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    英语专业 英语语法 试题
I.Find the choice that best completes each 0fthe f0Ilowing senten~es?(20%)
1. -- lovely weather!
A.How B.What
C.What a D.How a
2.You must learn the text --hcart.
A.from B.in
C.by D.with
3.He sold it--twenty dollars.
A.for B.with
C.to D.in
4.Li Ming and his younger sister nearly died--illuess?
A.from B。in
C.with D.of
5.The visitor C18imedto be afriend 0r--.
A.you B?yours
C.your D-your's
6.Our team,--got the f'trst plaee last year,was beaten thi。t'ime?
A.that B.what
C.which D.it
7.There must be some Other reasons for him--to help?
A.to refuse B.refus'lng
C.refUSed D.refuse
8.Alice has l'lyed in Chlna for ten years,so he--the life here?
A。usedto B.get usedto
C.go usedto D.has got usedto
9.Chrislianity__a worldWl'de religion s'ince'it began almost two thousand years ago
A,beealIle B.becomes
C.has become D.had becom。
10?George didn~t want to come to the cinema with us because he the fiIm
A.saw B.has seen
C.had seen D.sees
ll?The trai'n was supposed--at 11:30,bUt'It was 40 minutes 1ate.
A?to arrive B.arr'iv'ing
C?arrived D.to arriving
1 2_--weIeave,--weWln arri've.
A.The early,the soon B.The earIier。the sOOn
C.The early,the sooner D.The earlier.the sooner
1 3.--more than two thousand tons,the automati。c forgilng press is operatedby
?ne worker only。
A-Weighed B。Welghing
C?To weigh D.Weighs
14t If you--more clothes,you wouldn't have caught coId.
A-put on B.Would put oft
C-had put on D.have put on
15.Women have--.equal say in affalrs at home.
A.a B.the
C./ D.an
l6--Europe and--Ametica are separated bY--Atlantic 0cean.
A.The,the,the B./,/,the
C.The,the,/ D.A,an。the
17.It's a great honour__at this spIendid entertainment.
A-being present B.to be present
  C-to present D.to presenting
   18.Themotherwas--when she sawtnem--soweIl at SChooL
   A.pleased,doing B.pleasing,doIng
   C.pleased,to d0 D.pleasing,do
   19.Would you mind--t his suitcase for me?
   A.carrying B.to carry
   C.carried D.carry
   20.The idea--forward by Prof.Liu--great interest among us.
   A.puts,arouses B.put,arouslng
   C.put,aroused D.puts,aroused
  Ⅱ.Fi11 the four tindcrIjned p8rts in eseh of the fowing sentences d30se the one that is wrong.(10%)
   21.Even on Sundays,fewer people goto the church than beore.
   A B C D
   22.Let you and me bear in mind that there is no such thing as ghost.
   A B C D
   23.If the polceman would have arrived earlier,he would have seen the accident.
   A B C D
   24.M0dern advertislng is used as freguently to promote ideas and positions as it is to
   A B C
  sale products.
   25.We city dwellers often fail taking advantage 0f our many opportunities for
     A B C
  cultural enjoyment.
   26."Let's get to the point,Mary,and stop to beat about the bush,as I haven't got
   A B C
  time to waste,"said John.
   27,When the tank car carried the polsonous gas ran off the ralls,the firemen tried
   A B C
  to isolate the village from all traffic.
      28. Forests provide natural beautiful, prevent erosion, and furnish food and cover
        A B C D
      for wildlife.
      29. The castle,that was burn down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt.
       A B C D
      30. The boat, loaded by passengers, left the port early that morning.
       A B C D
111. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. (20~) Yesterday afternoon We 31 (walk)along the road when we 32 (hear) someone shout, "Help! Help!" He called out several times before we 33 (can)see him. He was in a lake, about a hundred feet from the shore. There 34 (be) a small boat nearby. We 35 (know) immediately what 36 (happen). He 37 (fall) from the boat and could not swim well enough 38 (reach)it or to get to the shore. As we 39 (run)toward the lake, I saw him 40 _(sink), and I was certain that he 41 (drow). But in a moment his head appeared again. Quickly John 42 (take) off his shoes, jumped into the water, and started 43 (swim)toward the drowning man. He reached him just as the man 44 (go) down again. He was close enough to stretch out his hand and try 45 (take), hold of the man's clothing or his hair before he 46 (sink). But the man threw out his arms in fear, 47 (catch)John around the neck, and began 48 (draw) him down under the water. John 49 (fight) to keep his head above the water and at the same time tried to swim toward the boat, 50 (pull) the man with him.
