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英语专业 英语听力(3) 试题
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Section One
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a short passage; B. a short dialogue. Fill in the
blanks as you listen to the recording. You will hear the recording only once. (20 points)
Kathy bought a cheap car so that she could save (1) on bus fares. Everything
was (2) with it, except for the engine and gearbox. When a policeman knew that
the speedometer didn't (3) , he told her it was against the (4) to drive
without knowing her (5) Kathy smiled at him sweetly and told him that she
always knew how (6) she was driving. She said, "Up to (7) miles an
hour, the doors rattle. Between 31 and (8) miles an hour, the whole car rattles.
(9) 50 miles an hour, I rattle."
F Thames Travel. "
M Oh, hello. I'm ringing about your advertisement in the (10) paper.
F Just a moment. Can you hold (11) , please? Right. Can I help you?
M Yes, about your ad in the paper.
F Is that the (12) about the Canary Islands?
M No, no. It's the Overland (13) Greece.
F Oh, yes, leaving on the (14) . We still have some vacancies.
M Could you tell me Something about the (15) arrangements? Which
countries do you (16) through?
F Belgium, Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia and then Greece.
M It says in the advert (17) pounds. Is that including accommodation?
F Yes.
M And how long does the journey (18) ?
F It takes about (19) days to Greece. The whole holiday is five weeks.
M Five weeks. Well, I'll have to think it (20) Thank you very much.
F Thank you.

Section Two
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a news story; B. a conversation. Decide whether
the following statements are T (True) or F (False). You will hear the recording twice. (30
(21)The training for adults who work in low-skilled jobs or have no jobs is still not
(22)The difference in incomes between the better educated and the poorly educated is
becoming smaller.
(23)South Korea is one of the OECD countries.
(24)There are now more men university graduates than women in OECD countries.
(25) University-educated women in many countries earn less than similarly qualified
(26)The law, called No Child Left Behind, has improved student performance a lot.
(27)The advantage of the American Education System is in its higher education.
(28)Almost 40% of foreign students choose to study in the universities in the US.
(29)Mike is an actor.
(30)Doing a new play every week was difficult but enjoyable.
(31)Mike also did a lot of television drama.
(32)Mike wants to make more money by doing television adverts.
(33)Mike is writing a novel about a love story at the moment.
(34)Next summer Mike is doing a play.
(35)Mike is going to act in a German film.
Section Three
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a conversation and B. a news story. Choose the best
answer to each of the following statements. You will hear the recording only once. (20 points)
(36) According to the conversation, the Leisure Centre is NOT a place for
A. cinema B. sports C. restaurants
(37) The Leisure Centre will be a place for
A. young adults B. old people C. both young and old
(38) The man is interested in
A. playing chess B. discos C. computers
(39) The meeting in the town hall starts at
A. 9.30 B. 8.30 C. 8
(40) The man is not sure he could attend because
A. he doesn't care about the meeting
B. he may have to work late
C. he lives far away
(41) The new medical privacy rules protect the rights of
A. the medical staff
B. the patients
C. the general public
(42) The rules were approved and will take effect in years.
A. 7 B; 2 C. 3
(43) Patients will have to give written permission for to use their medical
A. doctors and nurses
B. anyone except themselves
C. people other than doctors or hospitals
(44) Anyone violating the rules will be put into prison for up to
A. 10 years B. 2 years C. 12 years
(45) Which is correct concerning the influence of the rules?
A. Financial companies can better support patients
B. The cost of medical treatment will be reduced
C. Information for scientific research will be restricted
Section Four
Directions: In this section, you are going to hear a market survey on fast food. Complete the
following chart as you listen to the recording. You will hear the recording twice. (20 points)

Section Five
Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage four times. Listen carefully and don't
write during the first reading, during the second and third reading, try to write what you've
heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time. (10

英语专业 英语听力(3) 试题答案及评分标准
Section One (20 points, 1 point each)
(1) money (2) wrong (3) work (4) law (5) speed
(6) fast (7) 30 (8) 50 (9) Over
(10) local (11) on (12) one (13) to (14) 12'h
(15) travel (16) go (17) 500 (18) take (19) ten/10
(20) over
Section Two (30 points, 2 points each)
(21) T (22) F (23) T (24) F (25) T
(26) F (27)T (28) F
(29)T (30)F (31)T (32)T (33)F
(34)T (35)F
Section Three (20 points, 2 points each)
(36) C (37) C (38) A (39) B (40) B
(41) B (42) B (43) C (44) A (45) C
Section Four (20 points, 2 points each)
46) hamburgers/burgers 47) pizza
48) Friday 49) weekends
50) evening(s) 51) main
52) T(rue) 53) F(alse)
54) T(rue) 55) T(rue)

Section Five (10 points)
Robert loves to smoke cigarettes. He smokes about 20 cigarettes a day. One day he
went to bed while smoking a cigarette arid fell asleep before finishing it. Soon his bed caught
fire, and the whole room was in flames. Fortunately, the fire was at last put out and Robert
was rescued. Later he said he would never smoke again。

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