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英语专业 英语阅读(2) 试题
   Part IQuestions 1--10 are based on Passage 1.
  Passage 1
  Agnes: That's what they call the Jews religion, isn't it?
  Simon: I know they go to the synagogue, on Saturdays, I think it is. Well, actually, the men and boys go and the other stays at home and pzepares a special meal. Or is that on Fridays? And they like their people to marry other Jews. Oh yes, and all the men wear those little hats on the back of their heads.
  Martha: I read somewhere recently that there are about thirteen million Jews in the world. Most of them -- I don't know how many -- live in the USA, although lots have moved to Israel from other parts of the world. They use the Hebrew language, I know that.
  Martin: Judaism is the religion "of the Jewish people. Their history is one of terrible suffering, being killed and chased out of the places where they've lived. Even now they've got Israel, they' re still having problems. I do know that there are more Jewish people living in the USA than there are in Israel. I seem to remember that there are about six million in the United States and only about half that number in Israel.Jack~ I've got a .lewish friend and he can never go out on a Friday evening, because he goes to the synagogue with his father. That's the beginning of their Sabbath day and then they have their Sabbath meal, with the whole family together.
  Jessica: I don't know any really strict Jewish people but I think they never eat pork. They l~ght lots of candles on a special candlestick before they eat. I don't know how many candles. Do you?
  Philip; Someone told me that those candlesticks which lots of us put in our windows at Christmas -- you know -- the ones which hold seven candles -- those are traditional Jewish candlesticks, whlch have stone special meaning for the Jewish religion.
  Heather: They are very strict with what they eat! They don~t eat pork and they don't have meat and dairy products at the same meal.
  Read Passage 1 and then write dawn the name of the person who is relevant to each of the following descriptions on your answer sheet. The first one is done for you as an example.
  Example: Agnes uncertain about the name of the Jewish religion
   1. ----------------------------- giving the information that fathers and sons go to the synagogue on Friday evenings.
   2. _----------------------------- unsure abont how many Jews live in the U. S. A
   3. ---------------------------------- unsure about when Jews go to the synagogue
   4. ----------------------------------give information that 6 million Jews live in the U. S. A
   5. -------------------- giving the information that Jt~daism is the name of the Jewish religion
   6. ----------------- giving the information that strict Jews don~t eat pork at all
   7. ----------------- uncertain about whether Jews ever eat pork
   8. ------------------ giving the information that traditional Jewish candlesticks hold seven candles
   9. --------------------uncertain about how many candles there are on the traditional Jewish candlesticks
   10. -----------------------giving the information that there are thirteen million Jews in the world
  Part II
  Questions 11--20 are based on Passage2.
   The crossword is the most popular word game in the world, but it has quite a short history. We know that the Romans wrote word squares and some people say that the Chinese had something like crossword puzzles eight thousand years ago, but it is generally believed that the modern crossword puzzle did not begin until 1913. In that year, a man called Arthur Wynne wrote a crossword which appeared in an American Sunday newspaper called the 'NewYork World. ' In fact, his crossword was not in the usual square shape. It was diamond-shaped.
   People who read the newspaper liked the crossword and so it became a regular feature of the paper.Then, in 1924, an American publisher, Simon and Schuster, decided to publish a whole book of crosswords, although they were not sure whether anyone would want to buy a copy.
  To increase sales, they gave away a free peucil and a free eraser with each book. The book was a huge success and very soon crosswords replaced mah-jong as the most popular game in the USA. Arthur Wynne moved to England and, on 2 November 1924, one of his crossword puzzles was printed in the 'Sunday Express~. Some people say this was the first crossword published in England but other people claim that the first one appeared in ' Pearson ' sMagazine~ in Febrfiary 1922. Then, on 11 January 1925, the first Prize Crossword was prlnted, in the ' Sunday Times . Everyone in England was doing crossword -- even Queen Mary, the Queen of England,and her Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin. And crosswords were believed to be the most important feature of British social life at that time.The enthusiasm for crosswords has continued until this day. And now attempts are being made to make up crosswords by computer. It's not too difficult to get a computer to produce the words to fill the squares but it is much more of a problem to program a computer to produce the clues:
  The following are the answers to some questions related to Passage 2. Write in the questions on your answer sheet.
   11. Questions: -------------------- ?
   Answers: No, it has a quite a short story.
   12. Questions: ------------------- ?
   Answers: The Chinese.
   13. Questions:--------------- ?
   Answers: In 1913.
   14. Questions: -------------------------------- ?
   Answers: Because people who read the newspaper liked the crossword.
   15. Questions: -------------------------------- ?
   Answers: They decided to publish a whole book of crosswords.
