away a free pencil and a free eraser with each book. The book was a huge success and very soon crosswords replaced mah-jong as the most popular game in the USA.
  Arthur Wynne moved to England and, on 2 November 1924, one of his crossword puzzles was printed in the 'Sunday Express'. Some people say this was the first cross word published in England but other people claim that the first one appeared in 'Pearson's Magazine' in February 1922. Then, on 11 January 1925, the first Prize Crossword was printed, in the 'Sunday Times'.
  Everyone in England was doing crosswords-even Queen Mary, the Queen of England, and her Prime Minister, Stanley Balywin. And crosswords were believed to be the most important feature of British social life at that time.
  The enthusiasm for crosswords has continued until this day. And now attempts are being made to make up crosswords by computer. It's not too difficult to get a computer to produce the words to fill the squares but it is much more of a problem to program a computer to produce the clues.
Read Passage 1 and fill the following table with the information from the passage. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

8,ooo years ago__(1)___ had something like crossword puzzles.1913The __(2)__ crossword puzzle began. __(3)__wrote a crossword in the shape of a __(4)__.__(5)__Simon and Schuster, an __(6)__ publisher decided to publish a __(7)__.2 November 1924Arthur Wynne has one of his crossword puzzles printed in the '__(8)__'.Feb 1922The first word puzzle was said to appear in '__(9)__'.11January 1925The first prize cross word was printed in the '__(10)__'.  Part 2
Questions 11-20 are based on Passage 2.
Passage 2
  Isaac Newton was born in a small village in Lincolnshire in England. His father died about three months before his birth and, when his mother remarried, she left three-year-old Isaac in the care of his grandmother. Some seven years later, when her second husband died, his mother came back to look after him herself. It is clear that young Isaac did not like his stepfather at all. Nearly ten years after his stepfather's death, when Newton was asked what was the worst sin he had ever committed, he replied that it was threatening to burn his mother and father and the house that they lived in.
  Newton's mother wanted him to be a farmer but he was not interested in that kind of work. Encouraged by an uncle and the headmaster of his school, in 1661 he went, at the age of eighteen, to Cambridge University. He had already shown great interest in scientific things and liked nothing better than making mathematical models.
  Soon after Newton went to Cambridge, the plague of the Black Death struck and Cambridge University was closed for about two years so that the disease would not spread among the scholars. Newton spent most of the time when the university was closed back home in Lincolnshire, studying on his own.
  He returned to Cambridge and completed his BA and was soon elected a fellow of Trinity College, in recognition of his brilliance as a mathematician. In 1669, when he was still only twenty-seven years old, he was appointed Professor of Mathematics, a post which he held for more than thirty years. Then, in 1672 he was invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society and continued as an active member until, in 1703, he was elected President. He was the first scientist ever to be awarded a knighthood, the crowning honor for a life committed to science.
The following are the answers to some questions related to Passage 2. Write in the questions on your answer sheet.
  11. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: In a small village in Lincolnshire in England.
  12. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: Three months before his birth.
  13. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: His grandmother (took care of him).
  14. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: Some seven years later.
  15. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: No, he didn't like his stepfather at all.
  16. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: A farmer.
  17. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: At the age of eighteen.
  18. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: Because the plague of the Black Death struck.
  19. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: Professor of Mathematics.
  20. Questions: ______________________________________________________?
   Answers: in 1703.
  Part 3
  Questions 21-30 are based on Passage 3.
  Passage 3
  Supporting the Elderly
1. China is growing old: by the end of 1996, the ratio between people of working age and pensioners was nearly 2:1. By the end of this century, the ratio will shrink, and by 2005 it will be 1:1.
2. A survey made by the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs has shown the pressures an aging population brings. Last year, the Ministry asked experts from Beijing University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to conduct a questionnaire among 3,610 families in six villages in Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui province. When asked about the most urgent problems needing a solution, 80.52 percent of the peasants questioned indicated security and support in their old age.
