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英语语音 试题
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  I ~ Which did you hear? (1 point for each correct answer)
Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Mark the corresponding letter in
  your answersheet. Each of the words will be read twice.
   1. A. fool B. feel C. full D. fill
   2. A. heart B. heard C. hot D. hood
   3. A. dark B. dug C. duck D. dog
   4. A. calm B. came C. come D. comb
   5. A. caught B. cat C. eot D. cart
   6. A. harm B. home C. hum D. whom
   7. A. month B. mouth C. mouse D. Morse
   8. A. dawn B. done C. dumb D. dump
   9. A. taught B. tart C. tot D. tit
   10. A. cap B. cop C. cup D. cape
   II ~ Listen and respond. (2 points for each correct answer)
Choose the correct answers/responses to the questions you hear. Mark the corresponding letter
   in your answersheet. Each of the sentences will be read twice.
   1. A. Yes, of course. It looks heavy, but isn't really.
   B. Yes, of course. I can put them in several bags.
   2. A. A cup with a red apple.
   B. A cop with a gun.
   3. A. We have to build a fire first.
   B. We have to get a hammer.
   4. A. I was interested in the paintings on the bell.
   B. I was trying to read it.
   5. A. I don't know yet. Maybe Spain.
   B. No, because. I've got a lot of work to do.
III. How do you pronounce the word? (2 points for each correct word)
Listen to the following sentences and write down the phonetic symbols of the underlined words.
  Each of the sentences will be read twice.
   Example: I bought a new raincoat the other day. /'reinkout/
   1. They only sell portable television sets.
   2. Thanks for your kind invitation.
   3. I'm sharing a room with two other girls.
   4. When he was four years old, he had an accident.
   5. In 1987, there was a competition to encourage people to drive more carefully.
   6. You must remember to shut down your computer every evening.
   7. That smells lovely. What delicious food!
   8. The advertisement can be seen in all the top newspapers.
   9. I think in the future men will live on Mars.
   10. New technology will allow us to educate people in new ways.
  IV. Intonation units. (1 point for each sentence)
Listen to the following sentences and mark out the intonation units. Each of the sentences will
  be read twice.
   Example: Those who sold quickly/ made a profit.
   1. It was at this moment precisely that he found he could not rise.
   2. At this point it is essential that you realize the importance of the meeting.
   3. Within a few hours you have sent thousands of communicative messages.
   4. Didn't you see the dense crowd in front of the building.
   5. After five minutes, the two changed their roles.
   6. Afterwards she went to the butcher's and asked for some dog meat.
   7. Wha!'s the most embarrassing experience that you've ever had.
   8. Miss Smith went out with the baby and a book.
   9. She opened her eyes and saw the girl at the door.
   10. We need to plan ahead in order to avoid a loss of crops and plants.
  V. Nucleus. (2 points for each sentence)
Listen to the following sentences and mark out the nucleus of each of the intonation units. The
  dialogues will be read twice.
  A.. Good morning, ( )Madam.
  B: Good ( ) Morning, my name is Lin ( ) Xiaoyan. I have a reservation for a
   single ( )room.
  A. Could you spell your name, ( )please?
  B. Yes, of ( )course. Lin-L-I-N Xiaoyan- X-I-A-O-Y-A-N.
  A. Ah yes, thank you. Reservation number 982. It's room 42. Could you tell me your
   car number ( )please?
  B: I don't have a car.
  A. Your keys, ( )Madam.
  B: Thank you. Could you call me at a quarter to seven, please?
  A. Certainly, Madam, would you like( ) tea or ( )coffee?
  B. Oh, no, thank you.
  A. Could you sign the register, please?
  B. Yes, of course.
  A: Dinner is from 7 o'clock. Would you like to make a reservation for dinner in the
   restaurant this ( )evening?
  B. No, thank ( )you, not this ( )evening.
VI. Dictation (3 points for each correct phrase)
Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words or phrases. The passage will be read
three times. During the second reading, a short pause will be given after each of the sentences
with missing words.
Good children must be good (1) at school. They should work hard at all
subjects and do what is given to them on(2) . They should develop the ability to
care for themselves, to try not to (3) too much on their parents, to think
independently and to work in a planned (4) . They ought to respect teachers, have a
cooperative attitude towards schoolmates and always be (5) to help others.
At home, good children should be tidy and hard (6) . Besides schoolwork they
should help their parents with housework and be always ready to show respect and gratitude
to their (7) whenever their parents do something for them. They should also be
very considerate towards their entire (8) . They ought to please their family with
something that makes them (9) and feel good. When it is necessary to talk to their
parents about their personal (10) , they should talk nicely and calmly, getting ready
to take advice from their parents since they are much more experienced in life.

英语语音 试题答案及评分标准

I. Which did you hear? (10 points, 1 point for each correct answer)
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B
II. Listen and respond. (10 points, 2 points for each correct answer)
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A
III. How do you pronounce the word? (20 points, 2 points for each correct word)

IV. Intonation units. (10 points, 1 point for each sentence)
Example: Those who sold quickly/ made a profit.
1. It was at this moment precisely / that he found he could not rise.
2. At this point / it is essential / that you realize the importance of the meeting.
3. Within a few hours/you have sent thousands of communicative messages.
4. Didn't you see the dense crowd/ in front of the building?
5. After five minutes, / the two changed their roles.
6. Afterwards / she went to the butcher's / and asked for some dog meat.
7. What's the most embarrassing experience/ that you've ever had?
8. Miss Smith went out with the baby/and a book.
9. She opened her eyes/and saw the girl at the door.
10. We need to plan ahead/in order to avoid a loss of crops and plants.
V. Nucleus. (20 points, 2 points for each sentence)

VI. Dictation (30 points, 3 points for each correct phrase)
1. students 2. time 3. depend 4. way 5. ready
6. working 7. parents 8. family 9. happy 10. problems

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