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英语语法 试题
注 意 事 项
  Information for the Examinees
  This examination consists of five parts. These are.
  Part I: Grammar in Reading (20 points)
  Part II: Grammar in Reading (20 points)
  Part m. Cloze (20 points)
  Part IV: Error Correction (20 points)
  Part V: Grammar in Writing (20 points)
  The total marks for this examination are 100 points.
  Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
Part I Grammar in Reading
Questions 1--10 are based on Part I
Directions: In the following text, the numbers 1--10 in brackets refer to the underlined parts of
the text that come after them, and to the questions below. Read the text first, and then answer
the questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Results for the current quarter show a (1)steeper growth in sales from last quarter and a
better market penetration of our more (2) specialized products. Not only have we managed
to capture a larger segment of the market, we also obtained a firmer grip on our preferred
section of (3) it. Even more significantly, (4) several polls show (5) increasing customer
confidence in our products and services, (6) which is expanding more steadily with every
(7) Reports from unit managers point to three trends (8) that explain these results:
more focused staff management, greater awareness of market needs and more economical use
of fewer resources. In all cases, a deeper understanding of cost-effective policies was key.
These are trends that (9) should be pursued even more consistently in future, so that our
role in the global market grows steadily broader, (10) in order to provide greater satisfaction
to our customers and our Board of Directors alike.
1. Can you add 'very' before this word?
2. Can you replace this by 'special'?
3. What does 'it' refer to?
4. Can you replace this by 'a few'?
5. Can you replace this by 'increased'?
6. Can you replace this by 'that'7
7. Can you replace this by 'Reporters'?
8. Can you leave out ' that ' here?
9. Can you replace this by 'ought to'?
10. Can you replace this by 'in order that'?
Part II Grammar in Reading
Questions ! 1-- 15 are based on Part II.
Directions: In the following text, the numbers 11--15 in brackets refer to the underlined parts
of the text that come after them, and to the questions below. Read the text first, and then
answer the questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
(11) I was looking forward to a perfect Sunday evening. My wife was out on a quick
errand, and as soon as she got back we would go for dinner at the new French restaurant. I
was shaving when the phone rang. "No need to rush, darling", my wife said, (12) "We're
not going anywhere tonight." I felt like (13) I was dreaming. "What happened?" She then
explained: "I was preparing to stop at a red light when a huge lorry crashed into me. (14)
The mudguard cut into the tyres, so I can't move the car. (15) The lorry driver said his
brakes broke. He looked very upset. I'll have to fill in the insurance papers, wait for the
towing service, and then I'll take a cab home. By the way, have we got anything to eat in
the fridge?"
11. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.
Example: She likes music. She doesn't like music.

12. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.
Escample: She likes music. She likes music, doesn't she?

13. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.

14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.

15. Change this sentence from indirect speech into direct speech. Follow the example.
Example: She said she liked music. She said, 'I like music, '

Part IH Cloze
Questions 16--20 are based on Part III.
Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in each blank in the text below.
Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
My parents are both (16) in reading and music, (17) my father prefers history
books while my mother likes to read novels and women's magazines. In music, their tastes
are similar, and they (18) tired of folk music. Most of the time, they are in agreement
on bringing up children. They both believe in giving their children love, and (19)
believes in punishing a child physically. At times, they agree with each other, but sometimes
they seem different. Perhaps that is (20) none of their children knows for sure which
parent he should follow.
16. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests
17. A. so B. because C. but D. for
18. A. have not B. has not been C. has never D. have never been
19. A. either B. neither C. all D. one
20. A. what B. how C. why D. which
Part IV Error Correction
Questions 21--30 are based on Part Ⅳ.
Directions: In the following text, there are altogether 10 errors, which are numbered and
underlined. Correct the errors. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
(21) Table manner are important in China. If one is invited to dinner, he (22) may not
be late and should bring some small gift (23) on the host. The oldest usually sit (24) face
the door or the window and (25) the others guests sit in order of their age. One should not
begin (26) eat until everyone is (27) seating. It is had manners to eat only from the best
dish, to talk with the mouths full and eat (28) neither too fast or too slow. If one finishes
(29) to eat and wishes to leave, he should say "Take (30) yours time, please" to the other
Part V Grammar in Writing
Questions 31--40 are based on Part V.
Directions: Below are 12 words and phrases. Select 10 of them and use their proper form to fill
in the gaps in the text. Each word or phrase can only be used once. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet.
away, another, his, through, walk, other, hide, on the ground, lie, its, be, die
Two friends (31) traveling (32) the forest when they met with a bear. The
one who was in great fear, climbed up into a tree and (33) himself, without thinking of
his friend. The (34) one found that he had no chance to run (35) , so he threw
himself (36) and pretended to be (37) , for he had heard that a bear could never
touch a dead body. As he thus (38) , the bear came up to his head, and smelt at (39)
nose and ears, but the man held his breath, and the beast, supposing him to be
dead, (40) away.

英语语法 试题答案及评分标准
Part I (20 points, 2 points each. )
1. No. 2. No.
3. The market. 4. Yes.
5. No. 6. No.
7. No. 8. No.
9. Yes. 10. No.
Part II (20 points, 4 points each. )
il. I was not looking forward to a perfect Sunday evening.
12. We're not going anywhere tonight, are we?
13. How did I/you feel like?
14. The tyres were cut into by the mudguard.
15. The lorry driver said, "My brakes broke/have broken".
Part [II (20 points, 4 points each. )
16. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. C
Part IV , (20 points, 2 points each. )
21. Table manners 22. should
23. to 24. facing
25. the other 26. to eat/eating
27. seated 28. either
29. eating 30. your
Part V (20 points, 2 points each. )
31. were 32. through
33. hid 34. other
35. away 36. on the ground
37. dead 38. lay
39. his 40. walked

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