3. Before the people's Republic of China was founded in 1949, slow economic development meant an average life span of only 35 years. At present, with the rejuvenation of China's strength, the implementation of family planning and changes in people's concepts about rearing children, city dwellers are choosing to have and rear a better child. In the countryside, birth control has been accepted by more and more families. The average Chinese can expect to live into their 70s, and with a drop in birth rates and overall mortality, the aging of the population has suddenly become very noticeable.
4. In 1995, China's elderly population reached 120 million, 9.76 percent of the total population. By 2000, they will make up more than 10 percent of the total population, and China will have aged substantially. In 1993, the National Committee on Aging (now changed to the Chinese Association of Aging) was established, and similar organizations have been established at lower levels. With a growing number of retirees, almost every workplace has established a special office to handle pension affairs. These offices also inform retires of major issues both in China and around the world, set up various activities, and discuss and solve difficulties with medical care and daily life. On holidays or festivals, retirees are invited back to their workplace to receive a briefing of the year's work and to be extended traditional holiday greetings. For those who have difficulties in moving about, the workplace sends personnel to visit them at home. Retirees under the age of 80 get a birthday cake once every five years, and those 80 and above every year.
5. to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of senior citizens and see that they enjoy some dignity is a complicated project. On October 1, 1996 the Law on Guaranteeing the Rights and Interests of Senior Citizens was enforced, aiming to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, strengthen the awareness of their situation and carry forward Chinese traditions of respecting and supporting the old. According to the law, governments at various levels have to include retiree affairs in their planning, and increase investment in undertakings for the elderly year by year. Thus, the status of senior citizens is being given a more firm legal basis.
6. China already has so large an aged population; it will be hard to rely merely on government and work units to assume the burden of supporting them. Here, we'll call for some family support. Chinese stress family bonds and the tradition of respecting family elders goes back centuries. Of course, this is also advocated to some extent in other countries. For a long period to come, most of China's elderly will continue to be provided for by their families.
Find the following sentences in Passage 3 and answer the following questions. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
21. 'By 2000, they will make up more than 10 percent of the total population.' Who will make up?
22. 'For those who have difficulties in moving about, the workplace sends personnel to visit them at home.' Visit whom?
23. '... and to see that they enjoy some dignity is a complicated project.' Who enjoy?
24. '... strengthen the awareness of their situation and carry forward Chinese traditions of respecting and supporting the old' Whose situation?
25. 'According to the law, governments at various levels have to include retiree affairs in their planning...' whose planning?
Read Passage 3 again and find a word/phrase, which is similar in meaning to each of the following. The paragraph in which the word/phrase appears is indicated in brackets at the end. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
26. to carry out _________________________________________(paragraph 2)
27. to set up ______________________________________________ (paragraph 3)
28. to bring up ___________________________________________ (paragraph 3)
29. increasing ___________________________________________ (paragraph 4)
30. to deal with __________________________________________ (paragraph 4)
Part 4
Questions 31-40 are based on passage 4
Passage 4
Gary Finkle had his spinal cord severely injured in a swimming-pool accident seven years ago. A heavy-set, bearded man of 27, he is one of thousands of Americans who have lost virtually all feeling and movement from their shoulders down. He lives with his wife, Micky, and a female monkey named Jo outside the village of Andes, N.Y.
Gary is a participant in a remarkable enterprise called Helping Hands: Simian Aides for the disabled. The nonprofit organization supplies the disabled with trained monkeys that reduce the disabled person's dependency on family, friends and hired attendants.
Using his mouth, Gary controls a small laser pointer mounted on his wheel-chair. With it, he directs Jo to change books or cassette player. She brings him drinks from a refrigerator and clears away empties.
When asked, Jo will fetch the remote control for the TV and place it on Gary's working table where he can operate it with his mouthstick. The mouthstick is a quadriplegia's (四肢瘫痪者) primary tool. It can be used for practically everything: turning the pages of a book, dialing the telephone, changing channels on the TV, working at a typewriter or computer. If Gary's mouthstick drops to the floor, Jo will pick it up and gently reinsert it into his mouth.
