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英语(教、商)专业 英语听力(3) 试题
Section One
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a short passoge~ B. a short dialogue. Fill in the
blanks as you listen to the recording. You'll hear the recording only once. (20 points)
When Jenny and Simon received a 1 from a woman who they thought was a 2
aunt, they were happy that she had decided to spend the 3 of her life with them. They
were 4 she would leave them money in her 5 . When she arrived, Jenny and Simon
gave her the 6 room in the house for her 7 , and cooked delicious meals for her.
Unfortunately, she was the kind of old woman who was 8 happy and always
complaining. She made their lives miserable. It was not until she 9 that they found ou!
she was not their aunt at all.
F Excuse me, Officer, i'd like to report a theft.
M All right, just a second. Your name, please?
F Ann Williams.
M 10 ?
F 15 Marlborough Road.
M When did the theft happen?
F About 11 an hour ago.
M I.,et's see. About half past three?
F Yes.
M What was 12 9
F My handbag. I felt someone pull...
M Could you describe it, please? The handbag.
F Yes. it was 13 leather, with a long shoulder strap. Quite 14 , and very
M Where did it happen?
F Outside the 15 in the main road. I've lost everything.
M What was in the bag?
F My cheque book, 16 , credit cards. And my 17 and a plane ticket. I have
to fly to Paris tomorrow.
M No 18 9
F Oh, yes. About 80 pounds and some euros.
M I see. What did the thief look like?
F Thieves, there were 19 of them. I can't remember very well. They were both
young with dark hair, short hair. One was tall, he was wearing a leather 20 . I
really can't remember the other one. Do you I hink there's any chance of finding
the bag?
Section Two
Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a news story; B. a conversation. Decide whether
the following statements are T (True) or F (False). You will hear the recording twice. (30
( )21. HSNI virus was found in Egypt this week.
( )22. An EU meeting was held in F'aris tn discuss the situation.
( )23. Since the end of 2003, there have been 91 human victims.
( )24. The virus appeared in Nigeria possibly through trade in farm animals.
( )25. African farmers are asked to sell the dead birds immediately.
( )26. Asian countries suffered a loss of about 10 million dollars.
( )27. You can touch wild birds hut not pouhry t~) birds.
( )28. The man wants to buy a suit.
( )29. The customer knows his size very well.
( )30. The shopkeeper asks him to try a suit on.
( )31. The suit costs $ 284.
( )32. The trousers are a bit small.
( )33. It costs $40 to alter the trousers.
( )34. The customer thinks $ 40 is too expensive.
( )35. The trousers will be ready by Friday.
Section Three
Directions.. In this section, you will hear A. a conversation and B. a news story. Choose the
best answer to each of the following statements. You will hear the recording only once. (20
36. The woman was when her car was stolen.
A. shopping
B. at home
C. at her friend's home
37. The woman left the car in Henley Street for __
A. 3 hours
B. over 2 hours
C. less than 2 hours
38. The woman parked her car of the shop.
A. in the loading area
B. in the shopping area
C. in a "No Parking" area
39. The woman's car is now
A. at the back of the shop
B. in a place where stolen cars are stored
C. at the headquarters of the mobile branch of the police
40. The woman will to go to get her car.
A. take a taxi
B. take a bus
C. take a train
41. Clots develop in the legs when __
A. a person stands in a certain position
B. the blood in the heart cannot reach the leg
C. a person sits too long
42. The recent death of a (an) passenger linked blood clots to long flights.
A. British
B. Japanese
C. Australian
43. People who __ are more likely to develop blood clots.
A. have had a recent travel
B. have cancer or have just had an operation
C. take blood pressure control pills
44. It is most important to __ when making long trips.
A. wear warm clothes
B. have enough sleep
C. increase blood flow in the legs
45. Which of the following is N()'I advi~:d Io do?
A. Take an aspirin before the trip.
B. Press tile knees against the seat.
C. Move the feet ami legs every two hours.
Section Four
Directions.. In this section, you are going to hear a conversation between an interviewer and an
expert about the biggest cities in the world. Complete the following chart as you listen to the
recording. You will hear the recording twice. (20 points)
In 1950 Position in top i0 Population
New York 1 12 million
London 47 48 million
Caleutta 50 4 million
Tokyu 52 6 million
In 2010 Position in top 10 Population
New York 46 14 million
Mexico Cily I 49 million
Calemla 4 5l million
Tokyo 3 53 million
Shanghai / 54 million
Seoul / 55 million
Section Five
Directions: in this section, you will hear a short passage four times. Listen carefully and don't
write during the first reading, during the second and third reading, try to write what you' ye
heard on your Answer Sheet. Check your writing when the passage is read the fourth time. (10

英语(教、商)专业 英语听力(3)
Section One (20 points, I point each)
1. letter 2. rich 3. rest 4. sure 5. will
6. best 7. bedroom 8. never 9. died
10. Address 11. half 12. stolen 17,. black 14. large
15. bank 16. purse 17. passport 18. money 19. two
20. jacket
Section Two (30 points, 2 points each)
21. T 22. F 23. T 24. T 25. F
26. F 27. F
28. T 29. F 30. T ?,1. F 32. F
33. T 34. F 35. T
Section Three (20 points, 2 points each)
36. A 37. B 38. C 39 C 40. B
41. C 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. B
Section Four (20 points, 2 points each)
46. 6 47. 2 48. 10 49. 26 50. 10
51. 16 52. 3 53. 18 54. 14 55. 13
Section Five (10 points)
James had a terrible toothache. It kept him awake all night. His cheek was swollen and it
was difficult for him to eat or drink. So James went to see the dentist. The dentist gav~
James an injection and quickly pulled out the tooth. When James got home, he found the
tooth that had been giving him so much trouble was still there!

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