   16. Questions :-------------------------------- ?
   Answers: They gave away a free pencil and a free eraser with each book.
   17. Questions: ---------------------------- ?
   Answers: Mah - john.
   18, Questions: ---------------------------------?
   Answers.* In the 'Sunday Express'.
   19. Questions;--------------------------? ~
   Answers: The first Prize Crossword.
   20. Questions: -------------------------?
   Answers: Her Prime Minister was Stanley Baldwin.
  Questions 21--30 are based on Passage 3.
  Passage 3
  Chinese Marriages and Families'
1 1 China has 267 million families. About 10 million newlyweds establish new households every year, Many of these new households differ significantly from traditional families.
2 Today women play a major role in the family. The old patriarchal family is beingreplaced by a more or less equal spousal relationship. This change was not simply a result of Chinese laws that stipolste men and women are equals. Chinese women are receiving more education, are actively employed and are making significant contributions to, family incomes,Their financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 40 percent today.In some families it is even higher.
  3 Two national studies on the status of women reached similar conclusions.* Women have more power in the family. In cities, more women make decisions on family matters, a change many Chinese men are happy with.
  4 The concept of marriage is changing so that people now marry for happiness rather than to carry on the family line. In choosing a spouse, many will marry someone they love; otherwise they may choose to remain single. Most people hope to find a spouse who is well-educated and considerate. While they value love in a marriage, most people also consider the material well-being of a potential spouse. In both rural and urban areas, people have more say about who they marry.
5. China is rapidly changing from the traditional belief that more children means more happiness to the modern concept of fewer and healthier births. In less than two decades,China's fertility rate has dropped by more than 50 percent. Increasingly, young couples are postponing having a child to allow for their own personal growth and enjoyment. Some couples are declining to have children. In these eases, women generally play a pivotal role;this situation is most common in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
6 Starting a new household is replacing the tradition of marrying into the man's family. In a traditional marriage, the wife became a member of the husband~ s family. It was even stipulated by law that a wife must make her husband's home her legal residence. This meant that a woman was transferred from her parents~ home to her parents-in-law~s home, where she assumed a subordinate position.
7 After that new law was enacted in 1980, traditional marriages began disappearing in cities. Today, about half of all households are nuclear families; these households promote equality between men and women. In rural areas it is still common for a woman to move into the man's home when she marries.
8 Chinese marriages are still relatively stable even though peeple~s ideas and conduct have changed significantly since China's refo:m and opening to the outside world. The average age at which Chinese people first marry is between 22 and 23, thia age being somewhat lower in rural area~ and somewhat higher in the cities. China's marriage rate is high; very few people remain single their entire lives, Most women marry between the ages of 20 to 24.
9 In recent years the divorce rate has slowly climbed, but it is still only one-third to one-fifth that o~ developing countries such as India andThailand. The divorce rate in European and American countries is 10 times that of China. This indicates relative stability e~,enthough Chinese marriages and families are changing.Find the following sentences in Passage 3 and answer the following questions. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
   21. 'Their financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 40 percent today, ~ Whose contribution?
   22. '"'otherwise they may choose to remain single. ~ Who choose?
23. 'Increasingly, young couples are postponing having a child to allow for their own personal growth and enjoyment. ~ Whose own personal growth?
24. "..this situation is most commonin large cities... ~ Which situation?
25. ~'..but it is still only one-third to one-fifth that of developing countries... ~ What is?
Read Passage 3 again and find a word/phrase, which is similar in meaning to each of the following. The paragraph in which the word/phrase appears is indicated in brackets at the end.Write your answers on your answer sheet.
26. to take the place of (paragraph 2)
27. unmarried (paragraph 4)
28. to put off (paragraph 5)
29. unchanged (paragraph 8)
30. to rise (paragraph 9)
Part ~
Questions 31--40 are based on Passage 4
Passage 4
What is an au pair? An au pair is a single girl without any dependants who comes to the UK to learn English and to live as part of an English speaking family. She is not a domestic servant but may help in the housa for up to 5 hours a day for pocket money. Suitable tasks would be light housework and taking care of children. She should have one day each week completely free and she should be free to attend language classes and religious services if she wishes. Pocket money should be between 15 and 20 pounds per week and she should have her own room. Before she arrives she should have as much information as possible about the home she is going to and what she will be expected to do. She will find it helpful to have a letter from her hostess explaining the arrangements to show the immigration officer when she arrives. An au pair must be a single girl aged at least 17 and no older than 27 when she first becomes an au pair. She must be a national of a Western European Country which includes Malta, Cyprus and Turkey. The longest a girl may stay in the UK as an au pair is two years.A girl who has been in the UK before as an au pair will be allowed to come to the UK again as an au pair only if the total period is not more than two years. An au pair is not allowed to take a job in this country, Xl,e light household duties which are part of the au pair arrangement are not regarded as emplvyment, An au pair who is a national of a country which is not in the Commonwealth or European Community (EC) and who is admitted for longer than 6 months will normally have to register with the police. This will be shown in her passport. She must take her passport and two passport size photographs to a police station. She will have topay a fee, about 25 pounds. If an au pair wishes to stay longer than the time stamped in her passport she may apply either by post to Lunar House, Croydon, or in person at one of the Public Enquiry Offices.If she applies by post, it is a good idea to send any valuable documents by recorded delivery post. She should apply before the time limit on her permitted stay runs out. She must show that the arrangements are still those of an au pair. She may change host families during her time in the UK providing that the new arrangements are also those of an au pair.