"I can't imagine living without her," Gary says. He will always need human assistance for such things as getting in and and out of bed, bathing or changing his clothes. But having Jo lessens his reliance on Micky, enabling her to do things in town without worrying about her husband's welfare.
Read passage 4 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False on your answer sheet.
31. Gary Finkle was hadly injured in a car accident.
32. There are thousands of Americans who are unable to move from the shoulders down.
33. Gary Finkle divorced his wife after the accident.
34. Gary Finkle has a male monkey.
35. Helping Hands is a profit-making enterprise.
36. Simian Aides for the Disabled supplies monkeys for the disabled.
37. Gary uses a laser pointer to direct his monkey to change things for him.
38. Gary uses his mouthstick to dial the telephone.
39. Gary has to ask Micky for help if he drops his mouthstick.
40. Jo can heo; Gary get in and out of bed.
Part 5
Questions 41-45 are based on Passage 5.
Passage 5
The United States is a federal union of 50 states. The capital of national government is in Washington, D.C. (District of Volumbia). The federal constitution sets up the structures of the national government and lists its powers and activities. The constitution gives Congress the authority to make laws which are necessary for the common defense and the good of the nation. It also gives the federal government the power to deal with national and international problems that involve more than one state. All powers that are not given to the federal government by the constitution are the responsibility of the individual states.
The federal government has three branches-the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The legislative branch makes the laws, executive branch carries out the laws, and judicial branch interprets the laws. The President heads the executive branch and the Supreme Court heads the judicial branch. The legislative branch includes both houses of Congress-the Senate and the House of Representatives. The constitution limits the powers of each branch and prevents one branch from gaining too much power. For example, Congress can pass a Law the President may sign it. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court can declare the law unconstitutional and nullify (使无效) it.
All government in the United States is "of the people, by the people and for the people". The people elect the President and the members of Congress. However, the President appoints the heads of federal departments and the Supreme Court Judges. Every citizen votes in secret. Consequently, no one knows for whom an individual votes. The people believe that their government should provide a framework and order within which they are left free to run their own lives.
Read Passage 5 and answer the following questions. Make your answers as short and clear as possible. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
41. How many states does the United States have?
42. Where is the capital of national government?
43. What are the three branches of the federal government?
44. What does the legislative branch include?
45. Who appoints the heads of federal departments?

英语专业 英语阅读(2)试题答案及评分标准
Part 1 (20 points, 2 points each)
1. The Chinese
2. modern
3. Arthur Wynne
4. diamond
5. 1924
6. American
7. whole book of crosswords
8. 'Sunday Express'
9. 'Pearson's Magazine'
10. 'Sunday Times'
Part 2 (20 points, 2 points each)
11. Where was Newton born?
12. When did Newton's father die?
13. Who took care of him (when his mother remarried)?
14. When did Newton's mother's second husband (Newton's stepfather) die?
15. Did Newton like his stepfather?
16. What did Newton's mother want him to be?
17. At what age did Newton go to Cambridge University?
18. Why was Cambridge University closed for about two years?
19. Why was Newton appointed in 1669?
20. When was he elected President (of the Royal Society)?
Part 3 (20 points, 2 points each)
21. China's elderly population
22. Those who have difficulties in moving about.
23. Senior citizens.
24. The elderly.
25. governments at various levels.
26. conduct
27. found
28. rear
29. growing
30. handle
Part 4 (20 points, 2 points each)
31. F
32. T
33. F
34. F
35. F
36. T
37. T
38. T
39. F
40. F
Part 5 (20 points, 4 points each)
41. 50.
42. In Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia)
43. The executive, the legislative, and the judicial
44. It includes both houses of Congress-the Senate and the House of Representatives
45. The President.

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