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英语专业 英语语法 试题
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I. 从每题的A、B、C和D中选择一个最佳答案。把答案写在答题纸上(每题2分,共20分)
1.If I______time last Sunday,I would have gone to see you.
A.had had B. had
C. have had D. would have
2.He avoided______us a definite answer.
A. to give B. giving
C. give D. to giving
3. It was in this room________ the meeting was held.
A. which B.what
C.where D. that
4.She often helped us______________ the washing and cooking.
A. in B. on
C.for D. with
5.Moonlight is only sunlight_______ on the moon.
A.shone B. shining
C.shine D. shines
6.The village in_________ I lived when I was young has changed a lot.
A.that B.which
C.where D. when
7.John Hilton,_________ is a journalist,made an excellent speeeh at the meeting yesterday.
A.that B. them
C.who D. whose
8. _________ you use to walk to the office at that time?
A.Did B.Do
C.Are D. Were
9.When_________,ice will be changed into water.
A.heating B.heats
C.heated D.heat
10.If I_________ you,I would study Enelish harder.
A.am B.will be
C.were D.would be


When l opened the door,I saw a man on his knees.He 21 clearly 21 (listen) to our conversation and I wondered how much he 22 (hear).When l asked him what he 23 (do),he said that he 24 (drop) a 50p piece out side the door and 25 (look) for it.l didn't see any sign of the money,but I 26 (find)a small notebook and pencil which he had probably dropped when The door opened suddenly.So he 27 (take) note of our conversation! The notes were written in a foreign language,so I turned to the stranger and asked him to translate.But he pulled my hat over my eyes and 28 (run) off down the corridor.By the time l recovered from the shock he 29 (disappear) round the corner.Curiously enough,when l moved my foot l found that I 30 (Stand) on a 50p piece.Perhaps he had been telling the truth after all.

Paper is fast 31 one of the most useful products of the century. 32 are we using
more and more of it,but its uses are still increasing.You could build houses 33 it,eat from it,ride in it,and get married in it. 34 the paper products to come on the market in the past few years are clothes, 35 with dresses.They were bought by all sorts of people in many parts of the world.The first paper clothing was developed for men 36 did a great deal of travellling.It was easy to 37 .If the paper revolution continues,it may be possible some day to travel without any luggage.You can buy dresses,shirts,etc. 38 very little money,wear them 39 and throw them away.It is said that the day will soon come 40 people who get married can get the clothes they need at the church door.
31.A.become D.became C.becoming D.becomes
32.A.Not B.Only C.Not only D. Once
33.A.with B.for C.to D.on
34.A. During B.Among C. In D. On
35.A.start B.starts C. started D. starting
36.A.who B.whom C.whose D.that
37.A.carry on B.carry for C. carry about D. carry with
 38. A. with B. for C. to D. on
 39. A. a time B. once C. twice D. through
 40. A. after B. before C. if D. when

Ⅴ .阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容选择正确答案,把相应的题号写在答题纸上(每题4分,共20分)
   Recreation can be divided into three main kinds. These are those activities that require you to use the body end often involve hard physical activity. Then there are the pursuits that use the mind and do not require much physical exercise. Lastly there is enterta:inment when people sit back and watch something happening and usually don't need to use the mind or the body very much at all, but simply enjoy what is going on in front, or around them.
Skiing is a good example of a hard physical activity. However, you do need snow and most people prefer to ski iix mountains, although you can do flat cross country skiing. You also need the right equipment and clothing which 'is usually quite expensive. Then you have to travel to find good snow and mountains, but nowdays there are good skiing resorts in various parts of the world.
Reading for pleasure and chess are examples of pursuits using the mind. Reading is something you do on your own of course, whereas chess is a game that you play against someone and have to use your mind to win.
Going to the theatre or cinema, or watching TV are the most common forms of entertainment. Certainly people use their minds while they think about the things they watch in front of them, but they watch them for their own pleasure, interest and enjoyment. Basically, recreation is all about pleasure and interest in something that you choose to do and is not a formal education of work activity.
41. Which kind of recreation do you think playing tennis is according to the passage?
A. The first kind B. The second kind
C. The third kind D. None of the three
42. Which of the following do you need to have if you go skiing?
A. Snow B. Equipment
C. Clothing D. All of the three
   43. Which Of the following is true?
A. You have to go to mountains in order to ski.
B. Listening to radio is a good example of the second kind of recreation.
C. You can play chess on your own.
D. A game is an activity that involes hard physical exercise.
44. Which of the following is the most common form of entertainment?
A. Playing tennis. B. Cycling.
C. Going to cinema. D. Go fishing.
45. What is recreation all about?
A. It is a kind of interest. B. It is a kind of education.
C. It is a kind of activity. D. It is a kind of experience.

英语专业 英语语法 试题答案及评分标准
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. B
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C

11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D
16. B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. A

21. had "' been listening
22. had heard
23. had been doing/was doing
24. had dropped
25. had been looking
26. found
27. had been taking
28. ran
29. had disappeared
30. had been standing

31.C 32.C 33.A 34.B 35 D
36.A 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.D

41.A 42.D 43,B 44.C 45.A

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