      IV. Transform each of the following sentences into a required one. (20~)
       51. We found all our seats occupied.
       Passive voice: (被动语态)
       52. He took a plane to Beijing yesterday.
       Emphasize the underlined element in the sentence: (变成强调句型, 强调划线部分)
       53. As she was the elder sister, she tried to set a good example.
       A simple sentence: (简单句)
       54. She said to him, "Don't make a mess in the kitchen".
       Indirect speech: (间接引语)
       55. Although we fished all day, we didn't catch a thing.
       A compound sentence: (并列句)
       56. You should not forget to bring your homework here tomorrow.
       An imperative sentence: ( 祈使句 )
       57. Tom had just started driving his new ear when he had an accident.
       Using inversion of the subject and verb: (主谓倒装)
       58. We asked/told/warned him to give up smoking and do a lot of exercise.
       Direct speech: (直接引语)
       59. His leg was broken. He lay in bed for weeks.
       snbjunctive mood: (虚拟语气)
       60. He sent a telegram. He wanted his mother to learn the good news in time.
       A complex sentence with an adverbial clause of purpose: (带有目的状语从句的复合句)
      V. Cloze. (20%)
       Most young people 61 some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling,or swimming, or 62 winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some 63 --football, hockey(曲棒球), golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering (登山运动). Those 64 have a passion for 65 high and difficult mountains are often 66 with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to 67 cold and hardship, and. 68 risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, 69 , by the difference 70 mountaineering and other forms of activity to 71 men give their 72 . Mountaineering is a sport and 73 a game. There are no man-made rules, 74 there are for such games 75 golf and football. There are, 76 , rules of a different kind, 77 would be dangerous to 78 , but it is this freedom 79 man-made rules that makes mountaineering 80 to many people.
    61. A. liked B. enjoyed C. enjoy D. love
    62. A. in B. on C. from D. with
    63. A. form B. sport C. sorts D. kind
64. A. which B. who C. what D. whom
65. A. climbing B. going C. rising D. enjoying
66. A. dealt B. eoped C. looked upon D. disgusted
67. A. catch B. suffer C. diverse D. overcome
68. A. to make B. tO hold C. to get D. to take
69. A. however B. logically C. plecisely D. probably
70. A. among B. in C. between D. on
71. A. which B. that C. what D. it
72. A. happy B. leisure C. free D. play
73. A, no B. not C. also D. but
74. A. such as B. i, e. C. possibly D. as
75. A. as B. like C. for D. with
76. A. for examp|e B. then C. perhaps D. of course
77. A. what B. which C. whatever D. somewhat
78. A, behave B. list C. ignore D. imply
79. A. away B. from C. apart D. for
80. A. luxurious B. painful C. noticeable D. attractive
V1. Fill in each blank with an appropriate expression chosen from the list. (10)
(groups, at, that, of, varying, talking, idea, attend, along, against, however)
   The people began 81 a lot about women's Liberation. 82 first I did not take it seriously. I thought 83 the women in the movement were just unhappy and hitter. I had the 84 that they hated men whereas I myself had nothing 85 men at all. 86 , I was encouraged by a friend to 87 a meeting and so I went 88 a new group in North London. There are Women's Liberation 89 in each area of London 90 in size and in their particular interests.
   试卷代号:2154 座位号
    I. Find the choise that best completes each of the following sentences. (20%)
   I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
   6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
   11. 12 13 14 15
   16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
   11. From the four underlined parts in each of the following sentences choose the one that is wrong. (10 % )
   21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
   26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
11I. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs given in the brackets. ( 20 % )
    31. 32. 33. 34.
    35. 36. 37. 38.
    39. 40. 41. 42.
   43 44 45 46
   47 48 49 50
   IV. Transform each of the following sentences into a required one. (20%)
    V. Cloze. (20%)
   61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
   66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
   71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
   76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
   V11. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate expression chosen from the list. (10%)
   81. 82. 83. 84. 85.
   86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
1. 每题1分共20分.
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10, C
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D
16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C
lI. 每题1分共20分.
21. C 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. C
26. B 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B
Ill. 每空1分,共20).
31. were walking 32. heard
33. could 34. was
35. knew 36. had happened
37. had fallen 38. to reach
39. ran 40. sink
41. had drowned 42. took
43. swhnming 44. was going
45. to take 46. sank
47. caught 48. to draw
49. fought 50. pulling
51. All our seats were found occupied.
52. It was yesterday that he took a plane to Belling.
53. Being the elder sister, she tried to set a good example.
54. She told him not to make a mess in the kitchen.
55. We fished all day, but we didn't cateh a thing.
56. Do't forget to bring your homework here tomorrow,
57. Hardly had Tom started driving his new car when he had an accident.
58. We told him, "Give up smoking and do a lot of exercises.
59. If his leg hadn't been broken, he wouldn't have lain in bed for weeks.
60. He sent a telegram so that his mother could learn the good news in time.
61. C 62. A 63. D 64. B 65.A
66.C 67. B 68 D 69. D 70.C
71. A 72. B 73. B 74.D 74. D 75. A 76. D 77.C 78. C 79. B 80. D
81, talking 82. At
83. that 84. idea
85, against 86. however
87. attend 88. along
89. groups 90. varying

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