Read Passage 4 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False on your answer sheet.
31. An au pair is an unmarried girl.
32. Au pairs usually come to the UK to visit their relatives.
33. Au pairs may earn some pocket money by doing some light housework.
34. Au pairs need to work every day:
35. Au pairs should share a room with somebody else.
36. Au pairs cannot be younger than 17.
37. Au pairs can not stay longer than two years.
38. An Au pair is allowed to take a part-time job.
39. EC stands for English community.
40. Au pair may change host families during their time in the UK.
Part V
Questioas 41--45 are based on Passage 5.
Passage 5
Without most people realizing it, there has been a revolution in office work over the last ten years. Before that time, large computers were only used by large, rich companies that could afford the investment. With the advancement of technology, small computers have come onto the market which are capable of doing the work which used to be done by much larger and expensive computers, so now most smaller companies can use them.The main development in small computers has been in the field of word processors, orWP's as they are often called. 40~~ of British offices are now estimated to have a word processor and this percentage is growing fast, There are many advantages in using a word processor for both secretary and manager.The secretary is freed ~rom a lot of routine work, such as re-typing letters and storing papers. He or she can use this time to do other more interesting work for the boss. From a manager's point of view, secretarial time is being made better use of and money can be saved by doing routine jobs automatically outside office hours.
But is it all good? If a lot of routine secretarial work can be done automatically, surely this will mean that fewer secretaries will be needed. Another worry is the increasing medical problems related to work with visua! display units. The case of a slow loss of sight among people using would processors seems to have risen greatly. It is also feared that if a woman works at a VDU for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed. Safety screens to put over a VDU have been invented but few companies in England bother to buy them.
Whatever the arguments for and against word processors, they are a key feature o~ this revolution in 9ffice practice.
Read.Passage 5 and answer the following questions. Make your answers as short and clear as possible. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
41. Who were the users of large computers ten years ago?
42. Why can smaller companies now use computers?
43. For a secretary, what are the advantages in using a word processor?
44. What does VDU stand for?
45. What are a key feature of the revolution in office practice?
试卷代号:2156 座位号
Part I (20 points, 2 points each. )
Part ]]. (20 points, 2 points each. )
Part III (20 points, 2 points each. )
Part 1V. (20 points, 2 points each. )
31. 32.
33. 34.
35. 35. 36.
37. 38.
39. 40.
     Part V (20 points, 4 points each. )
中央广播电视大学2003-2004学年度第一学期"开放专科"期末考试英语专业英语阅读(2)试题答案及评分标准 (供参考)
Part I (20 points, 2 points each)
1. Jack
2. Martha
3. Simon
4. Martin
5. Martin
6. Heather
7. Jesslca
8. Philip
9. Jessica
10. Martha
Part II (20 points, 2 points each)
11. Does the crossword have a long history?
12. Who had something like crossword puzzles eight thousand years ago?
13. When is it generally believed that the modern crossword puzzle began?
14.. Why did the crossword become a regular feature of the paper.
15. What did the American publisher, (Simon and Schuster) decide to do in 19247
16. What did they do (to increase sales)?
17. What did crosswords replace as the most popular game in the USA?
18. Where was one of Arthur Wynne's (his) crossword puzzles printed?
19. What was printed in the 'Sunday Times' on 11 January 19257
20. Who was Queen Mary's Prime Minister?
Part III (20 points, 2 points each)
21. Chinese women's.
22. Many (people).
23. Young couples'.
24. The situation that women play a pivotal role.
25. The divorce rate
26. replace
27. single
28. postpone
29. stable
30. climb
Part IV (20 points, 2 points each)
31. T 32. F 33. T 34. F 35. F
36. T 37. T 38. F 39. F 40. T
Part V (20 points, 4 points each)
41. Large, rich companies.
42. Because computers have become smaller and cheaper.
43. S/he can be freed from.a lot of routine work,
44. It stands for visual display units.
45. Word processors.
标 准

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